Last Visit:
Jul. 09, 2012 2:40 PM
Country: Registration Date: Nov. 03, 2010
Im from Tucson, AZ and im the best blader in my neighborhood, besides my big brother. I come from a family that LOVES beyblade!(my uncle hates it T.T) I started playing beyblade when i was 4 and my bro had to lock his door so i would stay away from them but i picked the lock and STILL ended up in his room... LOL! anyways, my friend found this site and i wanted to create an account so i did and i love it here! (besides the Jerks! but that doesnt matter now does it?!) and i heard this is the best place to buy/trade and possibly sell and has the cheapest prices than anyone i've EVER seen. (mostly if the seller/trader is worth while) so i hope to be on for many years to come! Lol i came back from a Very Long Vacation from The WBO and i'm gonna try to stay on more often :D
Tournament History
TheFlameByxis hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.