kie v im geting really tierd off u clsoeing my therds and stuff and shareef his real name is jack who ever that is we both talk and he said that wear tierd of u closeing are therds we both just want information and we cant get becosue there is no other sites like this and you keep closeing are therds so wear going to setal this like men (it said on your profile that you wear a women so noafence) i decided i can swear at you and a bunch of other things nut that jus rude i have more class then that so im challageing u to a 1 on 1 best out off 3 beyblade match ill battle anytime seeing as it said u live in canada it wont be that hard meeting up if i win u i want u to stop closeing all my therds just becouse u all ready talk about them im new to this web site i wasent there for that and im pretty sher u get a new user everydau that hasent see it but whats to know the same stuff that i wanna know and if u win then ill coice as much pepole as i know to start bladeig agien so it will be as succsesfull as it was in 2004.
ps if you close this thred
ps if you close this thred