Happy Wheels

Poll: Wat do u think of Happy Wheels

Gruesome but still funny
GROSS!!! Why am i on this thread?
Total: 100% 37 vote(s)
I really enjoy happy wheels. It a great pass time and stress reliever. I've recently come up with this "theory" about the cyclist and his son, or as I refer them to as, Jimmy and Little Jimmy. I've recently seen a pattern I call "The Curse of Little Jimmy". Whenever you purposely try to kill Little Jimmy, Jimmy ends up dying in some minor or major freak accident depending on what point you attempt to kill him. If at the beginning where the old man hangs, you could not make the jump and fall in the pit, or get caught by the clamps or axe. If you kill him at the clamps or axe, you'll probably get caught by the wrecking ball, automatic arrow despensor, or harpoon. If at the harpoon, you might die from the spinning bladed wheels near the jump to the finish line. And if you survive, he usually gets his revenge.
You people are more twisted than Tempo to play that and find it funny. QUE PASA CONTIGO!