Hello Bladers from around the world!

I love beyblade - especially the original. I dont actually fight with them - I'm more of a collector. Anyway, I want to get as many of them (mainly the old ones) as possible.
Current blades: Master Dragoon, Drigger G, Wolborg 4, Twisted Tempo and Samurai Ifraid.
Want to buy: HMS blades, and pretty much any plastic bey there is.
well,then best of luck,you'll need it
anyways,welcome to the WBO
i guess you should backspace one 'd' from the word 'bladder' in your thread's topic XD

Whereabouts are you from?
Welcome to the WBO and I hope you have a good time!
Hello and Welcome to the WBO! Hope you enjoy!

You can check out if there are tournaments around your area in the WBO General

Please don't forget to read the rules!

Thanks and once again enjoy your time here!
You misspelled blader.
We're not 'bladders!'
Welcome to the WBO! Hope you have a nice time here, and reread your posts!
"Inaudible bladder sound".
Welcome to the WBO. Make sure to read Kai-V's PM
Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay.

If you want signature or Avatar Visit my shop...
Welcome and respect of all in WBO
Yes battle Leon You can control us, My name is Kai-A2 I have my sigh nature!
Yes I want to go the Shop of Kai-V and took a one BeyBlade