MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
(Aug. 12, 2011  8:11 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: in next time I will post the results with basalt when I get it, okay?^^

I wouldn't bother. The list is based on a general opinion so one persons testing won't make any difference unless backed up.
even Shabalabadoo Thinks GB145 SHOULD REPLACE 145 so how about it also EDS should be put in tier one theres definitely enough testing
GB145 has been tested and found inferior to 145 (I'm assuming you meant stamina here?).
Keep in mind, no matter how respectable a person is, their opinion on a part is irrelevant unless there is testing to back it up.
I have to agree with Shabalabadoo about removing earth from tier one , but place it in tier 2 and move everything from there down or put it in tier 1.5 although that would be awkward.

Scythe should be added for stamina , and the same about EDS i think there has been enough testing on both of them and even the advance forums have done it.

Remove Burn , Earth and Virgo. IMHO Burn is just not up to standards anymore. Earth still wins tournaments and such , but do tournaments effect a single part , for example if I 5 people won tourneys with
Storm Capricorn M145Q would people add those parts to tier1 , no. Remember that old thread about tier VS skill , I think that is why earth is winning , well technically it is not winning its placing. Virgo the 5 min mold spins for 5 minutes but i still don't think that will get it anywhere against the top stamina combos , Basalt and Hell will KO it and Scythe will OS it.

I say Add GB145 to attack as it seems to do OK with some attack types , but S130 is better.
(Aug. 12, 2011  8:01 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: yes , I have , but only with hell kerbecs bd145 rsf, I will get basalt in some days
to the result

Please stop this argument.
Its pretty useless to say that Vulcan is better than Meteo and Gravity. Both outclass it.
There have been various tests to prove the same.
Yes, IMO MLD is overrated, but that is simply due to its success in MLD CH120XF.
Other than that, I agree with most of SSJ's points. I think GB145 is still inferior to 145 so replacing it is not an option. You may still add it, but I am not sure.

EDIT- Ah, didn't see the posts above mine on this page due to post bug.
(Aug. 13, 2011  12:26 AM)RustyXD Wrote: I have to agree with Shabalabadoo about removing earth from tier one , but place it in tier 2 and move everything from there down or put it in tier 1.5 although that would be awkward.

Scythe should be added for stamina , and the same about EDS i think there has been enough testing on both of them and even the advance forums have done it.

Remove Burn , Earth and Virgo. IMHO Burn is just not up to standards anymore. Earth still wins tournaments and such , but do tournaments effect a single part , for example if I 5 people won tourneys with
Storm Capricorn M145Q would people add those parts to tier1 , no. Remember that old thread about tier VS skill , I think that is why earth is winning , well technically it is not winning its placing. Virgo the 5 min mold spins for 5 minutes but i still don't think that will get it anywhere against the top stamina combos , Basalt and Hell will KO it and Scythe will OS it.

I say Add GB145 to attack as it seems to do OK with some attack types , but S130 is better.

If Storm Capricorne M145Q was winning tournaments, it would be good, therefore, yes, I'd consider testing it to work out why it was currently working. The whole point of our tier lists is to reflect what works in a competitive situation (hence why the main tier list is called "Competitive Combo's"). If it's doing very well, then it is a good part, even if one-person testing doesn't reflect that.
True that , but earth is placing in tourneys due to the number of people using it for example if 3 people use basalt and 10 Earth , what is more likely to place? Earth would be the only one out of the 3 I mentioned that I think could maybe stay in tier 1 although i wouldn't like it if it is. Same with Earth for defense.
There were far "better" stamina combo's at my tourney, earth not only placed but beat them 1v1.
Yeah but again Tier VS Skill. If someone using Earth had a strong launch technique , and and the person with the better stamina combo had an average launch strength the Earth combo would most likely win. There is also the factor of part wear.
Shouldnt WF be moved to Tier1 for attack due to it being very useful on 230/TH170. 230/TH170 are everywhere!
Scythe definitely should me placed in tier 1 for Defense AND Stamina. There is more than enough testing for it!
WF is usually used in 'Balance' combos. I am not to sure about scythe being tier 1 for defense , it doesn't seem right as a Defense wheel although it does better then Earth and Hell.
IMO, placing beyblade parts in tiers is usually based on personal opinion that is highly worked upon by the community. Every (legit)result counts. I seriously like the idea of working(testing) most parts in the tier system, especially the ones listed by Rusty. I am sure that most new combos/releases will kick them a step down, and they'll enter Tier 2. Smile
I just did some informal testing and I think Inferno should be added to tier 2.
(Aug. 13, 2011  2:48 PM)H8R Wrote: I just did some informal testing and I think Inferno should be added to tier 2.

Ah, post results first. Informal testing is not considered at all...
I dont really know but uhhh
I did these
MF inferno Bull 85RF VS MF Scythe Aquario GB145RSF:
(Aug. 13, 2011  3:07 PM)H8R Wrote: I dont really know but uhhh
I did these
MF inferno Bull 85RF VS MF Scythe Aquario GB145RSF:

inferno got 7?!?

i dont think pegasis 145RF or ray gets that good
GB145 and RSF are not great for defence. That might be why.
RSF is great for defense. What are you on about????
yeah ultra blader RSF abd GB145 ARE great well RSF is anyways.. I Started out just trying pure defense types but then decided to test inferno thats why I used that combo
I meant not great in the sense that no one ever uses it since RS and CS are a lot better.
actually RSF has more pure defence power, but CS has more balance and more stamina. and RS has the most defensive power, but the least balance and stamina

i mean balance as stability

testing VS basalt ___ BD145CS would be useless as no tier 2 attack wheel can do any good to it
I didnt want to wear my RS down although its only a bit worn thats why i used RSF
I find rsf is a real good defense it has more balance than rs , and cs is only better in stamina , why did you think rsf isn´t good in defense ultrablader?
Cause no one ever uses it...
are you sure I many times have see that rsf was used