[London, UK] Team IYTD *New Thread, now recruiting!*

Dude! Have you been checking the OP lately?
The takeover happened ages ago and Moss isnt in due to inactivity.
Therefore, there is no need to resign.
Happy days!
Ben. I'll be able to make it next week sunday for the meet-up
As its only me and bradley left on this team, I propose to make a new thread, start afresh
and make a new name. Whaddiya say Bradley?

@Mods, may I ask that this thread be moved to the Closed Area of no return. This thread has no more purpose.
...I am 100% sure an experienced blader, like ManicBen, won't join your team. Like i said when you requested me to be in your team.
but wait lets just see how well i do on saturday den commment i have odered 12 new beys whcih is coming in two weeks so ill prove how good i am
is not about how many beys is skill (and beys lool)
WOAH!!! Keep the SPAM away!!!

Plus, this thread will be closed, hopefully today, so go away trolls!

Mods@ Close thread please!