Well, you guys have to remember that Beyblade's target audience is kids, so it is great if we can reach out even to that slide of age since we tend to discuss rather advanced and complex sides of Beyblade that they might not be interested in. It can be annoying, but personally posts like that toni mitchell guy's are way more of a problem. The other Members will improve with time, they will see people around only posting good or relevant things with proper grammar, and they might get one or two warnings, but eventually they will learn and improve. In a sense, it is actually a great sign if you noticed an increase because it means that we have more new active Members, because it certainly is not a case of regular Members deteriorating suddenly, hah.
Lack of recent posting quality.
(Jul. 25, 2013 3:54 AM)Kai-V Wrote: posts like that toni mitchell guy's are way more of a problem.
I agree 100%. Just look at his bio on his profile.
And he's 19 years old, I really can't tell if what he is saying is a joke or not.
I see what *Ginga* means, I agree completely. Also, I think more harsher warnings should be given out for one word answers, or double posts, since the person should have taken the time to read the rules (especially if they have already been warned a few times, it gets really annoying for members to constantly tell newer members not to one word or double post). It literally takes less than a minute to read the rules.
Harsher warnings = people leaving, which is something we don't want.
One-worded posts generally don't incur warnings since its not really worthy, unless it's a continuous offence.
And, I don't see the harm if you're not capitalising your words, since it doesn't really affect how you read it. Do you guys not text? Do you really capitalise all the necessary words? I doubt it ..
One-worded posts generally don't incur warnings since its not really worthy, unless it's a continuous offence.
And, I don't see the harm if you're not capitalising your words, since it doesn't really affect how you read it. Do you guys not text? Do you really capitalise all the necessary words? I doubt it ..
Yeah, I'm sure everybody that says they hate text talk do it occasionally. I see no problem with that really as long as it obvious what is being said. I say "LOL" and "OMG" a lot on this site and I'm never scolded because if it. I don't like it myself when people just use bad grammar intentionally without thinking of what they are typing, but they'll learn after notices and maybe mod warnings.
And I've gotten PM's from that Toni Mitchell and I figured he was just trolling so I told him to leave me alone.
And I've gotten PM's from that Toni Mitchell and I figured he was just trolling so I told him to leave me alone.
Okay, seriously? This is a site about spinning tops; half the members on here are probably under 13 & have no idea what grammar even is. The site is heavily moderated enough as it is; I don't think we need to get on anyone's case for not having spell check. The only issue I have is with people posting one word answers to increase their post count, but that's already being addressed.
Tony Mitchell likes to talk to me sometimes, and this is what I have to decipher:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Wow._. I can't even understand what he's saying??

(Jul. 25, 2013 4:47 PM)The Supreme One Wrote: Okay, seriously? This is a site about spinning tops; half the members on here are probably under 13 & have no idea what grammar even is. The site is heavily moderated enough as it is; I don't think we need to get on anyone's case for not having spell check. The only issue I have is with people posting one word answers to increase their post count, but that's already being addressed.
Under 13 and don't even know what grammar is? I don't know what grade in school you started grammar, but I started in kindergarten.
(Jul. 25, 2013 6:49 PM)Kyler_the best Wrote:I've gotten a few of those as well, just block him.(Jul. 25, 2013 6:19 PM)ryukiba Wrote: Wow._. I can't even understand what he's saying??
Yes, I know, sometimes it's even worse than that. He wants me to get a job, to earn money and ship him a free Beyblade
Anyway, for the person who said that people under 13 may not even know what grammar is, either the public school system has hit a new low, or that's incorrect. That's the stuff they taught us since kindergarten. Heck, I was taking psychology in second grade.
What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't get on younger member's cases for not being able to spell properly. As long as what they say makes sense, why should we be playing teacher by correcting them on it. Posting is meant to be fun & I fear that harsher regulations will only scare away younger members. I look back on things I posted on blogs and social network sites when I was 11 & 12 & facepalm myself over the abbreviations I used and the quality of what I would say, but had someone gotten on my case for an issue as trivial as my grammar, it would have done more harm than good for me, at that age. To each his own. This is simply my opinion on the matter.
It is not that we are teaching them proper grammar, we just are want to crack down on people who know how to write proper sentences.
It's not like younger members don't know how to spell, they just choose not to spell properly. Everyone does it in the case of some words.
Ok guys, I do understand that it can be unpleasant to read poorly written posts, but are we seriously gonna bash a specific member who is still active on the site, posting PMs and stuff that he has sent to others? How is that keeping members from leaving the site? Besides, it seems very apparent that he isn't actually 19, but is likely a kid who faked his age for privacy reasons. I've done it before. He could be reading other post about him right now, feeling really embarrassed. And he's not the only one who does
As for the actual topic, I mean yea its a bit annoying but as other members have said, it isn't really a big deal unless it is obvious trolling. Usually you can still determine what the posters were trying to say anyway. Tbh, Im more annoyed when members reply to poorly written but still readable posts only to correct them, like this:
“o I no, it's os colo lol"
Replier: "You meant to say, 'Oh I know, its so cool lol.' Please use spellchecker(or whatever that program is called)."
Then if the replier makes any mistakes, then he gets criticized by other members for making a mistake while correcting someone else. So there are in effect 2 or more posts that don't contribute to the topic and don't need to even exist.
Im sorry if I seemed rude, but I was just trying to get my honest opinion across.
As for the actual topic, I mean yea its a bit annoying but as other members have said, it isn't really a big deal unless it is obvious trolling. Usually you can still determine what the posters were trying to say anyway. Tbh, Im more annoyed when members reply to poorly written but still readable posts only to correct them, like this:
“o I no, it's os colo lol"
Replier: "You meant to say, 'Oh I know, its so cool lol.' Please use spellchecker(or whatever that program is called)."
Then if the replier makes any mistakes, then he gets criticized by other members for making a mistake while correcting someone else. So there are in effect 2 or more posts that don't contribute to the topic and don't need to even exist.
Im sorry if I seemed rude, but I was just trying to get my honest opinion across.
I'm not trying to argue with anyone. I thought this thread was for opinions on *Ginga*'s idea, anyway. These are just my ideas lol.
Tri What to you mean by choosing not to spell properly? As in using abbreviations, or spelling a few words wrong occasionally as a joke?
Aso, I would have to agree with U Gotta Cetus. Correcting someone's sentence isn't very constructive, in my opinion. And yes, I have gotten PMs from tonymichell too. PMs are meant to be private. I don't think we should be singling anyone out in public
Tri What to you mean by choosing not to spell properly? As in using abbreviations, or spelling a few words wrong occasionally as a joke?
Aso, I would have to agree with U Gotta Cetus. Correcting someone's sentence isn't very constructive, in my opinion. And yes, I have gotten PMs from tonymichell too. PMs are meant to be private. I don't think we should be singling anyone out in public

(Jul. 25, 2013 10:31 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: Ok guys, I do understand that it can be unpleasant to read poorly written posts, but are we seriously gonna bash a specific member who is still active on the site, posting PMs and stuff that he has sent to others? How is that keeping members from leaving the site? Besides, it seems very apparent that he isn't actually 19, but is likely a kid who faked his age for privacy reasons. I've done it before. He could be reading other post about him right now, feeling really embarrassed.Well I honestly believe "that member" is a troll, as I was making better sentences when I was five, and English was my second language. Even if we disregard that, he has sent insulting pms to me, and others, as well as made some rude, not to mention bad, posts.
Anyway there are a few things I would like to say.
1. I'm not saying, nor do I think anyone else is, that we should bash members who misspell things; we should just encourage the use of even the smallest amount of attention to spelling and grammar when posting. In the end, it'll make posts easier to read, which will only help the forum.
2. The emphasis of all posts here have been spelling and grammar. I believe *Ginga* brought up two other issues in the OP, and perhaps those should be discussed/addressed.
You know what I do when I see a poorly written post? I ignore it and move on to the next. If there individual doesn't take the time to check his or her spelling and grammar then obviously the post or pm wasn't really important to begin with. We shouldn't be wasting our energy trying to correct someone else's screw ups. This site is already very restrictive enough and you don't want to kill off one of the last pages dedicated to the love of beyblading.
So you are saying that because someone can't/doesnt want to have good spelling or grammar, they arent worth your time? Thats borderline discrimination. Just because someone doesn't spell well, doesn't mean they have nothing to contribute.
It may seem like im contradicting myself, but I believe, while spelling and grammar should be encouraged, people who lack either or both shouldn't be ignored.
It may seem like im contradicting myself, but I believe, while spelling and grammar should be encouraged, people who lack either or both shouldn't be ignored.
This is absurd that this topic even exists. You mean to tell me that it was so much of a bother that you had to create a topic to complain about some new members who are not taking the time to examine and critique their posts to make sure they are acceptable for a school paper?
Get this through your head, this site/forum was created to explain a children's spinning top game. Meaning that the target audience that this site/forum is going to bring in is going to be children between ages 8-14 for the most part. Sure, there are users who are much older and have a much larger understanding of the game, as well as basic grammar, but still, it is not something to get absolutely bothered over.
If it is a hugely bothersome problem, there is a report button that will notify a Moderator. Mods are here to give verbal warnings and help others learn the rules. It is something that any user can do. It is not difficult to send a PM to a user who tends to misspell a lot of words in their posts and simply let them know that it is kind of difficult to read or understand what they are trying to say sometimes.
From the sound of the first post, we should just ban all users who forget a comma or accidentally do not capitalize the first letter of a sentence. That makes this community sound extremely rude, and if I was 12 years old and saw something like that, I probably would not want to stick around. When I first joined Beyblade Spirit's Message Board in 2003 I believe, I was 12 or 13 and was so excited to find some people to discuss Beyblade with. That is probably the only thing that is going through some of these users heads here, along with the thought that Pegasus can beat everything thrown at it. They finally have a place to talk about Beyblade with other people and are very eager to start that when they join.
Just take that into consideration before getting angry about something as harmless as misspelling a word or forgetting to use a period.
Get this through your head, this site/forum was created to explain a children's spinning top game. Meaning that the target audience that this site/forum is going to bring in is going to be children between ages 8-14 for the most part. Sure, there are users who are much older and have a much larger understanding of the game, as well as basic grammar, but still, it is not something to get absolutely bothered over.
If it is a hugely bothersome problem, there is a report button that will notify a Moderator. Mods are here to give verbal warnings and help others learn the rules. It is something that any user can do. It is not difficult to send a PM to a user who tends to misspell a lot of words in their posts and simply let them know that it is kind of difficult to read or understand what they are trying to say sometimes.
From the sound of the first post, we should just ban all users who forget a comma or accidentally do not capitalize the first letter of a sentence. That makes this community sound extremely rude, and if I was 12 years old and saw something like that, I probably would not want to stick around. When I first joined Beyblade Spirit's Message Board in 2003 I believe, I was 12 or 13 and was so excited to find some people to discuss Beyblade with. That is probably the only thing that is going through some of these users heads here, along with the thought that Pegasus can beat everything thrown at it. They finally have a place to talk about Beyblade with other people and are very eager to start that when they join.
Just take that into consideration before getting angry about something as harmless as misspelling a word or forgetting to use a period.
But by the time I was eight I knew how to spell lots of words, and I am sure a lot of people here do. I think what you don't get is that while our target audience is 8-14, most of the actually active members are not that age. Hence why we should crack down on the members who are mature enough to post correctly.
Sure we can do that, but how many times do you think that method actually works?
Are you serious? That is not what I was going for at all. Sure, you wanted to talk about Beyblade. But at 12 or 13 you knew basic grammar, no? I do not care if you forget a comma or period every once in a while, it happens to all of us. Again, most of our active members are not in the age group you talk about. I am talking about cracking down on the members that always post, and always post knowingly wrong. (grammar/spelling wise)
Just take into consideration that I was never angry.
Sure we can do that, but how many times do you think that method actually works?
Are you serious? That is not what I was going for at all. Sure, you wanted to talk about Beyblade. But at 12 or 13 you knew basic grammar, no? I do not care if you forget a comma or period every once in a while, it happens to all of us. Again, most of our active members are not in the age group you talk about. I am talking about cracking down on the members that always post, and always post knowingly wrong. (grammar/spelling wise)
Just take into consideration that I was never angry.
(Jul. 26, 2013 8:08 AM)Kai Hiwatari Wrote:That is over exaggerating. You are acting like we are saying that if someone misses an "e" or a comma, they should get banned, which is absurd and not what we are saying at all.Spoiler (Click to View)
I can't speak for the other members, but what I was saying was that correct spelling and grammar should be encouraged, as it would make things easier.
Also, this is not "just a site to discuss spinning tops." It is an organisation. Courtesy is expected, and while this doesn't mean that everyone should act professional or they'll get banned, again, it's encouraged. Otherwise there would be SPAM and billions of the same topics everywhere.
Another thing, even if the average age is 8-14 (which may be true, but active members' average is higher I'd assume), you are saying that 3-5 years in school at the minimum has taught them nothing in terms of spelling and grammar? I disagree, as when I was 8, and for sure when I was 14, I was competent when it came to both (even with hardly any grammar education).
And as I said before, spelling and grammar were not the only reasons this thread was made.
Edit: Beaten by *Ginga*
Yes, also adding on to Ultramarine's post, we are an organization, we are more professional then ever before. The need is ever greater for some Hasbro executive to glance at our forum and see proper spelling and grammar.
You say that ignoring poorly written posts is discrimination, but how do you all intend to determine whether or not a member's grammar & spelling are excusable? If you determine this based off of their age, that, too, would be considered discriminating. There is no reasonable way to moderate the content of one's posts, & quite honestly, it just makes our community look prude. It's not our position to determine whether or not someone has recieved an adequate education. I apologize for posting so much on this thread, but I think the other side needs to be heard. If this were to happen, how would you go about it? Poor spelling isn't reason enough to report another member.
(Jul. 25, 2013 10:17 PM)The Supreme One Wrote: What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't get on younger member's cases for not being able to spell properly. As long as what they say makes sense, why should we be playing teacher by correcting them on it. Posting is meant to be fun & I fear that harsher regulations will only scare away younger members. I look back on things I posted on blogs and social network sites when I was 11 & 12 & facepalm myself over the abbreviations I used and the quality of what I would say, but had someone gotten on my case for an issue as trivial as my grammar, it would have done more harm than good for me, at that age. To each his own. This is simply my opinion on the matter.I'm going to prove that sentence incorrect, I'm twelve. My grammar isn't bad, is it? If that's your logic, then Duck, Drigerkai, and I (Just to name the 11-12 year olds with high Post counts) should be saying things like "Mah favite tp-teir beyblad iz Liba125HF." Yes, at certain times people make spelling errors, but you shouldn't let kids get off just for their age. You learn these things in Kindergarten. I'm not that incompetent.
Sorry for the rant, I'm not trying to be rude or mean in any way.
I've noticed it with tonymitchel. This is one of his posts
It is SPAM!!
tonymitchel Wrote:hey soraCome on wtf was that. Its meaningless. Its like he doesn't think when he posts