I think them dwindling down the prize parts to two instead of three started with Maximum Garuda. Maybe they realized how many people got Atomic or something.
Now to me, the order from best to worst goes like this: sR (Obviously), then aC being a close close second, then it's Dragoon, kD, Driger, bR, Y2 and Q2 being the worst pull. Here is why:
sR.5S.Tw obviously being the prize is my most wanted one, it has a Star that is easier (maybe) to get, and that new driver. Plus it's a show beyblade, and normally, I have to go for the show beyblade. I don't like 5 that much but it's alright to have I guess.
aC.R.Tw the layer recolour looks AMAZINGGGGG! Even though I found normal aC to look okay, this red one is so sooo good! I would use it on a personal combo if I could! Ring is a cool disk, I like it, and we get a completely different Tw, in this nice red, which matches the layer so well!
Dg.5M.Lp that layer recolour does looks quite nice, it sorta reminds me of that black Dragoon S recolour. 5 is okay and Meteor, well I don't really care about Meteor but it's alright to have. I like this Loop recolour a lot, it's green and awesome.
kD.QLp I originally put this as third best but I found the Loop recolour to be very same-y. That aside, I do like the kD recolour and Quarter is a cool disk, I would place this on par with Dragoon S as a pull actually.
Di.4V.Hn I think the yellow Driger looks awesome, although I still prefer the green one. 4 is an okay disk, it is useful. Vortex in that colour looks fairly nice too and Hunter isn't that great of a driver nor do I care for it, it does have the nice Xcalibur Xtreme colour. Maybe I'll use it for sX instead then.
bR.T.R The green bR is kinda meh, the black bR is vastly superior looking. It's not a bad recolour but probably the worst bR one. Triple sucks, I hate it. Revolve is cool, and hey look, another green one! A meh pull overall though.
Y2.8M.Q I like the Y2 recolour a lot, but unlike the red aC, it doesn't make me don't care for the layer more, probably because it's useless. 8 is nice but I could get it somewhere else. Meteor again I don't care that much for and I do like Quake to an extent, but I am planning on getting 3 on 3 set for that anyway.
Q2.4S.Fl By far the worst pull. I love the original Q2.J.P, but this Q2 is definitely the weakest pull. The recolour looks fairly decent but not amazing that it makes me want it much, I kinda prefer blue Q2 over this so far. 4 is okay but I could get it somewhere else, Star is okay too but again, the prize beyblade is the better option. Flugel isn't a good driver and I don't really like it. It's not as bad as some other weakest pulls like H2.V.J, P2.6C.Sp or Dz.6C.Sp but I still don't this one as much.
As a whole this set is weaker than 7 and especially 6. I will still try for the ones I want though, but I'll probably do it a bit later.
My Cho-Z Reaper Deathscyther .12.Cr concept render, click below to see!
No I don't plan on doing more yet.
I should probably go back to making fan custom Zero G beyblade concepts again