Few things...why go to austn when you can go to dallas for reginols and if you win go to New York >.>
[Houston, Texas, USA] Tournaments in Houston

Yes, at every Toys"R"us there will be a tournament August 27 from 12PM-2PM.
Hello, I go to Houston Often. I think I could attend a tournament.
another tourney OH MY GOSH put me on the possible cuz im in Arizona so it will take me some time but another person mite come so keep some spots open
I live about 30min.-1hr away from Houston. could anybody PM me if another tournament is coming up. and if any parts are illegal or not?
and i have a vulcan horoseus so i can come cause i live in houston
just tell me when the tournament is
it has to be on an sat
urday though
just tell me when the tournament is
it has to be on an sat
urday though
Can anyone please PM me if there will be a tournament in Houston please......oh yeah gonna need the location too
Ok so when is the tourney?
anyone still doin tourneys in houston?
idk if anyone is now pokemaniacdill
cmon i really want a tourney in houston i want to try my
Is anyone gonna be setting up any tourneys soon? If anyone does, I'm all for it.
I also have a TT Attack Stadium. PM me.
I also have a TT Attack Stadium. PM me.
hey guys i was thinking we could try an get a tourney going in january? what do you guys think?
heckz yea man just lets do it
i was thinking we could get a tourney together around January we need more bladers involved if were going to make this happen so if your reading this an your interested help spread the word to other bladers in texas so we can get something going!
hey that sounds like fun i think i might come just give me a date and time
hey someone should host a tournament during Winter break i will help organize i just cant host didnt turn out very well last time
I am avalible and intrested in holding the 2nd Houston,TX tournament. If I ask that Intrested individuals would contact me and tell me a good time for them.
256-656-7742 or contact me on Facebook I am Justin Gregory Cornett or contact me on Youtube on Justustify or 2Justinc
256-656-7742 or contact me on Facebook I am Justin Gregory Cornett or contact me on Youtube on Justustify or 2Justinc
I'm back guys. Who's ready for a tournament in Houston? Cause I am. I have a list of those who paid for last time's tourney and they will have free entry into this one due to last one being...well I don't want to talk about that right now.
im ready nightwolf! lets get a tournament on the road for 2012 man
i want to entered i am really maxdeese but i changed my username to phantomorion2 and i also got my own orion now so ill be ready
(Jan. 02, 2012 11:44 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: I'm back guys. Who's ready for a tournament in Houston? Cause I am. I have a list of those who paid for last time's tourney and they will have free entry into this one due to last one being...well I don't want to talk about that right now.
Cool man. PM the people who went to the last and ask them a good time. Spring break or any weekend in January or in Febuary.
hey i'm in for a houston tourney again!!Woot!!I'll challange all of u and win with my bey spiriitttt!!!