General GFX Thread

The flow and blend is amazing! I'm not the best at this, but I really don't see anything bad with it!

I have a feeling you'll go far in my tourney!

EDIT: the BG smudging looks a little odd. Thigh that's the only thing I notice. It's still awesome.
Thanks for the CnC
Thats my new style(i wont stick to that style though! XD!)

(Oct. 05, 2012  3:39 AM)Tri Wrote: The flow and blend is amazing! I'm not the best at this, but I really don't see anything bad with it!

I have a feeling you'll go far in my tourney!

EDIT: the BG smudging looks a little odd. Thigh that's the only thing I notice. It's still awesome.
The style he used created very good flow, for the odd part he placed a c4d which does look odd.
Viral your current sig is... Awesome. But tbh, you can do away wit the black border.
So, after my "Smudging lessons" (which is a solo lesson type) I am now trying to add scenery to my sigs. This isn't my first time, but I think it was better than it was before:
[Image: Section8.png]
get ready: My next step is this^
Challenge Accepted.


Hah, back on topic, nice style, the right hand side seems out of place though.
Mind handing a URL to the smudge lessons?
When I meant "Solo", it means Im trying to learn without the use of tuts, unless necessary. So technically, there are no Tuts unless I make them myself.
(Oct. 05, 2012  2:16 PM)Synth Wrote: So, after my "Smudging lessons" (which is a solo lesson type) I am now trying to add scenery to my sigs. This isn't my first time, but I think it was better than it was before:
[Image: Section8.png]
get ready: My next step is this^
Looks too empty, like the placement for the c4d and the circles, try adding light to them. The stock could've been placed to the right a bit more, the left side looks like a piece of block. Like how everything is blue.


Kujikato, it's not a border. I used to just to make the render stand out, I blured the black brush around the edges and I sharpened the render.
Well, it one sense it isn't, in another, it is. But oh well, it does help define the focal point. Good Job, seriously.
Oreki is always sad Unhappy

[Image: uL0Yy.png]

[Image: ts8OS.png]

I didn't like the second one's border and blending, so ...
(Oct. 05, 2012  11:38 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: Oreki is always sad Unhappy

[Image: uL0Yy.png]

[Image: ts8OS.png]

I didn't like the second one's border and blending, so ...
Hpphhh,pretty good blur/blending for the first one....goood backround....goes good with the back round.....I like It!!Grin

That's actually a very simple signature. There's a fractal that's color red usually, she changed the color to suit the render which turns out nice. However it's too simple and the render is too of to the left which kinda destroys the flow.

Meh, I hate this tag.

[Image: metroidsig.png]

I got flow down, (I think), I got blending (hah, not too much though).

What not to mention
-To dark

If you hate the tag why bother posting it? But here's some CnC.

Too dark too messy XD, but if you already knew that you messed It here why not fix it? Looks too empty, the text is odd and shouldn't be there. And plus the text shouldn't be far off from the render IMO. You could place the c4d in a better position, I don't see a focal point, try blurring the empty spaces since its empty or spam it with c4ds. And sharpen the render to make it stand out, overall I don't think you did a good job.

(Oct. 06, 2012  3:04 AM)Viral Wrote: If you hate the tag why bother posting it? But here's some CnC.

Too dark too messy XD, but if you already knew that you messed It here why not fix it? Looks too empty, the text is odd and shouldn't be there. And plus the text shouldn't be far off from the render IMO. You could place the c4d in a better position, I don't see a focal point, try blurring the empty spaces since its empty or spam it with c4ds. And sharpen the render to make it stand out, overall I don't think you did a good job.

I ask CnCs for everything XD

Anyways, thanks!

(Oct. 05, 2012  5:18 AM)Viral Wrote:
(Oct. 05, 2012  3:39 AM)Tri Wrote: The flow and blend is amazing! I'm not the best at this, but I really don't see anything bad with it!

I have a feeling you'll go far in my tourney!

EDIT: the BG smudging looks a little odd. Thigh that's the only thing I notice. It's still awesome.
The style he used created very good flow, for the odd part he placed a c4d which does look odd.

Seriously i didnt paced any c4d -.- . Anyway Thanks for CNC
Same thing that goes with the rest of my Cnc, it's the same thing over and over again. The render is overwhelmingly large, your canvas is too small make it bigger. And once again, don't place those kinds of borders and try not to distract the render much. It looks like the bg is covering the layer, but what I see is a bg on normal and on top is a render and above the render is the bg set on a different blending mode.

Honestly, you should try harder and also come up with a different style. Try smudging, just play around no need for tutorials. If you need help and you need a tutorial google is there to help Grin

Dark_Mousy totally went "Stahp and take my money" on these, haha. Welp, here are the different poster variations for his Beyblade tournament!

I liked the second one ... :L
I like the third one the best. All of them look pretty good, but yeah, the third is the best imo.
(Oct. 06, 2012  12:47 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: Dark_Mousy totally went "Stahp and take my money" on these, haha. Welp, here are the different poster variations for his Beyblade tournament!

I liked the second one ... :L

If you can, try to PM a comittee member so you can get the soften version of the WBO symbol. Also, those colors seems to be dull and lifeless. Get a more "appealing" look by using a couple more colors.
[Image: Pokemon.jpg]
And how do you do this 'C4d' thing and what is it?
(Oct. 06, 2012  5:35 PM)KatnissEverdeen Wrote: [Image: Pokemon.jpg]
And how do you do this 'C4d' thing and what is it?

Lack of basic fundamentalsTry some Basic tuts...

C4d Means some abstract stuff used in tags and sigs to create Depth,flow,lending etc...
Trying my best. I don't like tuts.
Focus, you can create depth with Levels, it doesn't have to be necessarily c4d's.

Katniss, I suggest you follow tutorials. At the rate you're going now, I don't think you'll do any better. Tutorials aren't there to copy and put in your signature, it's to learn. Who cares if people say you followed a tutorial. Learn from it and create your own way of doing it.