[Mumbai,India] 29/10/11 - Diwali Beyblast


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Name-Diwali Beyblast

Date- 29th October(time mostly from 9 onwards...polls for it)

Venue- Sanjay Gandhi National Park
We are supposed to gather at location 'B' in the map.
Here is a zoomed image of Borivali east
[Image: NationalPark.png]

Confirmed participants-
ashton pinto
aditya11 He will not be able to come due to guests at his home

God of War

Format: Round Robin. (MFB format)

Entry fee: $5 which is around Rs. 246. and $10 for passport which is almost Rs. 492.

The national park has an entry fee of around rs. 30 as well and although we wont be going to deep in it I want you all to have 200 rs. extra with you in case of emergency. It will be better if you get your cell phones.

So we finally got a tourney for Mumbai. Grin
Since I am not a Mumbaikar and neither live very close to the venue Janstarblast will be the co-host for the tourney.
I will try to get it done before 14:00 so that we can have lunch after the tourney. I hope everyone has breakfast before the tourney.

I am not sure if cameras are allowed in the national park but if they are then please try to bring yours because I may forget. Cameras are allowed, so you can bring yours.

All the confirmed participants will be given my cell number by PM once they post in this thread. I hope all of you have my number by now.

I hope we make this tourney memorable.

No prizes are decided yet. We probably will not have a prize but Janstarblast has asked the committee if we can use the fees for the prize. If the committee agrees you will be informed accordingly(but do not be so sure...it is committee's decision.)

Need-to-Know Information

1. During Registration, Open Your Account Page

Open your account page on your mobile device (if possible) during registration to help us keep things quick.

2. Arrive On Time

You must arrive by the tournament start time to enter. We cannot add new players to an event once it begins. If you're running late, contact the host.

3. Stay Aware of Your Belongings

We do everything possible to ensure a safe environment, but can't be held responsible for lost or stolen goods. Keep your gear close by!

4. The Tournament Will Last At Least a Few Hours

This event is likely to last at least a few hours. If you can't commit to the entire tournament, you're welcome to come watch and play for fun instead!

5. Listen For Your Username To Be Called

Your name will be called when it's time for your next battle. If you need to leave early or take a break, tell a judge. Missing a match could mean disqualification!

6. Players Must Meet Regional Product Age Restrictions

All players in this event must meet the age restrictions on Beyblade products in their region. TAKARA-TOMY recommends Beyblade for ages 6+. Hasbro recommends Beyblade for ages 8+. Players under these ages may only participate with the permission of their parent/guardian.

7. Players Under 18 Must Be Accompanied by a Parent/Guardian

If you are under 18 years old, a parent/guardian must accompany you and be present for the duration of the event.

8. Contests, Raffles, Gambling, Betting, and Selling Are Prohibited

Advertising the sale of any product or service, as well as posting about any contest, raffle, gambling, or betting on this event page and conducting them at the event without approval by Fighting Spirits Inc. staff is prohibited. Please contact the Organized Play team if you require approval.

9. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Poll: What time can you come for the tourney?

After 12:00
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
YUP.! I am up for the tourney..
its goona be the first tourney for us
YES at last we got a tourney for mumbai..........!!!! thanks to the mods.
and you JAN ,sam
Oh so the Tournament got approved! Hope it goes well!
Sadly I will not be able to attend Crying
Well the thread is still in WBO General..it will be truly official when the thread gets moved to Official events forum.

I was thinking of having the tourney at 9:00 because I will be there in Mumbai on 28th as well so please try to attend by 9:00 so that it starts off by 10:00 and ends by 13:00. Because if it is after 12 then it will get over by 16-17:00 and then it will be troublesome for me on the way back.
Well, finally! The approval of this tourney is so good!
Also, I need to talk to NitroNeo... Even though I am a Mumbaikar, I do not know where Sanjay Gandhi National Park is located. I depend on my parents for that. Wink
gr8 work guys....welldone sam,jan!!!
i'l come by 10am....and about the entrance nitro u only tell as most of us dnt know much abt park...
Can we have the tourney at 11 that way everyone can come , 12 is too late , i am surely coming , but i wont stay for long after the tourney is over , however i can help you finding good restaurants Smile , for these number of people i think one stadium is enough , but if you require i will bring mine to , i will pay for my passport after the tourney is complete i can pay to wbo on my own if it is alright

I Have household work to do so i can come by 11 am

& yes cameras are allowed , you can bring them Smile , i don't have a camera so i will bring my phone
Well, that's great, Nitro! I hope all ends smoothly! Smile
Also, this is for everyone- Seems like there are no prizes atm, but you all will be notified if some prize i decided upon. Smile
Exactly how much is the entry fee for national park???SAM said 60....bt nitro has said 30 per person before some days....so tell exactly how much it is???

And 11 is perfect....that way i wont have to rush to come earlySmile
Greta so Nitro is coming...Well so since all have received and replied to the PM I'll be sending my cell number along with some details to you by PM..tourney will start at 10 but I suggest you be there by 9:30 if possible...so that part tests and initial matches can be started off...we'll assemble where Nitro has told us to.
Great! I won't be atttending but best of luck!
Btw shouldn't this thread be in the official events sub forum ?
NitroNeo you can not make a thread directly there you have to make it in this forum and wait for a Comitee member to move it to the Official Events forum and add it to the upcoming events list

Looks like there are going to be around 10 members.
Yepiiiee!!!great work evryone...i will b coming with nikhil as my dad is going to office...so we'l come by train...and SAM10795 one time entry fee should b 246...i think mistakenly u hav written it 296...:p
OD edited...it was indeed rs. 246 Tongue_out I typed it wrong in ahurry..be sure to come by 9:30
Really excited to see all the unique combos people will do , i hope we see some epic beybattles
YOUR right nitro.. We will be testing our skills!
Looks like only Sam got 4d bey
Finally! I'm so happy you guys could get enough players for Mumbai! Grin So proud of you guys~

Take lots of pictures. Wink
Little high , little low ,
We will take as many as we can Yo , Day-Kai-Low

Apart from the weird rhymes , we will try to take many pics , but i think it's the blading that we are interested in right now , coz this is the first tourney & it feels great
why is this thread not in upcomming events....???
Because it is probably too late for it?
The place where we are to assemble is shown in OP it is the location Nitro suggested...the entrance of the park
Ok for the location >>>


TIPS to get there >>>

1 ] If you are coming by train , then after you reach borivali station then come to borivali [ east ] , then take 301 or 293 bus & ask for the stop NATIONAL PARK , alternatively you can ask ASHTON PINTO to meet you at platform number 6 ticket window of borivali [ east ] area so you can come in a group

There is a big gate of national park & there is a shiv temple facing directly opposite to the gate on the other side of the highway


2 ] If you are coming by car or bus on the highway , then if you come from dadar side to borivali then you will pass a cinema called " KULRAJ BROADWAY " on the highway it is between KANDIVALI & BORIVALI , so after that as you come towards BORIVALI you can ask the people for the main entrance of NATIONAL PARK

if you are coming from Thane or Virar side then you will pass a toll post of Dahisar , go straight on the highway & after you take 2 flyovers then don't take the next ones & just ask the people around they will tell you

Hey anyone.. Are there any prizes