We're all pretty far apart. So it'll be hard to do so. There's 4 up north (Cake, You, and Cakes 2 brothers?), 3 here in the south west (Me, Jarvis, Lexibug) and 3 down south (Draciel516 and his brother and friend).
[Indiana, USA] Tournament Discussion
I have 2 friends who are semi-active, making 6.
Awesome! How far you willing to travel?
I live in Indiana too. Im going to update my current bey but it is Killer Capricorn Ad145 WD so im a maybe
I'm not sure. Probably no further than Indy, but I don't know about my friends...
i can travel to terre haute but not to far though because i dont want to be near my birthplace: Sullivan
Your from Sullivan? That's awesome. I live in Jasonville! It's awesome to have someone so close!
my real dad lived there i was just 11 month when i left because real dad a meth addict and all
Where do you live now?
Okay, Terre Haute would be a good place but it would be difficult for other people to come especially all of them in the north.
Please continue through PM, thank you.
Please continue through PM, thank you.
Okay, lets get into some serious discussion!
I would love a tournament to happen before August 12. That's when I go back to school. I was thinking somewhere up North such as Warsaw, Fort Wayne, or South Bend. If you think you could do so before that date, post so. Cake, I think it'd be better if you hosted because I don't know those areas most likely like you and you told me before you would like to this summer. I know we have the people so lets make it happen!
I would love a tournament to happen before August 12. That's when I go back to school. I was thinking somewhere up North such as Warsaw, Fort Wayne, or South Bend. If you think you could do so before that date, post so. Cake, I think it'd be better if you hosted because I don't know those areas most likely like you and you told me before you would like to this summer. I know we have the people so lets make it happen!
I could make it but we just need a date to do it. I will have to talk to my mom but, i can try making it. I say we should go for Fort Wayne.
I'm trying to get a response from Cake. I PMed him a few days ago.
Sorry I haven't responded, Tri. I'll try to host in Warsaw if I have time this summer. I have about two free weeks at the start of August, so I expect I could host then or in late July. This is my first time hosting, so I have a lot to learn
I just figured you'd be better as you have tournament experience and you know that area better. I will help as much as I can! Thanks a lot Cake! So there's 6 that could where you live and then there's 2 here (Me and my dad). 6+2=8! OMG I'm very excited! I am getting ahead of myself, haha. But if it happens, we will bring Indiana back!
Maybe Yuko could come down and help
Maybe Yuko could come down and help
If I can I will!
If you could help, that would be wonderful.
Okay. Cake, do you think you could get a location and date as soon as possible within the next week? I would need quite a notice to make sure my dad won't have to work that weekend. I am definite for the end of July or beginning of August.
I'm thinking of hosting on the first weekend of August. If that stays clear for me (which it is atm) it will be on Saturday.
As for location, it will probably be at Winona Lake, which is in Warsaw. There's a park where we could set up.
As for location, it will probably be at Winona Lake, which is in Warsaw. There's a park where we could set up.
Okay do you wanna start a maybe/confirmed list? If so I can go.
I'll keep a list, but I'm not certain I can host... I'm away from home for 2 weeks so I can't check some information I need to. The third is a clear day, but I don't know whether there will be a good place available to have the tournament at. The tournament will probably work, but there is a small chance that something will come up.
That's a good enough chance for me
I can make it but where is it gonna be at?? In Warsaw?
Yes, anyways while you are away Cake I can get stuff organized for you if you'd like, like getting the location you said and a list.