MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at Tongue_out BD145 does all the work, instead of the wheel. To test the potential of the wheel, it needs as litlte support at the beginning IMO and then we build up on better tracks.
Yeah D should go to tier 1 , BD145 does improve the defense combo a lot by doing most of the work so that's why like I said when your testing something you test on multiple tracks.

Where are we on the balance tier list ? If we are actually going to make one i can get to work on that.
IMO I don't really believe in balance types. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I don't really think there should be a balance tier list.

Wait. Where is Vari()Ares?

And why Beat is Tier One, and the ol Vulcan is Tier Two?
Variares hasn't been tested enough.
Beat is far better than Vulcan, Vulcan struggles against RS.
Vulcan apparantly doesn't do anything to Basalt ___ BD145CS which is the best defence combo atm.
Wasnt it MF-H Basalt Kerbecs TH170CS?
It can't to anything to that too.
It is very arguable that is TH170 better than BD145 for MF-H Basalt Kerbecs _____CS, so not really is that combo the best one for defense.
Don't we need more testing before we pass judgement?
(Jul. 26, 2011  12:32 PM)Mr. N Wrote: Don't we need more testing before we pass judgement?

I agree with you if this was for all combos overall. If its only for Basalt Kerbecs ___CS, then I kinda agree with Ray Unicorno. Still, this is what I think-
Truly, TH170 is the best track so far, but BD145 is not bad, when compared to it.
So actually, BD145 is on par with TH170. Therefore IMO, comparison between the two proves nothing. Yes, on some combos(Basalt Kerbecs TH170WF), TH170 can KILL other beys but, BD145 isn't bad. I know there will be various people who would be thinking that I am just blabbering like a mad guy, but this matter is slightly confusing.
Anyway, can Nightmare be added to Tier 2 defense in between Virgo and Pisces. Nightmare has decent Defense capability.
Kai-V herself did them. Use the search function, we've even mentioned it before in this thread.
wat bout scythe kronos are any of his parts top tier plz pm me with a good combo with him bc i just got him a bit ago
Not enough testing done. This thread is not for making combos. If you want to do that look around the customizations section at the threads with the scythe Kronos parts or use the build a combo thread.
Has there been any testing for Blitz to be on Tier 2?
hasnt takara tomy finnaly release rubber ball shouldnt it be in top tier defense or am i wrong?
Last 2 posts
Not enough testan Tongue_out
(Aug. 12, 2011  4:57 AM)beybladewrecker Wrote: hasnt takara tomy finnaly release rubber ball shouldnt it be in top tier defense or am i wrong?

though it should obviously do good, it still needs allot of testing done on it....
whaats the deal putting vulcan as tier 2 with gravity as tier 1, it should be the other way around. the only thing gravity can do that vulcan cant DO BETTER is left spin, but vulcan has better smash and contact points...
No not really. Vulcan is good, don't get me wrong, but as lordWolfblade just said in another thread, it can't do much in an attack custom against MF Earth Bull GB145RS, which is horribly outclassed, even though it seems great.
man i wish people would stop with vulcan

gravity is far more versatile, able to go both left and right, and being good on almost all heights. vulcan is stuck on low height making it fail
I think S130 should be added to attack.
RustyXD: I agree. Its good on Beat, Gravity, Fang and L-Drago Destroy which are all Tier1. And, there has been alot of testing
add S130 to tier 1 FOR attack
Blitz should be considered for tier 1 when more testing is done It can take basalt on with ease from what Ive seen