MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Nope, Hazel I know, about plastics: light, MFB:Heavy. But now Remove ES for defense, it stinks.
It's there because it has the ability to survive some hits from opposite spin beys due to it's semi free-spinning nature (generally used on 230 IIRC to avoid hits too hard to survive). It IS only in tier 3, with B, which also sucks. That said I don't think either really deserve the place, considering EDS basically outclasses it totally in those respects.

Do try to elaborate on these statements in future, especially seeing as the placement of ES has been debated heavily earlier in the thread.

Honestly, I'd cut the current tier 3, move WB down there, stick MB in tier two (okay maybe that's personal preference but it DOES only 'work' in one combo), but split the defense tips a bit more specifically, leave tier one for the VERY best, tier two maybe for things like RB, RSF and RDF (this is really just an example, it's really too soon to classify that right now), that are good defensively but only in certain situations (MB)/have some weaknesses (RB iirc) (Excluding RS here due to it still basically being the best defensive tip)/are directly outclassed by other options despite having a reasonably good winrate (RSF).

Basically you'd end up with CS and RS in tier one, MB, RB, RSF in tier 2 and WB in tier 3.

Of course that's mostly just how I'd do things, but I do love my judgement so Tongue_out_wink
Oh, and ultrablader, for MB, it's not that it only works with heavy combo's, it's only ever seen real use in MF-H Basalt ___ BD145MB. I'd probably write that instead of "heavy combos", because "heavy" is such an arbritrary, ill-defined term.
I agree with Th!nk that we should add that statement to MB or remove it.
(Nov. 10, 2011  9:19 AM)RustyXD Wrote: In tournament situations from what I have seen it goes Phantom > Scythe > Basalt > Phantom .

I think B : D should be included now .

I think so too
(Nov. 10, 2011  4:28 PM)XBlader0 Wrote:
(Nov. 10, 2011  9:19 AM)RustyXD Wrote: In tournament situations from what I have seen it goes Phantom > Scythe > Basalt > Phantom .

I think B : D should be included now .

I think so too

One of your previous posts already states that. There is no reason at all to post that. Unless you have anything worthwhile to share please don't post.
@th!nk.... MB works in many combos... Aurapreo and Kei and a bunch of others use it with TH170... Its well known on BD145, and a handful of other combos... true many are Basalt based, but the meta itself was basalt based, now its branching out with Phantom and Death... use the part heavily before you cast judgment... and the more worn MB gets... the more AMAZING it Becomes... as it scuffs and loses that mirror polish from the constant rubbing against the stadium and the metal flakes/dust/debris etc it gains so much more traction ooohh yeah it becomes infinitely manipulable ... It's like the XF thing, either you can use it for amazing results, or you can't... simple as that.... I vote T1 all the way... the other bottom its compare to, CS, is alot more 'idiot proof' shall we say... if you have an aggro one, all you gotta do is launch it and it goes aggro, same for calm spinning calm, while you can get some manip out of the tip, you are more or less governed by the variances of the individual tip... So that and numerous other factors, the most impactual being availability... to thus point, you can only get MB in a 3 bey set for $40-ish, and everything else that comes in the set is pure garbage aside from S130... so not many people are willing to spend $40 for essentially a tip, now you can get it on the limited "White Knight Gravity Perseus S130MB" but again its $40... so those are the factors why CS is more widely used by the masses, shoot if you can get to a Walmart, you have a CS for $6 or less...

Performance wise, I would say it comes down to personal preference, whether you like the Launch to decide everything, or you want repetitive consistency regardless of the launch
Could you make your posts any more tiring? Seriously dude, spacing.
Anyways, quick response while my internet holds up:

If it has to be worn so heavily to work, as in the wear affects it's performance to the point it goes from bad to amazing, it'd be illegal.

Anyway the only well publicised one is the basalt bd145 one, so even if people are using it they haven't published tests (those that have generally come out bad anyways). That would also be why I'm not aware of these other combos (though honestly I've had no luck with similar things myself so w/e).

Maybe I just don't see the point in using such a low-friction tip for defense, even with it's weight, but you could be correct. As for me, personal preference etc.
By my testing it goes Phantom>Basalt>Scythe. Its odd.What tracks are best to be used with Scythe because Ive tried 90,85,100,135,145,and AD145. Basicaly After their stamina wears Basalt knocks Scythe back and causes floor scraping. Ive also used the tips EDS WD DS and SD are there different parts I should use?
(Side note I dont have TH170 sadly)
Since you guys wer eon the subject of MB. I just want to say that I find MF and MB more of a balance tip than just one standard type /youknowwhatimean?

MB= Defense/Attack


But that's just my thought and perspective =/ Sorry I didnt write much lol Im listening to my fav song Planet Rock xD
There is no doubt about MF being a Balance tip - it excels in two categories simultaneously, while also fulfilling the Balance category requisite of hybrid combo compatibility.

I do not own MB, but by and large, I am unimpressed by the part.
Probably because you weren't here when MB dominated as the heaviest combo possible. MB gave that beast stamina, and the sheer weight made it difficult to move.

But I've never, ever seen MB as an attack tip.
(Nov. 11, 2011  3:47 AM)Hazel Wrote: I do not own MB, but by and large, I am unimpressed by the part.

How can you be unimpressed when you've never used it... and it isn't a widely used part due to availability, and many people who own the part do not post anything about it, so you are likely basing your opinion on under ten people's opinions if even that many...

@th!nk...Also, most of the MB combos have been kept on the down-low, if you have a combo that kills at tournaments, a lot of people don't want to publicize the combo or try to keep it secret so people either do not know to expect it/don't know what beats it etc. Also, Spacing?! don't have the attention span to read a paragraph or what??
Poison Zurafa S130MB will become widely released soon and everyone will have access to it.
I hope to see more testing on it then.
(Nov. 11, 2011  7:18 AM)gibsonmac Wrote:
(Nov. 11, 2011  3:47 AM)Hazel Wrote: I do not own MB, but by and large, I am unimpressed by the part.

How can you be unimpressed when you've never used it... and it isn't a widely used part due to availability, and many people who own the part do not post anything about it, so you are likely basing your opinion on under ten people's opinions if even that many...

@th!nk...Also, most of the MB combos have been kept on the down-low, if you have a combo that kills at tournaments, a lot of people don't want to publicize the combo or try to keep it secret so people either do not know to expect it/don't know what beats it etc. Also, Spacing?! don't have the attention span to read a paragraph or what??

I know what the part does, I know several combos it is effective in, and I know the general "function" of it. Keep in mind that, while I do not own it, I am also not dumb. I do not base anything on other people's opinions, I base it on their results and, generally, the indications of the part as provided by experienced users of the part. I know, arguing with people over tiny things is your most favorite thing to do, but it's really quite exhausting to constantly have you starting arguments with people over things you only assume you understand.

I love metal tips - all of my favorite bases in Plastics were metal-tipped, for the most part - or at least the ones I enjoyed using the most. MB just doesn't stand out to me as a tip worth the effort, for the most part. A couple of niche uses here and there, yeah - just like MF. The difference, however, is that MF offers a much less available type of "Balance", one that I find preferable to a type already available in CS - albeit not identical, but similar enough to keep me uninterested.

I know MB had an imposing, Schwarzenegger-esque physique to it in the past, and it's still very good in several combos! However, that doesn't sway my "opinion" of it - simply being unimpressed or uninspired by a part doesn't mean I am ignorant of it, it means exactly what I said it meant. I know you take it as a personal attack any time someone mentions a part you are having a physical romance with in even the tiniest most obscurely non-positive light, but really, stop.

and, th!nk has a valid point - your "paragraphs", as you call them, are massive, improperly managed, and overall just hideous to look at, let alone try to read. Learn to use your Enter key, please.
Take off Cyber for attack, it has no smash at all, and this is proven. And I am not so sure on rock anywhere for endurance, it has too much recoil.

Edit: I agree Take MB off. Heavy? No itll still has not a good grip.
(Nov. 11, 2011  5:35 PM)Phoenix Inferno Wrote: Take off Cyber for attack, it has no smash at all, and this is proven. And I am not so sure on rock anywhere for endurance, it has too much recoil.

Edit: I agree Take MB off. Heavy? No itll still has not a good grip.

seriously MB shouldn't be taken off just yet as long as MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145MB is reliable for tourneys...
Every wheel (to an extent) has some smash..... You are over exaggerating.
but yes it should be taken off.
Endurance? My friend this is 2011.
Zero parts should be taken off of this list, I have pointed this out several times. Every single part in the entire metagame needs to be on here - from Basalt to Poison, they all need information and tiering posted here.

Less information = Always bad. More information = Always good.
well you do have a good point there so in that case shall poison be in tier 4 of anything haha but yes mountains of testing that no one would want to do will be needed for that to happen.
We do not necessarily need to test parts we already know are bad...

Common sense.
But which field could we put it in? Is poison good in any type at all

(Nov. 11, 2011  3:47 AM)Hazel Wrote: There is no doubt about MF being a Balance tip - it excels in two categories simultaneously, while also fulfilling the Balance category requisite of hybrid combo compatibility.

I do not own MB, but by and large, I am unimpressed by the part.

This is actually a very good point, and IMO something that would really help differentiate this from the Competitive Combo's thread (and be a very useful resource in general).
However, do tips like S even deserve a tiering for attack or defense? Though maybe a "useless for this" category for each attribute (or even a "useless" typing) would cover it.

As for Cyber, it is terrible, and would belong somewhere around tier 8-12 maybe (okay, that's just a guess, but yeah). Still, it'd sit below a lot of pre-HWS wheels and a number of defense wheels (you can KO a number of things with Basalt, Libra, etc).

This will sound odd coming from me, but don't entirely write off MB yet, some people seem very impressed by it. I still don't "get it" though.

gibsonmac: That post was at least three paragraphs of text with no spacing between them, and no less than EIGHTEEN ellipses, which only exacerbated the problem. If you're going to get so defensive, try to make sure you have some kind of grounds to do so.

As for me basing my opinion on under ten peoples opinions, for starters you have mentioned less than five yourself. Even if it were "less than ten people", it wouldn't change the fact that one of them is Me, an opinion I generally value above most others when deciding what I think about certain parts.

H8R: We could classify such parts as "Useless". Either that or somewhere extremely low on the attack list, as that is supposedly it's "best attribute".
(Nov. 11, 2011  7:24 PM)th!nk Wrote: H8R: We could classify such parts as "Useless". Either that or somewhere extremely low on the attack list, as that is supposedly it's "best attribute".

true but as you have pointed out ,for anything like Cyber to be on the list we would have to make a tier 8 ...yeah.
I honestly never thought of what Hazel said as in every part being on & I am truly impressed. After some thought I do realize that this thread will need a big REVAMP.
to cyber I say now nothing, but I think you should only make a top tier list with parts you will see on a how do you say challenge? but it´s okay so how it is, now to MB, I find it´s a good part, but are you sure that it is top tier 1 ? I think top tier 2 or 1.5 is better, because basalt is not ever the best, at the last ,,challenge´´ I didn´t see any basalt bd145 mbs, that shall/should (I hope you know what I mean) say that mb is not ever used because basalt is not so much used
We have something for that, called the "Competitive Combo's Thread", located in the advanced forum.
how about putting the BGrin in Tier 1 of stamina?