(Apr. 06, 2021 6:57 PM)6Jupiter5 Wrote: #Fafnir could you explain to me how homeschooling works? I’ve always been interested in the concept.
I can try, though explanations will differ seeing as there are multiple curriculum options. I'll explain the one I prefer most, which is Abeka.
Basically, there are a certain number of lessons
for each subject that you're required to complete by the end of the school year. In Abeka's case, there are 170 video lessons that range from 30-45 minutes in length. As a result, my schedule can be and is flexible, seeing as I can do school on a Saturday or Sunday here and there. Like normal school, I'm required to take quizzes and tests, and even though it's (home)school, I'm still given homework to do after every lesson haha.
If I didn't answer all of the questions you may have, feel free to let me know and I'll answer them ASAP.
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