How many Languages do you know?

A little bit of Japenese for me! so, every one.........Ohaio! O genki des ka?
I know Japanese, English former languages, Also A-Little German. I liked learning those languages
I know English [obviusly] French and a little bit of german and japanese.
I know:

Chinese (My mother tongue)
English (My second mother tongue)
Malay (Hence the name of our country, Malaysia)
A little Japanese (Got it from watching subbed anime)
Cantonese (Mostly foul words XD)
Hokkien (Again, mostly foul words. ==)
Spanish ( DORA! Cute)
English, Gujrati, a fair amount of Hindi, and I'm going to take Japanese next year. Hopefully, I'll be able to read Beyblade episode summaries and translate them. (That is if Saigo doesn't beat me to it.) If not, I will be quiet like a good boy. Smile
All the languages I know are Hindi, English and a little bit of French and Arabic. I know how to read Arabic but French is too difficult for me to read and write.
English and a small amount of Spanish. I want to learn Japanese.
I know Engilsh and American Sign Language. And yes... ITS PART OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE YOU GUYS PROBABLY NEVER HEARD. ASL ftw. I can speak anyway I want to, its just basically hand signs Cool

I am about to add Protuguese to the languages I "know", hah. Does anybody have suggestions for shows in Portuguese, or series you know have subtitles in Portuguese on their DVDs ?
I know English, Arabic, and some Japanese words. xD
Well, I speak English (duh), Spanish (fluently), German (fluently), and a little bit of Russian (Russian friend taught me). Also a little Italian (Italian friend taught me.) and Romanian (Reading teacher from 6th grade. She was from Romania.). Oh, and Latin (Cousin takes it and she's been teaching me). XD
I know english and am learning Spanish. I also would like to learn Italian. Sadly, my school didn't have portugese that I could have learned
I know English, pig latin, and........... jibberish?

I speak fluent English. I can read and speak french. Writing it somewhat of an issue at times. With all the tenses and accents Unhappy And I can write Arabic.
(Sep. 17, 2012  9:10 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote:
No, just no. People from the US besides Silicon Valley speak swag, and Canadians speak French with maple syrup comming out. XD
I speak English.

I speak English fluently, and I can speak French. I can understand Korean, but I can't speak it. I also can do very little pieces of Japanese which I am currently learning.
I speak English and I know a minute amount of Japanese. I am also fluent in Pig-Latin.
I fluently (and correctly, unlike some Americans, with they're y'alls and carp) speak English, and am learning Spanish.

One of my life goals is to become quintlingual, menaing I want to speak 5 languages fluently. Japanese is the top priority.
I know English and Chinese.
Problem with Chinese is that I don't know how to write or read it; only speak.

So I have to go to Chinese school very Saturday.
I speak english, polish (the first language i spoke), french, latin, a bit of sign language, and im learning jawaese. I also know about a sentence in spanish and a few sentences in hatian creole.
English, Urdu, and a fair amount of Mandarin (took a course in 7th grade)
English and Spanish, with some grammatical errors here and there. Also, the Spanish I speak is a more slang-oriented Spanish, rather than formal. It's sort of difficult communicating with people from other Spanish-speaking countries because of this. Hopefully, I'm improving, as I am in AP Spanish this year.
I know a little bit of spanish. I know more french than spanish but my best language is english.