[India]Bey Nightmares -Elite Beyblade Team.Now Accepting any Indian.

Poll: What should our moto be?

Nightmares Rule
Aim to destroy
gives you Nightmares
The Best in the world
None of these
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
sorry guys but i dont have any words just sorry
sorry guys after i watched the video of dragoonrocks i felt that i am cheating with my own team and i am again joining you all if you forgive me
and i know that you all will forgive me baucause you all know that humans make amistake and please dont think that i am a bad wise captain please sorry and specially sorry to dragon bey raahul
Shadow Triads DISBANDED
yup you dont need to be sorry and you are still the wise capt ok
(Aug. 21, 2011  1:58 PM)dragonbeyraahul Wrote: yup you dont need to be sorry and you are still the wise capt ok
I'm happy for u guys stick together as a team
(Aug. 21, 2011  2:29 PM)dragonbeyraahul Wrote: so guys there is no match ok
No problem lets just be friends

This could have been done by PMs too..I dont think there was a need of this fight on this thread
ok so dark pro team no enimity want so guys we r doin patnership with dark pro team ok i asked whatzzer
welcome back fabregasrox323 was it cause it got disbanded
no i left it before it was disbanded if you want you can ask bladestar20
hey raahul is hostin one tourney in banglore and ill try my best in the tourney and make nightmare repo more strong
(Aug. 22, 2011  3:41 PM)aqua chandan Wrote: hey raahul is hostin one tourney in banglore and ill try my best in the tourney and make nightmare repo more strong
Has it been approved if not u should not advertise u might bee warned for that

ok thnx bladingspirit5 i dont want to get the 30% warning
ya you should not get a 30% warning and forced to leave wbo
ya dragonbeyraahul rox and i wish somehow this thread does not get closed whatever do well nightmares this is the time to prove your selves dragonbeyraahul,fabregasrox323 and aqua chandan ok and mite as well... sudhir libra ill even try to come im doubtfull cause im mite go out of banglore okkkkk and nightmares aim to destroy(ha ha)
so guys the hyderabad tourney has been aprooved so wish me luck guys and the prizes are takara tomy authentic beys so please whish that i win any of the places
(Aug. 26, 2011  2:57 PM)dragonbeyraahul Wrote: obuisely yes best of luck wish me also ok
yes all the best to you to
This is really SPAM. If you all really cared for fabregasrox323, you would just send him a private message.
(Aug. 27, 2011  3:56 AM)Kai-V Wrote: This is really SPAM. If you all really cared for fabregasrox323, you would just send him a private message.
sorry kai-v this wont happen again
ya nightmares to wish anyone just pm them ok
best of luck nightmares wish you do well