(Aug. 06, 2011 12:38 PM)Nwolf Wrote: would some sort of wire skeleton inside the main points which get hit and around all the other parts suffice? also would a clay mold work? or would it have to bey something like metal, which i can get to. If i can use a clay mold, then i can make my own beys!
I was thinking more along the lines of having something metal as the tip or inside the tip. A hot glue blade will be fairly heavy I think. Plastics generation blades are hollowed to remove weight, I think if you have a lot of weight standing on a plastic tip there's a chance it won't spin very well or just have bad stability.
You could put some wire in the attack ring but I don't think you'd need to really, the glue goes rubbery and is quite hard to tear. By the looks a clay mold will work, it seems that you need to put vaselene/cooking oil in the mold to stop the glue from sticking to it.
Here's an article about molding with hot glue: