MF Scythe Bull BD145RB

Hi ! First : I'm not English so, sorry for the mistakes.If you think it's not a good idea, i will delete this thread

MF : More height, for better defence and better balance.
Scythe (Stamina) : Very good Stamina MW, not better than phantom but it's a better choice for BD145 i think.The stacking of Scythe and BD145 increases Scythe's defence and stamina.
BD145 : Very good parts. That fits almost anywhere. Very good combo with Scythe
RB : It's looks like the pure defence type bottom, very good defence part but bad stamina. WIth Scythe and BD145 i think RB can work great.

I don't have Blitz, GB145, MF, D,RS,RSF and RDF(RDF is coming soon) Uncertain

MFB Attack Stadium (Black)
R²F Mint
RF mint
CS Aggro/Semi-Aggro (Sonokong Ray Unicorno Starter)
Rev-Up Launcher (without Grip)
Bull (Hasbro)
R145 (Hasbro)
Basalt (Hasbro)
RB New (Jade Jupiter Sonokong Christmas Present)

vs Attack
vs Defence/Balance
If you want help me, you can.
I would like to see comparative tests, done by you, of how well this performs compared to MF-H Basalt BD145CS against that VariAres combo, if you would not mind.
This seems like a pretty solid combo. I don't have a second Metal Face to test against other combos with (getting some MF-2s tomorrow; I'll test with those), so would a regular Face be acceptable for them?
If so, I'll do some tests against Phantom Aquario TH170CS.
Metal Face is probably pretty important to it, being that it is a Defense-oriented custom.
Right... I'll save the Defense testing for tomorrow, then. In the meantime, would it be okay if I tested against Phantom TH170D?
Couldn't hurt, though I would like to point out that TH170 almost always > BD145, and D will most likely outspin RB.

Still, fire away!
(Dec. 30, 2011  10:19 PM)Hazel Wrote: I would like to see comparative tests, done by you, of how well this performs compared to MF-H Basalt BD145CS against that VariAres combo, if you would not mind.

No probleme, i will do this.

EDIT : I will do this tomorrow, if you would not mind.
Alrighty, just got done:

MF Scythe Bull BD145RB vs Phantom Aquario TH170D (170 Height)
Standard Procedure
Bull: 1 win (KO)
Aquario: 19 wins (all OS)

Bull win %: 5%

Not too surprised here. A couple of the OS's were fairly close; Phantom toppled over maybe 4 seconds after Scythe. I think this combo would be better suited with a more balanced CW, like Cancer.
Were you alternating launches, Kaiba?

Also, tomorrow is fine, L-Aries. No hurry. Smile
Could you please include the spin direction in which you used Variares, and once you've done the comparative basalt test, could you try Variares in the other spin direction, on CH120?

Scythe is somewhat underrated defensively, it has good enough balance that even BD145RS works nicely enough with it, plus, it's mostly round and has no gap. Not entirely surprised this works, RB also apparently has some passable stamina to it, too.
Aww....I received my Hell Kerbecs yesterday so i have never use MF-H Basalt BD145CS...This seems my best attacker don't work very well against MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS...Maybe this explains Bull's victories...Very sorry...Don't think it's an excuse, there would any reason to win a combo...

It maybe need to test this combo by others.

Anyway, very sorry.