General GFX Thread

(Sep. 02, 2011  11:02 AM)DeX Wrote: Why does it have to be me always ?!?!
It's like my fair, the jail booth was always having me in it! I HATE THAT FAIR !

anyways, I am currently making a sig... I will post it later Uncertain

Anyways,OPEN AT RISK Entry for Burnblader's contest.
What category do renders fall under? Because I was thinking of making a Render Gallery thread so that people don't have to look for them. So far, I've made 12, but I'm doing 8 more randoms, and I still have around 27 mechagirls to render to make a separate pack. So would I be able to make a render gallery thread?
Why not post them here? You rendered it yourself, and it contributes to making GFX so...
Well, many of the images are gonna be gigantic, so I was thinking rather than taking up a lot of space, why not make a new thread to put them in instead? Because altogether that's almost 50 renders, and I'm still gonna do more afterwards.
Yeah, now that I think of it, that's a better idea. Plus, no one wants to look through pages of this thread to find a render.
Put it in a render pack, upload it in mediafire, and post it here Smile
Sorry for double postin' Uncertain

well, thanks to vintage, I used one of his renders and made this:
[Image: 2.png]

nice! I like how it's not got a plain background, but your eyes are drawn to the main person in the image.
(Sep. 03, 2011  12:13 PM)DeX Wrote: Sorry for double postin' Uncertain

well, thanks to vintage, I used one of his renders and made this:
[Image: 2.png]


It's kinda plain. There is lighting but no "source". Depth needs work and the glow looks weird. Flow is fine. The dominating color however is making the whole sig less appealing. Otherwise, it's nice.
[Image: wingedkiriboh.jpg]

Eh, changed the render from my previous signature.
Kept it simple not really any blending but yeah.
<3 Winged Kuriboh; so kawaii ! <33
(Sep. 03, 2011  12:13 PM)DeX Wrote: Sorry for double postin' Uncertain

well, thanks to vintage, I used one of his renders and made this:
[Image: 2.png]


Front C4D looks a little fuzzy? Back C4D should be a little blurred, and maybe even a part of the arm, but even less. Outer glow kind of removes depth. Lighting is pretty nice, but top right is should be a bit lighter. The flow is nice though. Maybe use a gradient map to help with the colour scheme?
Hmm, is there any gradient map packs? I know how to upload them so...
I'm sure DeviantArt has some, and Brusheezy too.
It loos nice but the colors around the text are distracting and it makes it hard to look at the text.
Can any of you get me a render of sora fast please
Vintage, it looks nice! What else to expect from you? Tongue_out
(Sep. 03, 2011  11:21 PM)TanithElite Wrote: Can any of you get me a render of sora fast please

Which Sora? There are many Sora's in the gaming/anime world. o.o
(Sep. 03, 2011  11:21 PM)TanithElite Wrote: Can any of you get me a render of sora fast please

I thought you were learning how to use PS and make your own sigs? Why don’t you render your own pictures? It’ll be good practice.
I made this for my uncles football(american) forum what you think he told me to add Montana because it was his username what you think? Oh and he asked me not to cut everything because he liked the effect it would make so please don't start saying you did horrible at cutting. The football being half cut was also his request.

[Image: donmonatana.png]
It's too empty and he's over contrasted.