This is basically taken straight from my blog but it needed to be said on-site too and I'm too lazy to write two different versions of the same thing, so here:
So uh it turns out I was wrong about the whole Ariel/Uriel thing. Wasn’t aware that Uriel 2 had its own instruction sheet instead of the generic RB8 one until a little while ago – and those have the anglicised name on them. There’s an archived version of it from damashii, and it is “Uriel 2″.
I know it actually says “uriel-2″ but they used dashes to link up the latter parts of the names of all of the V2′s that I can see, so whatever.
I guess the key error on my part was overlooking the possibility that the ‘u’ could be pronounced as ‘uh’ (as in ‘undo’), which would become ‘ア’ in katakana. Of course, in the dub, King pronounces that vowel as ‘eh’, so it’s definitely Ariel there – that much has to be chalked up to dub silliness. Not sure about the original though – I only have access to the dub.
But yeah, Wolborg 03 (Uriel) and Uriel 2 are the correct names. My bad – I acted on the evidence I was aware of, but I should have known to check for the chance of an instruction sheet, and thought of the ‘u’ -> ‘uh’ -> ‘ア’ thing.
I’ll fix various references to it over the next week or two (would do it faster but I'm quite busy atm).
On the upside, I should have at least a solid draft of a Plastics Competitive Combos list done and posted before Remembrance this year. I have all the lists for each type done, but I still need to check some stuff and the formatting right now is a complete mess – the complexity of plastics combos means making something neat and consistent while also comprehensive and practical is almost impossible (at least for me).
Of course, a CC list isn’t nearly as useful to plastics as MFB due to the whole Part availability aspect, and when I do post it, it mightn’t even be intelligible for everyone and I would rather not spend ages explaining the info that’s already there to people because working on the database which will encompass that already is more efficient. Basically – don’t get excited.