FYI - They're not talking about that Nick faux-anime looking show in terms of Avatar. That live action movie comes out next year, and is directed by M. Night Shamalyan as The Last Airbender. The Avatar movie they're talking about is completely unrelated, and directed by James Cameroon of The Terminator, Aliens, and Titanic fame.
Avatar in a word is amazing! It is best seen in theaters for sure.
The 3D was perfect here. I felt as if I was looking out a window into a story. edit: Plot is I guess unoriginal but I didn't feel like it was any sort of drawback, it was told so well.
Last movie i watched was Paranormal Activity. WARNING TO EVERYONE: PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. It is the most boring and stupidest movie ever. It is not even scary.
i watched license to wed the other day... thank god i didnt watch it in the theaters but it was still enjoyable. good for someone who gets bored at home like me