Going Away/Coming Back Topic

Ahh, great to see you back lord Wolfblade! Happy to see you! Grin
Yay Welcome back Lord Wolfblade. Good to have you back.
(Dec. 01, 2011  1:12 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: Woooo! Stupid school, WBO Shabalabadoo is more important.

You should start making YouTube videos again, too!

lol, yes you are more important Tongue_out

i am going to upload a unboxing soon

thanks Raigeko13 and ƛnubis
(Dec. 01, 2011  12:57 AM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: for the last month i have barely been on, having only one computer and school to do, but i hope to be on more again and be more helpful in 2012

in other words, IM BACK!

I must admit, you certainly returned with style!

Good to have you back, bud.
(Nov. 16, 2011  5:00 PM)Aura Wrote: I would like to officially announce my retirement from return to this forum. I would like to thank many of you for guiding and helping me along the way. Here are some that really helped me:

Kai-V- Kai-V, you have answered many of my questions, have given me permission for many stuff. I thank you a lot.

Shabalabadoo/Hazel/Dan/Arupeo(Sorry for the spelling)/Reigeko13- You have all helped and supported me suring my time here. I thank you all for that.

DeX- From when I started until now, you were always the first person to tell me whether or not you liked/disliked my GFX pieces. I thank you very much.

Gripsocks- You're kind and talented and have (well ever since you joined) have given me great criticism. I really thank you.

I thank all of you. If you still want to talk to me, PM me. I still get instant emails once I get sent one.

Thank you,

Well, I am not coming back, but nice to see you back.
He's saying nice to see you back.

And Phoenix, it's hard to believe you're not coming back when you've been rather active over the past week or so. Would just like to point this out. :\
I get bored, okay! I am just mad, so fine. But that is my answer. But good to see you back Aura
hy , i am here to inform a new topic to introduce myself , am from france
(Dec. 06, 2011  3:57 PM)neodeviljin Wrote: hy , i am here to inform a new topic to introduce myself , am from france

If you are new, your introductory private message that you received told you to create a new topic in the "Introduce Yourself!" forum. This topic is only for people who leave or who are coming back.
Well, I will not be around from December 8 till December 17.
My exams are beginning...
But, I have 'em on alternate days. So I might come wandering here whenever I have a holiday on the next day.
Then again, I've always been here, even when I had my exams.
I just can't stay away from Beyblade.
But yeah, if you do not see me, then this is the reason.
Sadly, I will have just 2 'free' days(Dec. 17 to Dec. 19, the last day of the Contest) on which I could actually prepare a good Placard for BeyBrad. I was looking forward to it, especially because Brad was the judge, but looks like I've been chained!
Still, I will try my best to participate in this! Grin
(Dec. 06, 2011  4:39 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Well, its sad to say, but I will not be around from December 8 till December 17.
My exams are starting...
But, I have 'em on alternate days. So I might come wandering here whenever I have a holiday on the next day.
Then again, I've always been here, even when I had my exams.
I just can't stay away from Beyblade.
But yeah, if you do not see me, then this is the reason.
Sadly, I will have just 2 'free' days(Dec. 17 to Dec. 19, the last day of the Contest) on which I could actually prepare a good Placard for BeyBrad. I was looking forward to it, especially because Brad was the judge, but looks like I've been chained!

Start studying right now and you will have time to do the placard.
(Dec. 06, 2011  4:41 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Start studying right now and you will have time to do the placard.

I am all prepared!
Its my mom...
Meh, she won't be satisfied with my preparations unless she sees me studying till the last minute... Tongue_out Thanks, though! As it is, placards usually contain more words and less artistry. So, yeah!
@th!nk- Hehe! Grin
OK, as with Janstar, I've got exams coming up and will have to study, so I won't be on as much.
Same... I wish it would be christmas break already!
Im out untill the 19th, I will be processing orders. The reason is I have 5+ projects and a CARP LOAD of exams >_> Great....Will update thread and take PM's!

Jay out.
Oh snap, things are coming up. Lately, I've been logging into the WBO less and less everyday, and it's because I've had so much to do. I've been focusing on my VFX and GFX a lot more lately, which takes away a part of my free time after school and on the weekends. It would also be nice to spend some time with my family, something I never do ever since I came back into the beyblade hobby.

While this is not a 'good-bye' so to speak, it's just that I won't be logging in much. After today, I will probably only be logging in once or twice a day, to take care of the GFX Tournament and answer PMs. Other than that, my post count might be once or twice, to ask for CnC on GFX and, as I said, take care of the GFX Tournament. I am not quitting beyblade, I am just gonna stop worrying so much about it.

Other than that...
I'll see you guys. I'll be back... full blast... someday. It may be in a few weeks, maybe in a few months (my bet is in a couple of weeks, I can't stay away from this place for TOO long, I just need a break).

I really do not know what else to say...
Again, not a good-bye, but a 'vacation', in other words.

Get your sorry butt back here when Diablo Nemesis gets released. LOL
Well, like a BUNCH of other people here, I must get ready for exams as well. I'm not leaving, but I probably won't be as active, since my grades are dropping, and exams coming up, and then the events on here.. I suck at multitasking lol.
I've also been more and more busy, and I'm sure lots of other people have too! Not been posting much about Beyblade; I've only been checking a couple off topic threads and a couple Beyblade threads per day. But i'm not going anywhere. So enjoy your time with your family, get yourself all focussed up, get some sick marks in school, but come back when you miss me!

This was originally supposed to be to CRUelty, but Raigeko13, your post got in my way!! Angry So this is to CRUelty and Janstarblast and Raigeko13 and Galaxy Jay and Magical Ape!
NAO CRUelty DON'T LEAVE ME! Now who can I SPAM (and be SPAMmed back) with talk of HMS, GFX, and complaints about the world in general? But to all of you, I wish you best of luck in exams!

As for me, my Midterms are at the end of January, so I still got some time. Smile Enough to get a Kreis Cygnus for my B-Day.
I've got finals in two weeks, and honestly I think I'll be active as much as I am.

Just as it is, not for as long. I'll be gone this week, with less activity.
Hey guys I am leaving the WBO because I do not like the game anymore so prably I will not come back though every once and awoke I will check the forums and say hi but for now Im gone by.