My list is quite generic and doesn't require that many name changes as these names are quite do-able for Hasbro to not change even if it changes it is due to a reason they just don't change names too often like they used to.
Starting from Hyperion to my guesses to the final potential beys.
Super Hyperion
King Helios
Glide Rocktavor
Curse Satomb
Brave Valtryek
Mirage Fafnir
Rage Luinor
First Uranus
Variant Lakhey (Lakhey is a Nordic creature fitting Lean's last name Walhalla.)
Temper Dragon
World Spryzen
Infinite Achilles
Titan Hyperion (Titan cuz Hyperion aids the Titans)
Prince Helios (Prince follows the same trend as King xd)
Deviant Lakhey (Deviant cuz it is quite similar to Variant) eh it will change so
Final Medusa (potential final boss bey an attack type. I still don't believe Lean is the final boss.)
Reaper Doomscizor
Whirlwind Wyvron
Solar Zeutron
Clashing Xcalius
Dread Devolos
Abyss Devolos
Superior Genesis
Resurrect Phoenix
Brave Solomon (if any possibility)
you better watch this if you want nostalgia over these years. MEP Legendary: