MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
I know it needs a big revamp but my laptop broke and I am currently at school full time and only able to use an iPod touch for Internet. Another though is that I want it to be changed to what the general opinion is. I would make my own judgement if I could but I don't own Vulcan and my attack stadium is dead. Maximum meteor seems to be one of the best attack combos so I don't see why it should be moved down. Also rock is pretty good against wide ball defence combos. I think fang and beat need more testing tbh.
yeah i agree max meteor is great but apart form that i do not find meteo to be that good. I should be able to test fang when it comes and maybe beat or vulcan depending on my pulls . well to add on the rock thing heaps of things are good against WB. midnight can ko wb but i didn't no you didn;t haev a chane to edit sorry Confused
Beat definitely has enough testing, it is AMAZING, the results are solid. When I get my new gb145, I may do some, but yeah, those tests are representative. It is CRAZY.
(May. 23, 2011  12:43 PM)th!nk Wrote: Beat definitely has enough testing, it is AMAZING, the results are solid. When I get my new gb145, I may do some, but yeah, those tests are representative. It is CRAZY.

What matters more is often not the multicity of an individual's tests, but the correlation that can be established with more users' testing.
True. That was a little over-enthusiastic of me. I'll test it when my replacement gb145 arrives. From my impressions with my gb145 abd r145, though they don't sit right/always stay together, I defeinitely think those results are realistic, for what little it's worth, hence my enthusiasm. But yeah, definitely my bad.
So i was thinking is this a close assumption of what it should be when updated for attack?
the (M) means maybe , and if i missed anything or stuffed up please correct me.
That looks good. Everyone agree?
yeah, except XF is more like tier 1.5 for attack
Maximum Meteor disagrees with you.
and saggitereo is not better than big bang look big bang is great when you make big bang horogium 105 rf that is a killer i cant not do any test because i dont own big bang but i say its a good combo coz at beyday bonza1 kSB uCHIHA used it and it counterd basalt 230 cs badly man and made a cut on my finger
Big bang +230 is great and sagittario is underrated it's one of the best wheels for attack and has heaps of recoil in my tests with my launch it gets a solid 45% against basalt my testing also shows big bang + 230 is amazing i say everything in the draft and big bang in tier 1 as well as sagittario be taken up a notch or two
MF to the top/second of tier 2 for attack, "time rook" is amazing, moreso with th170 (read my posts in the time rook thread). Plus, there's testing of it. WF may be better, I don't have one to compare with.
Forgive me for being out of the MFB loop for some time now, but I think Vulcan should be moved down a tier or two. Not that it's a bad Wheel or anything, it's just that it's been outclassed by so many Wheels; I think Beat should be added in its place, based on the testing I've seen here.

Just a thought though.
and for the sake of Lightning Tank, BD145 should be actually be included on the list.
Should we remove Earth and Burn from Tier 1 in Stamina? They can't really do anything against Hell and Basalt.
(Jun. 02, 2011  8:28 PM)Mr. N Wrote: Should we remove Earth and Burn from Tier 1 in Stamina? They can't really do anything against Hell and Basalt.

but they are still good against others ough not the best in theiir league i personally feel they are better stamina wheels Burn and Earth but Basalt and Hell Don't actually win by stamina some times they cause KOs and Stamina types are supose to OS though paired with stamina parts they KO so i don't think that needs to be changed

Notes :I hate my computer if i try to back space or fix its this Beyb ade that was just spacing so its though above and also i wanted to write Besides Basalt they do good
MR.N - No, just cuz basalt and hell r better doesn't mean they should go to tier 2. They r really good, u saying they r equal to to virgo 3 minute and libra?

rustyxd - first of all, l-drago destroy isn't good enuf to be in tier 1, maybe 2. 2nd, vulcan isn't beaten by ray or pegasis, it is better, thats why it was in tier 1, vulcan shud stay in tier 1...
IT HAS MORE POWER THAN LIGHTNING L-DRAGO but, it isn't left spin, it deserves to be in tier 1 still, just cuz 1/2 metal wheels r SLIGHTLY better, doesn't mean the other is bad...
BillyBlast If you look at the results, Hell actually out-spins more. Basalt's recoil and shape makes the opponent lose spin and sometimes KOs. If Stamina types aren't supposed to KO, why did they even add Basalt? In my testings, Basalt rarely won by OS.

TylerPT I guess you're right. I guess we could move everything down a tier or something? IMO, Earth and Burn don't really stand a chance against Hell and Basalt, really.

Edit - Has there been enough tests on Screw to add it to Tier 2?
(Jun. 02, 2011  9:46 PM)Mr. N Wrote: BillyBlast If you look at the results, Hell actually out-spins more. Basalt's recoil and shape makes the opponent lose spin and sometimes KOs. If Stamina types aren't supposed to KO, why did they even add Basalt? In my testings, Basalt rarely won by OS.

TylerPT I guess you're right. I guess we could move everything down a tier or something? IMO, Earth and Burn don't really stand a chance against Hell and Basalt, really.

Edit - Has there been enough tests on Screw to add it to Tier 2?

my post was really ment to hurt basalt i feel so old school right now i just feel earth and burn are original stamina types that can take light damge and keep spinning alot while i feel Hell slows them down while using defense to stay in? while basalt takes it to far as to slowing them down by hitting hard to KOing them i know Burn and Earth Lose to them but they i believe are good against some stuff still good enough to be Top tier and can take down defense easy besides basalt and somtimes 125-145 Hell combos
(Jun. 02, 2011  10:02 PM)BillyBlast Wrote: my post was really ment to hurt basalt i feel so old school right now i just feel earth and burn are original stamina types that can take light damge and keep spinning alot while i feel Hell slows them down while using defense to stay in? while basalt takes it to far as to slowing them down by hitting hard to KOing them i know Burn and Earth Lose to them but they i believe are good against some stuff still good enough to be Top tier and can take down defense easy besides basalt and somtimes 125-145 Hell combos

It's not like Hell doesn't have Stamina qualities... It is wider than other Metal Wheels and has lots of weight on the the outside.

Stamina types don't have to OS. Just like Attack types don't have to KO. Think about Meteo L-Drago.
1. Vulcan is not better than Lightning, Tyler. If anything, their on par smash-wise (on Vulcan's best day).
2. I definitely agree with Earth and Burn being lower than Hell and possibly Basalt. I'm not saying they should be Tier 2 yet, but Hell (Kerbecs BD145WD) definitely deserves its place.
3. Just because an Attack type OS' or a Stamina type KO's, that doesn't mean they are automatically put into another position, does it?
Also add MF to the tier list. Like for the combo MF Gravity Perseus BD145 MF. Dan already requested the BD145 part.
Restating what I said earlier, do we have enough tests on Screw yet?

Edit - The Ryuga He requested it for MF Lightning L-Drago BD145LRF, not MF Gravity Perseus BD145MF. We need more testing on MF.
I mean he said that BD145 should be included to the list end of discussion.
(Jun. 02, 2011  11:34 PM)Dan Wrote: 1. Vulcan is not better than Lightning, Tyler. If anything, their on par smash-wise (on Vulcan's best day).
2. I definitely agree with Earth and Burn being lower than Hell and possibly Basalt. I'm not saying they should be Tier 2 yet, but Hell (Kerbecs BD145WD) definitely deserves its place.
3. Just because an Attack type OS' or a Stamina type KO's, that doesn't mean they are automatically put into another position, does it?

sorry guys! I just like the traditional combos and only the idea of different versions of it like smash and upper but not equilizign to OS I'm just traditional I know that attack types OS sometimes that is why i didn't make a point there though i don't even feel Meteo L drago is a pure attack type i just have the idea of solo spin for stamina and implies that to the battle instead of equilizing in Short im just to stuborn to accept that these new ways of winning in types are not all together something different