I personally don't think these are fake. Remember, Hasbro has the trademark/copyright (whichever one it is) to the Beyblade: Metal Masters name, as does Takara-Tomy (to Metal Fight Beyblade Explosion.) That's why when you see knockoffs, they don't usually have the same name. And added to the fact that there's a Target & K-Mart selling these...Of course, these are just my thoughts.
General Hasbro BEYBLADE:Metal Fury/Shogun Steel/Beyblades Legends -FALL 2014 [HOBBY]
(Jun. 21, 2011 3:33 PM)iBeyblader Wrote:(Jun. 21, 2011 3:16 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: Is this set below fake?
[Image: %24(KGrHqN,!i0E3SGCFGI1BN+6+!4c2Q~~0_12.JPG]
I think it is fake because even Hasbro would come up with a better name than "Challenger Grip Set." It'd be something like "Torch Fire Set" And why include a cloth? I don't see a need for a cloth when Beyblading... And also, it comes with the wrong color launcher and the cloth has a Pegasus face when a Torch Aries 125D is included...
EDIT: K-MART??? Didn't that company go out of business? Since when do they sell Beyblade exclusives?
EDIT 2: Never mind. It was just my store that shut down. I didn't know that K-Mart sold Beyblade stuff.
Doesnt look fake to me, it has the hasbro logo on the bottom right corner so it cant be fake or its an illegal set. Plus the WBBA sticker is on it its just realy hard to see its on the top right corner.
Dunno if anyone noticed, but it's a glove, not a cloth. They've already been made.
Looks real to me.
Not much info, but with these limited sets, usually isn't. Like the red grip, though.
Looks real to me.
Not much info, but with these limited sets, usually isn't. Like the red grip, though.
Did BBS say he got Gravity Destroyer yet? If so, has he seen the launcher
I'm not sure if I can get it even if I see it. Sorta outta money.
But I will make a video of my Walmart to prove if it's released in my area or not.
But I will make a video of my Walmart to prove if it's released in my area or not.
(Jun. 21, 2011 5:49 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: Did BBS say he got Gravity Destroyer yet? If so, has he seen the launcher
Did anyone see my post on page 271! The back of Gravity Destroyer clearly says "Comes with a left spin launcher that works only with left spin tops. Only spin track and performance tip are interchangeable with other tops"
(Jun. 21, 2011 6:10 PM)LibraEagle Wrote:On the GD Image? On the back side or front? I did not catch this, if it even exists.(Jun. 21, 2011 5:49 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: Did BBS say he got Gravity Destroyer yet? If so, has he seen the launcher
Did anyone see my post on page 271! The back of Gravity Destroyer clearly says "Comes with a left spin launcher that works only with left spin tops. Only spin track and performance tip are interchangeable with other tops"
But seriously, there is lots of rumors on this thing. Hopefully I can see for myself on what launcher it has. The prongs thing would be hard to do, considering the inside mechanism would fall out. That is unless they duo layered it. If NightWolf is correct, there might be much more to see with MLD and HK.
It does say that in the small print. It says "Comes with left spin launcher ...with left spin tops. Only spin track and performance tip are interchangeable with other tops." That's odd considering that on EE it shows whats seems to be a right launcher. Well, we'll just have to wait and see until someone buys it to confirm anything at this point.
Ok, so if me and BBS are out of the money for getting GD first (money issues) that leaves it up to you guys. And about those sets, they look real. 1) They have the Metal Masters package design (Not big, very copyable) 2) Hasbro logo (Why would someone be stupid enough to copy this?) 3) Faint silheoutte of the WBBA sticker (Self-explanatory). I think it's leaning towards 99% Real, 1% Fake, if that. Maybe 100% Real. We'll see when they come out.
looking at the pictures of the challenger set on ebay it looks real you can see the wbba sticker on the back and i didnt see anything that would make it fake besides the front for torch aries it says bb-10 and on the back it says bb-13 or my eyes are bad XD
It's been established that it is 100% real. No retailer in their right mind would sell fake products with the Hasbro logo and risk getting sued.
I checked my local Walmart, they didn't have them.
I'm probably gonna check next week if I get the chance. I really want Gravity Destroyer, if I find it, I'm gonna BEG my mom to buy it. I wanna see how the launcher thing is played out.

Guess what, I didn't find Destroyer.
I have money now, though! Will be looking again soon, I think what NightWolf said is correct, they released it.. but not on shelves. Apparently, there are more Beyblades in the back. I just forgot to ask, but I'm fine with that. The launcher discussion makes no sense now, unless that LR Light Launcher thing even exists.
No one has it yet, so we have yet to discover the mold and more of the launcher.
Thanks, Kai-V for your help with your EMAIL to EE and NightWolf for the phone call.
I have money now, though! Will be looking again soon, I think what NightWolf said is correct, they released it.. but not on shelves. Apparently, there are more Beyblades in the back. I just forgot to ask, but I'm fine with that. The launcher discussion makes no sense now, unless that LR Light Launcher thing even exists.
No one has it yet, so we have yet to discover the mold and more of the launcher.
Thanks, Kai-V for your help with your EMAIL to EE and NightWolf for the phone call.
Later im going to walmart for it if all else fails ill go to TRU
need to find GD
need to find GD
Yeah, you should always ask them to look in the back if you don't see them. Which... I... neglected... to... do... hm...
No worries folks, I'll check in Target tomorrow to see if there aren't any new ones. I'll see if I can buy destroyer, and possibly TWISTED TEMPO if I can talk mi madre into it
official metal masters in louisiana not just the gear.
cool im really happy that they made it so that the face bolts are see thro its just amaizing that they did that
Why? It was expected, given that's the TT design/colour scheme...
(Jun. 21, 2011 9:47 PM)bey-jake99 Wrote: cool im really happy that they made it so that the face bolts are see thro its just amaizing that they did thatcall me lazy i dont like to put the stickers on so i like it but i dont like putting them on the metal wheel cause they'll come off any way. why bother
NightWolf You tryin' to speak en espanol now aintcha. Good luck. Maybe you can make us all proud. Can't wait to hear the results.
Agh, the fact that I can't go looking for Destroyer for a while bugs the carp out of me T_T Hopefully I'll get some gift cards for mah birfdai, because I'm kinda low on cash at the moment. I'd KILL to be the first one on YouTube to unbox it.

So would I, but I'm never the first. I don't even have a hundred subs yet. 
I wanna check Target and TRU so bad, but can't it's raining a storm out here. Well, I'll check when I move if the folks allow it. If not, I gots to wait 'til Christmas.

I wanna check Target and TRU so bad, but can't it's raining a storm out here. Well, I'll check when I move if the folks allow it. If not, I gots to wait 'til Christmas.
Eh, even if I got it, I probably wouldn't be the first to unbox it. My editing/uploading software, ImageMixer 3 ver. 6, has been acting up lately; it's gotten the video(s) up to 100% for uploading and processing, but it gives me some error message saying that it couldn't access the Internet. I like the quality of the camera I use regularly (Canon Vixia HF R10), but my iPhone's my only hope right now. 
Not sure if this kind of post belongs here, but hey, it's got something to do with Beyblade videos.

Not sure if this kind of post belongs here, but hey, it's got something to do with Beyblade videos.
*plays Why Can't We Be Friends* Yeah. What Coasters said. I mean seriously. Let's all discuss beyblade like the civilized bladers we are. Now, back on topic...we all must be on the lookout! Did I ever say what happened with me getting my Ray Striker? I almost snatched it from a little kid and ran! XD hahaha. I think I'll need to be doing a lot of that when it comes to getting these new beys. Twisted Tempo and Gravity Destroyer in particular.