General GFX Thread

(Sep. 08, 2012  7:29 PM)n0.oNe Wrote: thanks for the cnc i made another one
The text doesn't look good. Also, to many renders and I can't find the focal point. Also, search online for renders before you start to make your life easier. KIU

Here are some I made last night, trying some new stuff. (No tutorial used)

[Image: rbwjev.png]


[Image: 2ynj96q.png]

also here is the logo I made for the forum I am working on.

[Image: fup34n.jpg]


Im not good at CNCing but I really like the first one.
Tetsu First things first, BIG IMPROVEMENT.

Okay my only thing for the first one is that I don't see lighting but except for the fact that the render has some light on it it seems okay. The color scheme with the smudging blends well with the render, but it seems too plain try adding c4ds and blend the render with the background.

This one looks fantastic but theres no color scheme. But I don't have much to talk about this, for me I think it looks pretty good.


*facepalm* forgot lighting. Knew somethig was wrong. FYI the last one was made with only photoshop.
On my last CNC, people told me I should change it up a bit so I gave something new a try. Can someone CNC these?[Image: plRK2.jpg] [Image: G5Pc0.jpg] [Image: ETjxY.jpg]
What's the name of the text u use in gimp?
(Sep. 09, 2012  12:37 AM)Anchor Wrote: On my last CNC, people told me I should change it up a bit so I gave something new a try. Can someone CNC these?[Image: plRK2.jpg] [Image: G5Pc0.jpg] [Image: ETjxY.jpg]

Glad to see your changing your style up a bit. KIU!
Anchor You've changed the effect which is good and I like the color scheme and gradient maps BUT never, ever EVER distract THE RENDER. Don't bother adding effects to the render, because the render is the focal point and that's why there is lighting.

For the first one, it looks all over the place. But you've got a color scheme going.

For the second one, it's too bight and you've distracted the render too much.

I don't have much to say but KIU.
Thanks a lot Tsuna! I've been working on this new style, there not very good because I just started a different way but I hope they improve! Also, Can someone CNC these? [Image: UvIJs.jpg] [Image: qKkHS.jpg]
Can someone tell me the text u use in gimp
Just pm him instead of nagging and spamming the thread.

Anchor The same style again ._. You've got to make the render the first layer and if you did add lighting so it will feel like the render is going in a direction to create flow.
[Image: FireFistAce.png]
First Time At Smudging CnC?(Got Photoshop CS5 Grin)
Wow Nice.. You have improved you Smudge. I don't really know much about Smudging... But still image looks beautiful. Keep it up
I Don't Recall Posting This Here But CnC?
[Image: Mario.png]
Again good Smudging. But The Text don't seems to be looking good. I think you should change the colour to black or Gradient Colour...

What the meaning of KIU..>?
Smudging Is Not Involved In Making That Sig And I Know The Text Sucks
I Know Text Doesn't Blend Well CnC?
[Image: Goku2.png]
There is no blend between the render and the background.
Hmm... Not Bad Rendering Skills Improved But Border Was Not Needed And I Purposely Made The Image So It Would Be Cut Off To What You'd Do Try Smudging Cut-Off Edges And You Backgrounds Are Getting Similar To Each Other I Suggest Changing Your Style

[Image: ninja.jpg]
Improve Your Rendering The Bg Is Too Plain And Text Does Not Match Well