Driger V2 will generally mess up any weight based defense combo - they're right in the middle of the range of things Driger V2 laughs at. Going with CMCB would give you a better shot as otherwise it has a ridiculous stamina advantage against you in addition to the regular abilities it has (including hitting you right on that recoily blade base).
Counterintuitive as it may be, going for the KO might be the best option because it's going to destabilise you and a good Driger V2 setup has a better weight distro than Weight Based Defense combos
For the record, wide defense/sgmbb/tiger defenser are all parts I'm not fond of for weight defense. First and Last sacrifice major reasons to use the type (overall defense and weight for smashing into your opponent mid-air, Force Smash which basically provides almost all of the types versatility) and sgmbb is pretty much outclassed - the three together are quite a bad mismatch too - if there's any reason to use SGMBB it's increased aggression and maybe extra weight - you don't need wide defense for the aggression though with SGMBB's stamina I could see it helping, but you should never stick Tiger Defenser on SGMBB - Tiger/Roller Defenser are for Defense and thus absolutely belong on a base that isn't recoil prone/can actually catch a tornado ridge, Customize Metal Change Base. And even with all that, Circle Survivor Defense then has a bunch of things that are probably more worthwhile. Wide Defense, well, if you want to outspin things with a weight based defense custom, a) probably don't use SGMBB and b) you're better off going with Force Smash from Smash Turtle and Ten Heavy, really.
Triple Tiger hits a bit harder than Triple Wing generally (I was actually just writing about it, but with how big its contact points are, it has astonishingly low recoil - all due to the fact they're basically perfectly angled for efficient energy transfer to the opponent) and on SG Metal Flat Base (GDV Version) if you have wide defense Cross Griffon is also better than Triple Wing really - though tbh it's one of the setups where I've been less impressed by Triple Tiger comparatively.
Also for smash (and any upper gained with triple tiger isn't worth it there), HMC <<<<<<< practising banking - really, it's everything you don't want in a smash attack custom (centred weight does not help their recoil enough to compensate for the increased recoil trouble from the speed loss), and the entire reason people used it aside from that was "controllability" - which is bull, an MG core on SGMF2 is perfectly controllable if you practice banking and experiment enough with your launch.
Driger V2 actually beats a lot more out of the box than Driger S - it's heavy (not sure if it's the heaviest uncustomized beyblade but it has to be near to it at the least), very easy to hit things with and its "scraping" problems are one of the most overstated things this side of 10bBistool's competitive ability - it has a really wide weight distribution and as a result the point where they actually hit the floor comes extremely late in the match (and they really don't scrape as bad as you think, most of the perimeter is still round after all!)
It'll also win the head to head with Driger S given a good launch (usually by KO but without an HMC in driger s it would probably manage to destabilise it pretty easily too), and in more recent times uncustomized/barely customized Driger V2's have made a massive impact at tournaments - I still blame understatement of its abilities on the since-rewritten BeyWiki article for my own loss to one (though by this I mean no slight to r0ckbull, the guy is great with plastics and he had the experience).
It's always nice to have members from a while back return - Sylver did the same and he's been a godsend to have around for me personally (and the same goes for Kai Hiwatari, who I haven't seen much of lately sadly). Plastics has changed a bit in the past couple of years in particular - I went on a big plastics kick and I'm, well, I like knowing things and checking things and trying stuff out so a lot of things were looked at, and some didn't hold up - and other things did - though it's definitely not all me - Circle Survivor Defense re-emerging is one of the most significant things I saw and that started I think with LeeDraciel using one at a tournament - the type had through lack of documentation aside from sparse references on the topic of Zombie Killers (hardly their most notable attribute - something about being completely impervious to upper attack to the point they are a big part of why you won't see traditional upper attack on the competitive combinations list is sort of notable, as is the reliable handling of Defensive Zombies (in fact, a good Zombie is the only thing that can outspin them in opposite spin so the "zombie killer" name was completely inappropriate!)
I'm still working on something that should contain all the info/knowledge as it now stands for the competitive side of plastics, with plastics remembrance day this year being the point I've decided that even if I haven't quite finished, it goes public, so that'll be around soon enough too, but yeah - I guess maybe expect to be surprised once in a while but plenty of what you know will still stand to a good extent too so don't be too worried and you've probably chosen a pretty good time to get back into it!
This disclaimer kinda thing always feels awkward and rather impertinent to explain to someone of significantly older vintage but at the same time, if I had any doubt that the more recent stuff was correct I wouldn't be saying this in the first place, haha.