guys i made a server on bukkit
but u need hamachi as well
so go download Logmein hamachi here
now when u get there
click the agree box and download the UNMANAGED VERSION
Once u have done that run hamachi
once its done click join an existing network and do this
Name: wbo minecraft
pass: beyblade
and u have succefully joined it
and then the IP is :
however i have to be online for the server to work ....
um epicchicken
how do i make the server always open?
port fowarding ?
but u need hamachi as well
so go download Logmein hamachi here
now when u get there
click the agree box and download the UNMANAGED VERSION
Once u have done that run hamachi
once its done click join an existing network and do this
Name: wbo minecraft
pass: beyblade
and u have succefully joined it
and then the IP is :
however i have to be online for the server to work ....
um epicchicken
how do i make the server always open?
port fowarding ?