[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
That'd be great!
So here's a theoretical list of people-
Shining God MS
L-Dragodestroy9 (?)
Facade (?)
Jarvis (?)
Lexibug (?)
If the two latter members could confirm, we'd just need one more person!
Tri, do you know anyone (or possible anythree) that'd be willing to come?
My dad maybe but doubtful. (Jarvis)
There's a possibility I could come depending on the location.
Unless someone steps up to host, it would be at Oak Park, Niles.
When are you planning for? I might be able to come.
I could come, will come. I need to know the date though. It can't be on the 29th since I'm going to Summer Survival.
I'm down for it. Let me know what date your thinking.
I could do the 29 and I have a zero g stadium if anyone cares I also have a bb10

We better get those people fast because if we don't get this up we are going to have an 8 person tornament if I could suggest addong two more weeks that way when we get it approved there's time for people to join
Yes! Make it two to 1 more week for a tournament in Chicago. No way I can make it on the 29th.
I could be one, Scout25 can be one, and Ultramarine can be one.
Well, no one who's actually hosted a tournament (I think), if that's what you mean. I think I have the most tournament experience.
I am co-hosting at Summer Survival, and afterwards... I'll probably host a couple of tournaments.
Add Lexibug to the maybe list.
(Jun. 16, 2013  6:38 PM)Yuko Ray14 Wrote: SHADOWING YOU ARE SHADOWING at Summer Survival!

Sorry, shadowing XD
I would/could host if I was able to go up there. I'd need to get more knowledgable about hosting but I would.
It's be BB-10
Maybe Tri and I could host, and scout25 could help out, since he knows some things from me, but this would be kind of his first tournament.
(cough, cough) and what about me? XD
You could help out I guess, but you've never hosted before.
None of us have hosted before. It just took until now for people to start stepping up. Chicago could've been having tournaments if someone would take the responsibility a little bit earlier.
I was referring to general tournament experience, and if you looked at the last few pages, I tried multiple times to "step up" and get a tournament going, but not enough people actually said they could go.
You never exactly said you'd be the one to host though. There's a difference from hosting a tournament and gathering bladers to possibly come to a tournament.
I have experience. I'm going to Summer Survival to "shadow". Then, I can host some tournaments.