Gravity Would probsbly do well here, so I tested it and compiled other's test for discussion here.
Equipment-Beylauncher LR
Beylauncher R
Zero-G attack stadium.
Note-All beys are TT.
My testing :
GP: 10 wins (7 OS, 3 KO)
Ifraid: (2 ZA, 7 KO, 1 OS)
1 draw redone
GP win: 50%
GP was equalizing and because it was lower it destabilized Ifraid at the last minute.
MF GP Att verAD145XF vs Ifraid Ifraid 160SB
GP: 12 wins (8 OS, 4 KO)
Ifraid: 8 wins (1 ZA, 7 KO)
3 draw redone
GP win: 60%
Everything was flying around due to low grip and high recoil.
Other members testing.
Conclusions -
Gravity is a bit too light for its massive recoil.
In most cases, RS does better than SB.
Other than that, I will be taking request and RF+GP results will be put up tomorrow.
I can only imagine.......Chris Brown+David Guetta
Oh nana Whats my name......I'll take care of you=Ultimate Drake+Rihanna
My youtube
My combos:Revizer Saramanda 85RS
Saramanda Reviser 160MF
Equipment-Beylauncher LR
Beylauncher R
Zero-G attack stadium.
Note-All beys are TT.
My testing :
Spoiler (Click to View)
(Oct. 13, 2012 12:35 PM)abrakadabralaka Wrote: MF Gravity Perseus T125MF (Attack-Destabiliser-Spin Stealer).MF GP Att ver AD145XF vs Ifraid Ifraid 160RS
Equipment-Beylauncher LR
Beylauncher R
Zero-G attack stadium.
Note-All beys are TT.
MF GP(counter mode, attack ver.)T125MF vs Ifraid Ifraid 160SB
GP: 12 wins ( 9 OS, 3 KO)
Ifraid : 8 wins (5 KO, 3 OS)
GP win: 60%
1 draw redone.
GP KOed several times due to its recoil and weight. I don't have Dragoon, but maybe t might do better.
MF GP(counter mode, attack ver.)T125MF vs Phantom Cancer AD145B(Stamina if I'm not wrong.
GP: 12 wins ( 8 OS, 4 KO)
Cancer : 8 wins (7 KO, 1 OS)
3 Draws redone.
GP win: 60%
More of the same.
GP seems to do well, but Dragoon should do much better.
XF is definenatly not uncontrollable.
MF does great. I don't think RF would do better.
GP: 10 wins (7 OS, 3 KO)
Ifraid: (2 ZA, 7 KO, 1 OS)
1 draw redone
GP win: 50%
GP was equalizing and because it was lower it destabilized Ifraid at the last minute.
MF GP Att verAD145XF vs Ifraid Ifraid 160SB
GP: 12 wins (8 OS, 4 KO)
Ifraid: 8 wins (1 ZA, 7 KO)
3 draw redone
GP win: 60%
Everything was flying around due to low grip and high recoil.
(Oct. 30, 2012 1:58 PM)abrakadabralaka Wrote: So I did *AJ*'s request but for some reason his post disappeared.
MFH GP ED145RS vs Ifraid Ifraid GB145CF(Sway atk)
GP : 12 wins (9 KO, 2 OS, 1 ZA)
Ifraid : 8 wins (6 OS, 1 ZA, 1 KO)
GP: 60% win
GP KOed Ifraid 9 times because when Ifraid was causing the stadium to sway, GP got tilted and spun at the edges of the stadium close to the exit pockets. So when Ifraid was circling around the stadium, it hit GP and got KO instead. AS for GP's spin stealing , RS caused it to tilt far too much, causing ED145 to scrape and get OSed by a few rotations instead.
I also did GPD125RF
MFH GP125R2F vs Reviser Ifraid GB145RSF (Best defense I have currently, RS was to worn)
GP:9 wins (All OS)
Reviser: 11 wins (8 KO, 3 OS)
GP : 45% win
Gravity was again too light for its recoil, hence Reviser was able to use GP's smash attack and recoil angainst it, so it was able to KO GP 8 times. The 3 OSes were because of the same thing except instead of getting KOed, GP hit the walls Causing it to scrape and deplete its spin. But if Gravity survived the first 15-25 seconds , it would be a battle of spin equalization, Gravity winning because it was on a lower track so as to be able to destabilize the opponent.
Other members testing.
Spoiler (Click to View)
(Nov. 05, 2012 12:58 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: Just putting it here as well:
Standard Procedure
Zero G Attack Type Stadium
BeyLauncher LR
Launcher Rubber
MF-H GP (Stam) BD145 RDF vs Duo Sagittario II 230 BWD
Duo launched first ten rounds, the GP next ten.
Duo: 9 wins, all OS
Gravity: 11 wins, all OS
Win Rate: 55%
It was much better than this makes it look, lol.
Spin stealing yo, Gravity Tank is back.Details (Click to View)1. (Duo first) Tie Redone; Tie Redone; Duo OS (half rotation)
2. Gravity OS
3. Gravity OS
4. Duo OS
5. Gravity OS
6. Duo OS
7. Gravity OS
8. Gravity OS
9. Gravity OS
10. Duo OS
11. (GP first) Tie Redone; Gravity OS
12. Duo OS
13. Duo OS
14. Gravity OS
15. Duo OS
16. Gravity OS
17. Tie Redone; Tie redone; Duo OS
18. Duo OS
19. Gravity OS
20. Gravity OS by extreme 1/100 rotation lol
(Oct. 14, 2012 1:02 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: MF-M Diablo Kerbecs E230 (Lower Mode) CF vs. MF-L Gravity Perseus (Right Spin) AD145 XF
First Ten Rounds Gravity Launched first, second ten Diablo launched first.
Diablo: 11 wins, 1 KO, 10 OS
Gravity: 9 wins, all OS
Win Rate: 55%
As you can see, it really depended on who was launched first. Let's see how it does in Upper Mode ...Details (Click to View)1. (Gravity Launched First) Diablo KO
2. Diablo OS
3. Diablo OS
4. Diablo OS
5. Diablo OS
6. Diablo OS
7. Diablo OS
8. Diablo OS
9. Diablo OS
10. Diablo OS
11. (Diablo Launched First) Gravity Self KO Redone; Diablo KO
12. Gravity OS
13. Gravity OS
14. Gravity OS
15. Gravity OS
16. Diablo OS
17. Gravity OS
18. Gravity Self KO Redone; Gravity OS
19. Gravity OS (half rotation)
20. Gravity OS
MF-M Diablo Kerbecs E230 (Upper Mode) CF vs. MF-L Gravity Perseus (Right Spin) AD145 XF
First Ten Rounds Gravity Launched first, second ten Diablo launched first.
Diablo: 16 wins, all OS
Gravity: 4 wins, 3 OS, 1 KO
As you can see, E230 destabilized like CRAZY. Literally, the battles that were Diablo OS were amazing examples of what destabilization is, haha.Details (Click to View)1. (Gravity Launched First) Diablo OS
2. Diablo OS
3. Diablo OS
4. Diablo OS
5. Diablo OS
6. Gravity KO
7. Diablo OS
8. Diablo OS
9. Diablo OS
10. Diablo OS
11. (Diablo Launched First) Diablo OS
12. Diablo OS
13. Gravity OS
14. Diablo OS
15. Diablo OS
16. Diablo OS
17. Gravity OS
18. Gravity Self KO Redone; Diablo OS
19. Â Tie Redone; Gravity OS
20. Diablo OS
MF-M Diablo Kerbecs E230 (Upper Mode) CF vs. MF-L Gravity Perseus (Left Spin) AD145 XF
First Ten Rounds Gravity Launched first, second ten Diablo launched first.
Diablo: 10 wins, 5 KO, 3 OS, 2 SKO
Gravity: 10 wins, 9 OS, 1 KO
Diablo Win Rate: 50%
Each battle could have really gone either way.Details (Click to View)1. (Gravity Launched First) Gravity OS
2. Gravity KO
3. Diablo KO
4. Gravity OS
5. Diablo OS
6. Diablo KO
7. Diablo SKO
8. Gravity OS
9. Diablo OS
10. Gravity OS
11. (Diablo Launched First) Diablo KO
12. Gravity OS (half rotation)
13. Gravity OS
14. Tie Redone: Diablo SKO
15. Tie Redone; Gravity OS
16. Tie Redone; Diablo KO
17. Diablo KO
18. Gravity OS
19. Diablo OS
20. Gravity OS
Now for Gravity ...
[b][u] Ifraid Ifraid E230 (Lower Mode) CF vs. MF-L Gravity Perseus (Right Spin) AD145 XF
First Ten Rounds Gravity Launched first, second ten Ifraid launched first.
Ifraid: 14 wins, 10 OS, 3 KO, 1 SKOÂ
Gravity: 6 wins, 5 OS, 1 SKO
Win Rate: 70%
E230 destabilized. 'nough said.Details (Click to View)1. Ifraid OS
2. Gravity OS
3. Ifraid OS
4. Gravity SKO
5. Ifraid OS
6. Ifraid OS
7. Ifraid OS
8. Ifraid OS
9. Ifraid SKO
10. Ifraid KO
11. (Ifraid Launched first) Ifraid KO
12. Ifraid OS
13. Gravity OS
14. Ifraid OS
15. Tie Redone; Ifraid OS
16. Ifraid KO
17. Gravity OS
18. Gravity OS
19. Ifraid OS
20. Gravity OS
A note on E230's mode in this combo: It should be used in Upper Mode if destabilizing s needed against left spin or Gravity. Lower Mode should be used if destabilizing is not needed/ is not against left spin or Gravity.
Conclusions -
Gravity is a bit too light for its massive recoil.
In most cases, RS does better than SB.
Other than that, I will be taking request and RF+GP results will be put up tomorrow.
I can only imagine.......Chris Brown+David Guetta
Oh nana Whats my name......I'll take care of you=Ultimate Drake+Rihanna
My youtube
My combos:Revizer Saramanda 85RS
Saramanda Reviser 160MF