Make your suggestions!

So, I am a bit disheartened by the fact that Zero-G did not receive its own discussion area during the last update to the site.

I am sure the mods have seen my posts already, as well as the posts of others, about this concern, and I am sure they are discussing the matter, but just in case they haven't, I have posted again about it. Acknowledgement is key, but if they (the committee) are too busy and can't do that, then that is fine, so long as it happens, eventually.
(Sep. 10, 2012  2:32 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: So, I am a bit disheartened by the fact that Zero-G did not receive its own discussion area during the last update to the site.

I am sure the mods have seen my posts already, as well as the posts of others, about this concern, and I am sure they are discussing the matter, but just in case they haven't, I have posted again about it. Acknowledgement is key, but if they (the committee) are too busy and can't do that, then that is fine, so long as it happens, eventually.

Not everyone in the Committee seems to agree that a Zero-G sub-forum is needed in the Beyblade Customizations forum.
At this point, Zero-G will have its own teir list, its own play style, and its own formats. Because of how dofferent Zero-G is, we cannot just cart everything to 1 or 2 threads like we did with Plastics and HMS.
(Sep. 11, 2012  4:46 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: At this point, Zero-G will have its own teir list, its own play style, and its own formats. Because of how dofferent Zero-G is, we cannot just cart everything to 1 or 2 threads like we did with Plastics and HMS.

Except at this point nothing remotely like that has even started to happen because only a handful of people are actually contributing.

Right now Zero G is only barely more active than plastics, and definitely doesn't have the activity to warrant a subforum on that basis.

Whether or not a separate subforum would help improve things, I don't know. I doubt it would make a big enough difference to allow zero g to reach that activity threshold, but on the other hand, Zero G will almost inevitably reach that threshold eventually.

Either way, the committee are obviously discussing it/aware of it as a possibility...
For a lot of new threads, you get a "pre-written" warning. Maybe you could do the same for the customizations forum too? Giving a link to this : ... ? And other rules for making a new combo thread.
the WBO Promo Card Campaign was good,but i guess there are many skeptical kids and parents who seemingly don't seem to trust that tiny little piece of paper,so i thought over it for hours(that's the amount of time i take to come up with a good idea), So here's the plan-
what i think is that WBO should make a kinda brochure or pamplet or a magazine or whatever it may be,should be enough to contain enough info and clarity to please the skeptics rather than piece of paper with URL.

and maybe the WBO distribute copies to different blading cities and then we guys make photocopies and spread it across??
i leave it to the committee to decide
pardon me if i said something wrong or something that made someone angry
It would be aweseome if one of those pre-written warning messages came up when creating a thread in the Customizations forum because it would show people how to post proper results ... ?

I feel that the the wbo should get upgraded passports, like ones that last longer than a year. Like we could have silver, gold and so on, and they could have different durations of time, because if you are like me, your parents only buy passports at tourneys and I only get to go to like 1 or 2 in a duration of 2 years. I don't know if this is needed but I just feel like it would be cool because you could get cool new faces and the wbo could make more money because people would want the gold, or silver instead of the regular face.
(Oct. 12, 2012  12:56 AM)drakio Wrote: I feel that the the wbo should get upgraded passports, like ones that last longer than a year. Like we could have silver, gold and so on, and they could have different durations of time, because if you are like me, your parents only buy passports at tourneys and I only get to go to like 1 or 2 in a duration of 2 years. I don't know if this is needed but I just feel like it would be cool because you could get cool new faces and the wbo could make more money because people would want the gold, or silver instead of the regular face.

I don't know if we would really need that, I think 1 whole year is plenty of time for a person, you can always buy a passport offline too. But it would be cool to have some new faces to collect.

I am new, here as you may know, I spent a long time studying how to make good post before I actually started posting. But one thing that I was wondering was if we really need an introduce yourself section. It's not really a source for good post. What I am trying to say is that the people who are already here just use it as a way to boost their post count. Also nobody really reads what the new person says, and everybody says the same thing so it's not really beneficial to the new person either. So I was just wondering if we really need it to be there, because if the person has a question there are plenty of threads for them to ask on.
Have you ever thought about giving members credits or beyblades for important tasks (articles, testing etc)? Because there are some areas needed where I think this would make a difference.
(Oct. 21, 2012  4:55 PM)Ultra Wrote: Have you ever thought about giving members credits or beyblades for important tasks (articles, testing etc)? Because there are some areas needed where I think this would make a difference.

Credits are exclusively an incentive for Beyblade tournaments, which is the core of this organisation.

Beyblades would eventually become more than what we can afford ...
I disagree highly with that statement. The core of this project is beywiki and being a proper source of knowledge. Or at least that's what Brad started it for. These days it doesn't seem like that's the priority of the committee with a large lack of testing for important things and with beywiki having gapings holes. Furthermore while that I can accept that as a fact what annoys me is that the staff are not doing anything major to combat these problems (your beywiki projects are a good start but your lack of preparation for the stadium is a very clear downfall). Obviously only for those that put in lots of effort. Like someone who tests a large amount of needed things.
Disregarding the fact that your comments sound like barely veiled echoes of your recent contributions and posts in the Beywiki Project forum, I do agree that it is rather strange that the committee would give face for approved videos put on the Beychannel and none for successful, meaningful contributions to the Beywiki, even if the Peridot and Lapis Lazuli faces serve as more meaningful rewards. While I don't particularly care for them, or prize incentives for contributions, at worst it could serve as free (for the committee) tokens of gratitude and encouragement. At best, if Beywiki's activity doesn't drop dead, it should stay purely voluntary.

However, I'm against giving out Beyblades or credits, and as far as I'm concerned, no sort of rewards should be handed for testing, because "paid" testing, in this context particularly, is invalid testing. Lack of testing may suck, but I'd rather have that over the alternative.
(Oct. 21, 2012  7:00 PM)Nocto Wrote: While I don't particularly care for them, or prize incentives for contributions, at worst it could serve as free (for the committee) tokens of gratitude and encouragement. At best, if Beywiki's activity doesn't drop dead, it should stay purely voluntary.

However, I'm against giving out Beyblades or credits, and as far as I'm concerned, no sort of rewards should be handed for testing, because "paid" testing, in this context particularly, is invalid testing. Lack of testing may suck, but I'd rather have that over the alternative.

It would still be voluntary. It would just be more incentive for members to do the things really needed by the WBO. I just feel that the wiki should actually do something about these problems (which they aren't atm. They seem to pretend like the fact that no one tests enough isn't happening). I think you're making a big deal out of what i've said tbh. I don't mean every person that does like 4 or 5 tests. People who regularly test a lot of things. I feel we need this kind of thing. At earlier points clearly there has been no lack of testing on the things that are needed. But there is now.
There's a difference between testing to contribute, and testing to get free stuff.

If you're suggesting we give people free stuff who constantly test for the sake of testing to motivate them to test, it seems a little silly; they are the ones who already test things regularly, and trying to bait them into spending more of their time on this is borderline sinister; no one on earth would look at beyblades in exchange for testing as anything but downright bribery, not rewarding.
Erm not just to get free stuff. Encouragement which you currently do none of despite the lack of testing. I was really hoping you'd comment on the bit about staff ignoring things but oh well.
I have previously proposed a face for testing, which as Nocto has pointed out is an oddly non-existent thing given the reward for contributions to beychannel. I think this is the best way to go forward, and a suitably written announcement post could also go a long way to encouraging more testing, which I think we all agree is needed.
(Oct. 21, 2012  5:29 PM)Ultra Wrote: I disagree highly with that statement. The core of this project is beywiki and being a proper source of knowledge. Or at least that's what Brad started it for. These days it doesn't seem like that's the priority of the committee with a large lack of testing for important things and with beywiki having gapings holes. Furthermore while that I can accept that as a fact what annoys me is that the staff are not doing anything major to combat these problems (your beywiki projects are a good start but your lack of preparation for the stadium is a very clear downfall). Obviously only for those that put in lots of effort. Like someone who tests a large amount of needed things.

Wow, it does not seem like you see everything I have done for Beywiki over the last months. What lack of preparation for the Project of the Moment, by the way ?

Furthermore, I clearly sent you a private message weeks ago telling you that there were people whom we knew had the parts and would love to test, but they simply have no time to do it. There is nothing the World Beyblade Organization can do about this, people have lives.

But yes, we had been considering a Face for testing ...
Ultra Wrote:I disagree highly with that statement. The core of this project is beywiki and being a proper source of knowledge. Or at least that's what Brad started it for.

It is indeed what the site was created for (hence the original website name: ""), but:

WBO About Page on Beywiki Wrote:...
With the advent of the WBO however, the wiki has been relegated into a side project, with the communities importance being brought to the forefront.

I'd also like to note that it's not like the Face Booster for BeyChannel contributions is going to be given out left and right. Members who submit video have to both edit it together and include properly formatted titles, and then we have to decide whether to approve it or not. If you think about how many tournaments we have weekly, and then how many of those are actually going to have members shooting video, you'll realize that the number of Face Boosters we'll likely be giving out is low.

That being said, I do agree that a Face for providing test results (particularly for newer parts) would be cool (and testing itself is very important to the activity of the community in general, of course). Like Kai-V said, we have been considering it.
(Oct. 22, 2012  4:46 AM)Kei Wrote:
Ultra Wrote:I disagree highly with that statement. The core of this project is beywiki and being a proper source of knowledge. Or at least that's what Brad started it for.

It is indeed what the site was created for (hence the original website name: ""), but:

WBO About Page on Beywiki Wrote:...
With the advent of the WBO however, the wiki has been relegated into a side project, with the communities importance being brought to the forefront.

Getting somewhat off topic, but this does not need to be the case, for the same reasons I have given about "priorities" within the project - there's plenty of time for both to get the attention they need.

Frankly, as the person in charge of that project, you should be pushing more for its importance rather than brushing it aside the rare time you do talk about it publicly. It's very disheartening to those of us who contribute our time to it but often (even now) have to wait on you for larger-scale things (a factor that the mere anticipation of often leads to "it's not worth going through the rigmarole with Kei" instead of "Progress!").

You know where I stand on educating bladers and its value to the competitive side of things, anyway.

I disagree with Ultra that the Beywiki Project is not receiving much attention from the committee as a whole, Kai-V at least has put an awesome amount of work into it - but it does deserve more attention from the person in charge of it.
Hadn't seen that but it's just great to know you feel that way. I'm really loving how little you think ahead too. When the community eventually dies beywiki will be it's legacy and I don't think anyone will feel that great if it's half finished because you don't see it as much of a priority as the community (beywiki clearly gives people info and and sparks their interest so these really go hand in hand so they should be given equal effort in my opinion). As for the testing thing yes obviously I remember that PM Kai-V but you know what the testing situation hasn't gotten any better which is a bad sign. I wasn't really refering to to Beywiki not getting enough attention from the committee (that isn't true any more due to Kai-V) but you don't seem be interested in motivating people (not with beys or credits but announcements or pleas or anything really) into doing anything and simply seem to hide behind the relatively weak excuse that it's voluntary. Um so what? That doesn't mean you can't encourage more people volunteer!
Your last post is already deviating from your original suggestion. Awarding Credits & Beys for contributions, which was already explained as well, that Credits are the major source of income for WBO. It is reserved solely for its Organized Play. It is to bring people together in real life and adds a competitive dimension to the hobby as a general. Free beys are not financially possible, and as Hazel has pointed out, it does have its repercussions.

Now, to address your concerns about the lack of motivation in BeyWiki:

- Technocrat being in charged of the Plastics section.
- Lapis Lazuli & Peridot being awarded more frequently.
- Kai-V's increasing high activity level on the BeyWiki as a general.
- Project of the Moments.

You can not deny the fact that the CMs are looking into it and improving it. To state that the CMs are not motivating people enough for BeyWiki comes across as being ignorant and whiny. If you have concerns about Beywiki's activity level as a general, then that is something I can relate with. Again, it is a community effort. The incentives have always been there. It's just the members' own motivation that is lacking. It is for sure NOT due to the lack of attention given by the CMs.

As for the testing part, the CMs have been looking into it for some time. Do look forward to news updates in the near future. Again, keep in mind, that it serves merely as an incentive. It is up to the members themselves to get busy.
Okay again I don't think I actually said that the CMs were neglecting Beywiki or whatever. I love that you think motivating people to do something that should be done comes off as ignorant and whiny. Clearly there are those out there who could do more (on the site I mean). If people's motivation is lacking then I think you should motivate them. If we're going to lose valuable members sooner than we have to just because CMs don't have any interest in motivating them then that's a problem. I like that you think it's a community effort. I really wouldn't consider plastics a community effort when at most it's about six people doing everything and at minimum two people (including me). If Technocrat goes plastics are basically dead so it's not really a community effort really is it... I generally don't consider Beywiki a community effort when so few contribute to it these days.
So when a user gets warned, half of the time they should know what it's for, but a lot of the time they don't. So I think there should be an option to remove the comment or change it to something else and only recieve half of the warning percentage.
That's all Smile
The warning log on their warning page will always tell them precisely what it is for, and we cannot halve the warning percents if it would result in a number not ending in 0. Warnings are only possible in increments of 10.