MFB: Standard :: Competitive Customs List and Public Discussion

You can't make a combo ... You have been here long enough to know that by now

You want to substitute a Track with a Bottom?
I mean SR200 with TH170.

I don't mean like it's my property, I was just saying that that I found this combo.
I would edit your post to reflect what you just said.

It is the same thing ... Beyblade derivative because somebody could've found the combo before you ... No one person is solely responsible for finding a specific part combination.

I would try reading the thread the user Blackizard has linked in his signature.
I was already a big proponent of Phantom but these results wowed me even.

Phantom Cancer SR200 TB vs. Duo Cancer W145 WD
Phantom: 17/20, 85% (16 OS, I weird KO)
Duo: 3/20, 15% (3 OS)
May I use TH170 instead of SR200 for testing? I believe this combo has potential IMO, if Duo SR200TB is up there, then this should be too.
Isn't duo used over phantom for its defensive capabilities and better balance (less easily destabilized)? Phantom has higher recoil, but I thought that it had more stamina than Duo anyway, but it is easily knocked off balance or launched out of the stadium and that is why duo was preferred over it. I don't have Duo so please correct me if I am wrong. This combo should be tested against attack types and compared to how Duo does against those attack types and against left spin equalizers and compared to how well Duo does against them as well.
(Oct. 31, 2013  12:13 AM)Shining God MS Wrote: May I use TH170 instead of SR200 for testing? I believe this combo has potential IMO, if Duo SR200TB is up there, then this should be too.

you should try SR200SWD. I will have tests soon.
SWD doesn't work for setups higher than SA165... I would rather test TB.
Did one test and mirrored it but used Duo.

Phantom Cancer SR200TB vs Duo Cancer SR200TB

Phantom Cancer wins: 3 (All OS)
Duo Cancer wins: 17 (all OS)

Phantom Cancer win percentage: 15%.

I thought it'd do better but I guess not...
It's Phantoms recoil that made it lose in the end in my opinion. Duo has literally zero recoil, haha. Then again the results above say otherwise :\.
MSF-L Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D V.S. Duo Cygnus W145WD
MSF-L Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D 20 Wins (18 OS 2 KO) 100% Wins
Duo Cygnus W145WD 0 Wins (0 OS 0 KO) 0% Wins
Standard Procedure
Each Bey Launched first 10 times
3 Ties Redone

This surprised me! I can't believe this did so well! I also started tests against Duo Cygnus 230D! Those should be up tomorrow!
@DuoSR200TB: One thing to clear up... Ingulit suggested that combo. I was already testing it. Tongue_out

Duo and Phantom wheels differ between molds, so not everyone's results will be the same. I like it a lot, though. I'd like to see it on the list. Smile
MSF-F Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D V.S. Duo Cygnus 230D
MSF-F Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D 19 Wins (19 OS 0 KO) 95%
Duo Cygnus 230D 1 Win (1 OS 0 KO) 5%
1 Tie Redone
Each beyblade launched first 10 times
Standard Format

Pardon my post above. I meant to put MSF-F, but I put MSF-L.

EDIT: I'll make a thread for this combo when I get a couple more tests. Also what does it take to get a combo on Top Tier?
Top tier combos must be able to beat a significant portion of the metagame, or be a counter to a hard-to-beat top-tier customization. For instance, Scythe Uranus 85RS is on the list primarily due to its impressive results against Wyvang^2. Wyvang Wyvang is top-tier because it can KO most combos.

EDIT: I really shouldn't say it HAS to be able to beat most things; I mean that a combo either must do well against a wide variety of combos, or it should do very well against a less broad range of opponents.
(Oct. 31, 2013  1:01 AM)Shining God MS Wrote: SWD doesn't work for setups higher than SA165... I would rather test TB.

Oh sorry, I meant on Genbull Dragooon. for me it is as still as a rock.
MSF-F Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D V.S. Duo Cygnus SR200TB
MSF-F Genbull Dragooon SA165W2D 20 Wins (16 OS 4 KO) 100%
Duo Cygnus SR2001TB 0 Wins (0 OS 0 KO) 0%
0 Ties Redone
Each beyblade launched first 10 times
Standard Format

I was very surprised by this, but TB kept losing it's balance and getting KOed at the last second.

EDIT: On priority testing it says to test W2D against TB, WD, and, D/SD. So that's done. Now what?
Important insert here...

Why is Death Cygnus F230CF on the list? It's honestly kind of a piece of junk next to Duo F230 (which I found out first hand, LOL XD).

I think it needs to be taken off... it doesn't do anything that Duo F230 can't do better.

EDIT: One more thing, and I'll be testing this soon as well, but who else thinks that Wyvang Dragooon BD145R2F/LRF needs to be on the list ASAP? I love the thing... it's a truck. I've never seen an attacker hit higher than 20% against it, and it demolishes the stamina meta.

Anywho, I thought I'd just compile a list of what may need to be added:
  • Phantom (Cygnus/Cancer/Hades) SR200TB
  • (MSF-H) Wyvang Dragooon BD145 (R2F/LRF)
  • W2D for spin equalization
  • Girago/Genbull Genbull E230MB
  • (MSF-H) Bahamdia Ifraid SA165R2F

For W2D, I'm very on the edge. It seems decent, but IMO there really is no benefit to using it over EWD.

As for Genbull E230MB, I absolutely LOVE that combo. It's already been tested by Dr.PepsiDew and myself, and placed twice IIRC. It needs to go up there in my humble opinion.

As for Bahamdia Ifraid SA165R2F, if the thing beats F230, I think there are some users who would like it on the competitive list. I'm really in a kind of take-it-or-leave-it kind of position on this one.
RagerBlade, why were you surprised? Many members have said so many times that TB just sucks when its put up against left spin.

@theblackdragon, isn't the Wyvang Dragooon BD145R2F combo a little too similar to Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F? More testing on it would be better to see which is better than the other, or if they could even be up on the list together.

Personally, I like Girago/ Genbull Genbull E230MB up there, since I love that set up. Not so sure about W2D though....I'll do more testing on it I guess. Lastly, I'm totally up for Bahamdia Ifraid there, its a beast for attack!
Well, for both Wyvang Dragooon combos being so similar, isn't that all the more of a reason to list both? Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F is pretty darn good, so it's not hard to believe that a BD145 variant would work great.
W2D can be an option for spin equalization. I can test it against some combos if you want. I have some tests above for W2D.

LMAO I never heard that, well now I know!
Well, the thing is, although it is viable, W2D doesn't do anything else that EWD doesn't do better. It's the same thing with Death F230CF.
(Nov. 02, 2013  7:14 PM)theblackdragon Wrote: Well, the thing is, although it is viable, W2D doesn't do anything else that EWD doesn't do better. It's the same thing with Death F230CF.
So why can't W2D be added as an option? It's usable for people who don't have an EWD.
Which is why it should be added, it would avoid the endless, "What should I use instead?"
LMAO, as I have done extensive testing on that, these are my findings.(Wd BD145R2F)

+More attack+ speed
+more metal on metal contact with BD145
+more LAD
-less attack immunity
-Less precession

-less speed (not necessarily attack)
-less LAD
+more attack immunity(on levels of girago)
+more preccesion
+more weight

Also in terms of my testing, although SA165 can pull off better win rates against stamina and defense(actually slightly) it cannot beat the top tier attackers we are currently having. It also has trouble with some anti-attack(like girago and this combo with BD145, but BD145 ties with girago as shown in shiny's testing). So in a competetive situation BD145 will have a better chance.