MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Blitz hasn't done well from the results I have seen , and nightmare for tier 2 defense and Libra should be above hell IMO.
RustyXD: Blitz has done well in the testing in the thread 'Blitz Discussion'.

Yeah, imo too Libra > Hell.
b;itz has been said to knock basalt around on HF how is that not well!!!!!!!!!!!
H8R: That was not formal testing.
Blitz Unicorno : I hadn't checked the thread for a while didn't see the new results my bad , but it needs carp load of testing before being put onto the list.

H8R: Relax.
It was said to have knocked around Basalt on HF but there is no tests to back that up.
(Aug. 12, 2011  12:32 PM)RustyXD Wrote: Blitz hasn't done well from the results I have seen , and nightmare for tier 2 defense and Libra should be above hell IMO.

i think nightmare is a lowish tier 2 its not really as good as pisces and virgo but yeah and also ultra this is a little awkward but really the poll is a bit useless because its never gonna get stickied until beys stop getting realsed
Nightmare does well for defense better then virgo and pisces , I don't actually no why they are there cause i think they shouldn't be.
In the Defense tiers list, shouldn't we mention that Dark is good for Defense(Tier 3) only if its Hasbro?
yeah not formal but man if thats true than Blitz is the new vulcan
yes , that´s right and blitz and vulcan are top tier 1
What do you guys think adding D125 and GB145 for tier 1 attack they certainly have the potential D125 because well Its well known as a good track for attack and GB145 adds speed so replace 145 with GB145.
Glowfire1: Blitz isn't tested enough to be tier 1 and Vulcan does not deserve to be tier 1 nowadays.
(Aug. 12, 2011  7:31 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: yes , that´s right and blitz and vulcan are top tier 1

omg read! It has been said that Blitz needs more testing and that Vulcan is not tier 1 quality anymore.
I understand , but why is gravity or meteo top tier 1 when vulcan isn´t ? vulcan is much better than gravity or meteo
No. Meteo and Gravity both are better than Vulcan.
Because it can go in both directions and can go on pretty much any track and do well while Vulcan can only go on low tracks. Also most members would say that Gravity is better than Vulcan especially since Vulcan combos can't do much to defence powerhouses like Basalt BD145CS/MB.
mhh, okay how do you mean but I say you that gravity and meteo aren´t better
Do you have valid test results to back that up?
Big long post, what I wrote is in red, and it's all from my point of view:
(Dec. 20, 2010  11:08 PM)Ultrablader Wrote:

Constructive criticism.
yes , I have , but only with hell kerbecs bd145 rsf, I will get basalt in some days
to the result
(Aug. 12, 2011  7:55 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: mhh, okay how do you mean but I say you that gravity and meteo aren´t better

then how come gravity and meteo get better results then vulcan?
I think yes, Meteo is there because of MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF. I remember someone said that Meteo shouldn't be tier 1 and Ultrablader said MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF says hi.
There shouldn't be a 4th tier. That is too much.
230 shouldn't be in tier 2, ok TH170 is better but still TH170 is hard to get.
Hell BD145 shouldn't be in a tier of its own, MF-H Basalt BD145/TH170CS outspins MF Hell BD145WD.
(Aug. 12, 2011  8:04 PM)Blitz Unicorno Wrote: Shabalabadoo:
I think yes, Meteo is there because of MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF. I remember someone said that Meteo shouldn't be tier 1 and Ultrablader said MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF says hi.
cool, thanks.

Quote:There shouldn't be a 4th tier. That is too much.
inaccurate list or more tiers, you pick

Quote:230 shouldn't be in tier 2, ok TH170 is better but still TH170 is hard to get.
It isn't based on availability, it's based on the part's ability.

Quote:Hell BD145 shouldn't be in a tier of its own, MF-H Basalt BD145/TH170CS outspins MF Hell BD145WD.
then either basalt is by itself in tier one and hell is in tier two by itself, or they're both together in tier one. Doesn't matter to me which way.
in next time I will post the results with basalt when I get it, okay?^^
Imo, Basalt and Hell both should be in tier one.