MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

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(Nov. 02, 2011  6:24 PM)galaxyduude Wrote: Why is basalt in stamina

If you'll take the time to read back a few pages, it's been explained several times.

This is a forum, not a movie.
I will properly study everyone's opinions in the next few days. Been busy studying for an exam the last few days. At some point i'd also like to have the best combos for each of the decent parts listed.
But it's pretty unbalanced of that uncovered spot
Stop posting. Basalt is in Tier 1 for a reason; you need to read back some. Tired

IMO, DS doesn't deserve a spot in Tier 1 stamina. As people before me have mentioned, WD, EDS, B: D, etc. are all better tips with better balance. If EDS and the like weren't here, I'd be all for putting it in, though.
Yo, I see you guys are debating over DS and stuff, but if you need me to test, I'm here. Smile I just want to contribute, is all. I don't contribute enough. So, I want to help if I can.
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230 DS vs MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230 D
see who wins............ or just any twin CW and MW and Track will work, basically
MW X + CW X + Track X + DS vs MW X + CW X + Track X + D
u dig?
(Nov. 04, 2011  2:05 AM)Izuma Inzori Wrote: MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230 DS vs MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230 D
see who wins............ or just any twin CW and MW and Track will work, basically
MW X + CW X + Track X + DS vs MW X + CW X + Track X + D
u dig?

Oh yeah... did I mention I don't have 230, MF-H, or a second Basalt? XD
Previous page WD Vs DS look at the results. DS sucks on 230 anyway.
Could use more than a single set of tests from a single person tbh. If we could clarify the situations people say it's superior to WD in and then test those specific situations, it'd be good.

Though, I've never liked DS much, to be honest.
@th!nk- Well, DS is not really 'superior' to WD...
DS still sucks when it comes to Solo Spin Times. The only reason to use it over WD is the better Defense it offers.
You might know that certain WD based combos were quite easy to KO. DS as a replacement is brilliant! Yes, EDS is a better replacement, but DS is no less.
Also, yes, DS would suck on 230. I am certain it would do better on a heavy, mid-height track. Probably BD145/GB145 should be used. Then again, BD145 would have to be used is Boost Mode, as DS is too low... That would simply mean using an uncustomized Hell Kerbecs, which is certainly a threat to watch out for....
(Nov. 04, 2011  3:10 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: uncustomized Hell Kerbecs, which is certainly a threat to watch out for....

An uncustomized Hell Kerbecs is certainly not a threat to watch out for. It's easy to knock it out. Even easier with Hell's recoil.
Whoops! A typo!
OK, I meant to say that it would not be a threat, i.e. even though it might do good sometimes, it won't be great...
OK so, can someone please check out DS on a heavy, mid-height track? Smile
(Nov. 04, 2011  3:33 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Whoops! A typo!
OK, I meant to say that it would not be a threat, i.e. even though it might do good sometimes, it won't be great...
OK so, can someone please check out DS on a heavy, mid-height track? Smile

Like R145?
I can do tests, but just saying right now, I don't have 230, a second Basalt, MF-H or a second MF.
Why in hell would somebody use R145 for a stamina combo testing DS? Chocked_2 I understand that it can take better hits better than WD, but that recoil.

Why not S130?
I have mercury, replying to the op, it is terrible in every way. I've been trying to make it work as something for months now and it cannot pull off a single win against any top tier, or any tier really, combo ... really too bad because it's a cool looking wheel Uncertain

The Anubis clear wheel is decent though, I use it'll on Vulcan
Then post some stinkin results!! We've waited way too long for mercury tests, open up a topic with a bunch of them!
(Nov. 04, 2011  11:34 PM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: Then post some stinkin results!! We've waited way too long for mercury tests, open up a topic with a bunch of them!

There was a Mercury thread in this forum(it's still around, iirc) with tests backing gibson's claims of underwhelming performance.

I've said it before, though - anyone with any idea how Beyblade physics work on even the most basic level can look at Mercury and tell it's got nothing going for it. Maybe if it were Left Spin it'd have a BIT of something, but... no.
Yeah, bro, there was a person brave enough to test their Mercury. It sucked, and that was last November or something..

Everything would be better in left spin.. Tongue_out Quetzalcoatl, what a shame you were not in left spin.
I swear I can KO Basalt BD145CS sometimes with Left-Spin Quetz.
The metal system Wolf wheel would have been great in left spin.
Gasp no way, I was honestly considering spending $40 (or however much it is) on mercury just to test it because I thought there was no tests!
Yeah, don't do that. Buy Phantom Orion if anything.
(Nov. 05, 2011  12:20 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: Gasp no way, I was honestly considering spending $40 (or however much it is) on mercury just to test it because I thought there was no tests!

Allow me to summarize the basic findings of Mercury, both from formal tests and reports from others I have spoken to:

- Smooth surface with oddly shaped contact points, leading to no KO ability.
- Projections on contact points have gaps large enough to produce large recoil, leading to no Defense ability.
-Too light, not properly balanced. No valid Stamina ability.

It was clearly intended to be eye candy and eye candy alone. It succeeds at that, though! I still launch mine on calm tips to watch it spin~
I removed everything from the parts that need to be tested list apart from Bakushin since the other are either tested or not worth testing.
(Nov. 05, 2011  12:15 AM)Ultrablader Wrote: The metal system Wolf wheel would have been great in left spin.

lol, why bother using any other wheel if that was left spin

personally, i think hell should be removed completely from defence
i didn't do real testing, but while just fooling around with random combos:

with tornado wolf 100/105F, i was able to KO or wall save hell kerbecs BD145SD with almost every hit. when against earth bull 145S with tornado wolf, earth would only move back an half inch-inch or so