Zenith, like Magnum, Jerk and Polish, is a Forge Disc made up of a metal core and plastic perimeter making up the gimmick of the Disc. Unlike the aforementioned Discs however, Zenith uses a different metal core with three blades in the shape of "Z"s.
For Zenith's gimmick, the plastic houses rubber sections, meant to absorb impact and reduce Burst risk during Disc-to-Layer contact. However, due to most Burst Performance Tips being of similar heights, such contact is rare. Furthermore, if such contact does occur, the rubber is liable to act as brakes, slowing the Zenith combination down. Additionally, because the rubber extends to the underside of the Disc, which when combined with Zenith's rough perimeter, nullifies any Life-After-Death potential. Finally, because much of Zenith's construction is plastic, the Disc has a Centralized-Weight-Distribution and is light weight which slows Mobile combinations, reduces Attack potential, creates poor spin retention and spin times and makes combinations highly vulnerable to Knock-Outs.
Zenith, like other metal and plastic Discs, is too light to be effective. Furthermore, due to the rubber parts and rough perimeter, Zenith also nullifies Life-After-Death, making it ill-suited for Spin-Equalization combinations as well.
As such, Zenith is recommended for collection purposes only
Who's bright [CENSORED] idea was this?