[Greensboro, North Carolina] 5/22/11 Yankee Invasion: Second Wave


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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1st Place: Dark_Mousy
2nd Place: The Problem
3rd Place: Deikailo

Practice event! Meet up at the Doubletree Hilton at 10am for practice in the hotel swimming pool! Bring your bathing suit. Smile

If all goes well for this event, we can talk about getting a Beyday event for you guys the following week!

Same thing as every other tournament I run. For curious parents, the tournament takes 4-5 hours. Call or text if you are going to be late: 631-745-7001. If you do not call and you're late, you do not get in.

Time: 1pm
Date: Sunday, May 22st, 2011
Location: Lucky's Card Shop
Fee: $5 store fee + WBO fees
Format: Block Round Robin or Full Round Robin


Titan Blader
Doesn't Matter

Total: 12

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keep stuff on sell lis reserved and i have parts to donate (16 parts in all)we shuold do make a bey at the tournament so if u dont have a bey u can make 1 i have :2 faces(aries and vergo) r ringss,5 wheels 3 tracks and 1 tip
Keep your parts, dude. You can always trade for others.
(May. 20, 2011  4:38 PM)Deikailo Wrote: I'm unsure, but I think this store is actually opening specifically for us that day.

I've got hypoglycemia so I have to watch what I eat. BBQ is a little too much for me or at least the sauce is.

You have my number, right? It should be on the OP. Call me late Saturday night so we can tell you where our hotel is an what's around it. We can all have a practice jam together.

Most NC BBQ is chopped/pulled pork. Sometimes we have ribs. You will most likely like anything you have. But I definitely need some newer parts. This will be the perfect chance. DM and SA4 will ask their mom today. They'll email me what she says. I'll ask mine tomorrow.
hey titan do u 3 wanna join bey bezerkers team cus were recruiting if u need parts i only give em to fellow members
You might want to ask today. I mean, seriously, if my roster does not have 8 bladers, I'm not sure I want my father to go through the 8 extra hours to get to Greensboro. If you can't even make the effort to ask, it's a slap in the face to me.
(May. 20, 2011  8:01 PM)Deikailo Wrote: You might want to ask today. I mean, seriously, if my roster does not have 8 bladers, I'm not sure I want my father to go through the 8 extra hours to get to Greensboro. If you can't even make the effort to ask, it's a slap in the face to me.
im sorry me and my brother cant make it a family matter popped up
North Carolina has issues.
(May. 21, 2011  4:00 AM)Deikailo Wrote: North Carolina has issues.

Dj - Uh. Dj - Disappointed ...Wut!?
That's what I look like right now. It's because we have to get our parent's permission, and parents inNC are protective. They don't want us stolen at a tourney. We don't have them every month, so parents don't know what to think.
That's why it's held in a store...
Still, they just don't know what to think. They think that if you beyblade and you're over 9 you're weird. My mom just doesn't like it. She doesn't want to drive over an hour each way for something "immature" like beyblade. She thinks a 21 year old who does it is some sort of creepy nerd. Those are not my words. Now my dad is another story. He's been battling with me since I first started. And he still does. If I was with him, he would probably pay the cost of starting my own one. But somehow, because he lied to my mom about when he got laid off (he told her a week after) I don't get to see him at all. I'd probably be sleeping in a hotel in Greensboro right now if I were with him. So that was our journey through a NC parent's thoughts of beyblade. Summary:Most don't like it.
My previous post is not showing. Anyway, it just said that most parents think that if you beyblade and are over 9 you are weird. So they don't want "weird" people like me getting even more "weird" rubbed off on them.
(May. 21, 2011  4:56 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [Image: 227872_1580235000816_1683900022_1056662_6455536_n.jpg]

Do I look like a nerd to you?? I'm female.

No, but my mom might think so. My mom thinks anyone I have something in common with is a nerd, or weird. My posts were not my words, but my mom's. She calls me weird every time I launch a bey. Eventually she'll figure out I really like it and she will let me do this stuff. Just like with video games. It just takes time. She thinks it's weird because I played it when I was 5. But there's a difference between "playing" beyblade anPd blading. I wish she would just realize that it's so complex, physics based, and just downright educational it can be when you know what you're doing.
Either way, I don't want to hear it. You committed to going and you clearly didn't think this through. The drama you have brought to this thread might as well been a subplot to Desperate Housewives.
(May. 21, 2011  5:28 AM)Deikailo Wrote: Either way, I don't want to hear it. You committed to going and you clearly didn't think this through. The drama you have brought to this thread might as well been a subplot to Desperate Housewives.

I thought I would be able to see my dad by now. My friends might still go. Haven't gotten their email. You just don't get what I have to go through right now. This feels like a third divorce between them. Not allowed to see my dad at all until it's settled. My mom won't even pick up the phone when he calls. I just wish I could get away from all of it. And now my account will get banned, this was the only good website that exists for me. Now I'll have to find something else. Unless I have some sort of miracle, goodbye WBO.
Would you stop being a drama llama? No one said anything about being banned.
(May. 21, 2011  5:42 AM)Deikailo Wrote: Would you stop being a drama llama? No one said anything about being banned.

My warning level is almost 100% because my stupid computer and iPod don't work right half the time. I'm guessing thewarning for missing a tourney is enough to get me banned. I hope it's under 20, then I'll still be on.
(May. 21, 2011  1:30 PM)shotz Wrote: THATS BULL shiz man if i can covince my parents(WHO ARE DOCTORS)! THEN U CAN CONVINCE YOUR PARENCE TO DRIVE 1 MEASLY HOUR CUS I HAVE TO DRIVE 3 KK AND MY MOM THINKS THE SAME THING DONT U COME AND SAY (My mom wont let me cus she thinks its nerdy!

So wait are you going or not? But my mom has to study for school, and we have to take care of our neighbor's dog and my grandma's dog. I am screwed.
My mom has to study for school, too. When she came to help out at one of my tournaments, she just brought her stuff with her and studied in the corner. The tournament only takes like, 3-4 depending so the neighbor's dog needs constant attention? Seriously, stop whining or take your excuses elsewhere. Right now, you're just spamming the topic with your self pity.
(May. 21, 2011  2:20 PM)Titan Blader Wrote:
(May. 21, 2011  1:30 PM)shotz Wrote: THATS BULL shiz man if i can covince my parents(WHO ARE DOCTORS)! THEN U CAN CONVINCE YOUR PARENCE TO DRIVE 1 MEASLY HOUR CUS I HAVE TO DRIVE 3 KK AND MY MOM THINKS THE SAME THING DONT U COME AND SAY (My mom wont let me cus she thinks its nerdy!

So wait are you going or not? But my mom has to study for school, and we have to take care of our neighbor's dog and my grandma's dog. I am screwed.
i am coming and your not screwed you dont want to go is what it sounds like
(May. 21, 2011  2:29 PM)Deikailo Wrote: My mom has to study for school, too. When she came to help out at one of my tournaments, she just brought her stuff with her and studied in the corner. The tournament only takes like, 3-4 depending so the neighbor's dog needs constant attention? Seriously, stop whining or take your excuses elsewhere. Right now, you're just spamming the topic with your self pity.
Im definitely looking forward to this tournament tomorrow. What time will you guys open the doors?
like 12 i think
You think I don't want to go to this? I know 2 bladers at school, and I hardly get to battle them. I love beyblade, so why wouldn't I want to go?