Favourite Beyblade? (Elaborate!)

I like L-Drago 90WF, Lightning L-Drago BD145 LRF, Meteo L-Drago CH120 XF, and L-Drago Destroy 85LRF
I don't know why but I like the dragon families
Plastics: Dranzer V2. I absolutely loved this thing. Smile

HMS: Wolborg MS. Can you say 'win'?

MFB: Earth Aquila. So versatile for Hasbro-oriented bladers.

MFBE: Hell Kerbecs. I like the black and gold, and stamina is my favorite type.

MFB4D: Scythe Kronos. Again, stamina. That and I like its look.
Plastic: Dragoon GT (Uncustomized). The appearance of the AR is made of pure win, it has a Left Engine Gear Turbo, and a secondary AR attached to a grip tip base. What's not to like?

HMS: Dragoon MSUV. 'Nuff said.

MFB: MF L-Drago Destroy BD145LRF and MF-L Lightning L-Drago BD145R2F. MF LDDBD145LRF has the pure-win gold-and-black color combination and its smash and speed are pretty good. MF-L LLDBD145R2F is almost completely transparent. Only the metal plate, MW, rubber (R2F), and the stripes on LLD CW are not.
For me it has to be for plastic driger v2 cose it was my first ever beyblade... i think Pinching_eyes_2 favorite hms are red phantom fox ms thunder dragoon ms and dragoon msuv cose i dont actualy know why there just my favorite's cose of just there epic lol and mfb bb-00 proto pegasis, gold ldrago [4layer], mercury anubis, quetz and original 4 layer cancer cose of how rare it is lol
Plastic: Draceil fortress
HMS: Draceil MS
Metal fight: Earth Eagle
I was never able to lose with these to bad now I only have Eagle with me when i was younger
MF(Black) Hell(Black version) Horlogium BD145 DS.
I have a similar one. MF (Gun) Gravity Perseus (Original colours) BD145 (HK Ver.) MF (Ok it's not black but you don't see this ;3)

It's a great combo and looks amazing Smile Probably my favourite bey at the moment.
Most people posting here are not giving reasons for why they like a certain bey.
May we please elaborate and explain why we like a certain bey? This thread might be closed if there is so much of SPAM in it...
Cyber dracel and rock scorpio. hands down xD
(Aug. 18, 2011  3:22 PM)ScorpiO ThE MaN Wrote: Cyber dracel and rock scorpio. hands down xD

did you not read the last post theone in bold cant miss it, well at least in most cases, evidently.
Mine, is MFH Basalt BullCH120/D125 RF. Its like the Mike Tyson of beyblade. I mean, its just killing every defense bey right now. Except I dont have a second basalt xD. I might use it for the next tourney I go to. But if Deikailo comes it'd be more of a challenge xD
i have 3 ray unicorno becuse i love it and the parts cyber pegasus becuse of its epic and i love the face bolt also i love everything about it galaxy pegasus becuse i love pegasus and my first mfb was pegasus so here are mine
I Have 3 Rock Leone because it was my first metal fusion/metal fight beyblade and it is king of beast Grin
2 Is Beat Lynx 85 RF Because When It fights in My Lightning force stadium if it misses the bey it hits the stadium really really hard and destroye's it some times.
3 Meteo Ldrago Because i was telling my Friend that beyblade listen to you and he said prove it so i ripped it down my hallway and i said return and it did not at the exact time i think this was mainly a co insedent
Mne is Pegasus 105F. I think its the first Pegasus mould released. The blade is just right for me. Its not too attacking or too defensive.
I have numerous favorites, some for specific quirks, some just for being customs I threw together that I liked a lot, and some just for the way they look. Earth Lacerta GB145WD/CS(I alternate depending on what I'm doing) is probably my favorite custom I've come up with so far, although I'm excited about getting my Screw Capricorne as it's one of my favorites in appearance.

Overall, my favorite looking Bey is easily Mercury Anubis 85XF, and I'm looking forward to getting to use it once it arrives. The appearance of that beyblade is a decent part of what brought me back to it after so many years - finding a nice looking Bey that was also not a bad purchase.

In order, non-customized, these are my favorites:
Mercury Anubis 85XF
Screw Capricorne 90MF
Vulcan Horuseus 145D
Quetzalcoatl Gold NDS-Version 90WF
My favorites are Rock Zurafa (giraffe cuz look at my name Grin), ray unicorno and variares. Oh yeah, Cyber Pegasus too
Hell Scorpio 90R2F just a little something I came up with and like. I think it is great at taking out other attack types but then my bey pool is quite low so it probably sucks, but I enjoy using it.
Really like my Gold LDD BD145LRF. It looks awesome and it is awesome, what more do you want. I'm awfully careful with it though so I don't scratch that sick paint off and wear down the LRF.
My favourite beys are gravity perseus, basalt horogium, flame sagittario and hell kerbecs, I like them because they are strong and well they look kinda cool, especially hell kerbecs.
In the last month, I've undergone a few changes of heart, and other things have grown on me. My MFB favorites list now sits at(the ones I use just for display are left in their default configurations - the ones I actually use are listed in my favorite combo):

Thermal Lacerta WA130HF
Mercury Anubis 85XF
Vulcan Horuseus 145D
Blitz Unicorno CH120R2F
MF-H Earth Aquario GB145RS

Oh, and, favorite Plastics:
Driger S
Driger V2
Seaborg 2
Dranzer V2
I think I've posted here before, if I have, oh well...
Plastics: Cyber Dragoon and Cyber Dragoon Battle Specs., oh and Galman. Cyber Dragoon, because I always liked it was taller than the rest, and Battle Specs, well, because it's another Cyber Dragoon. My love for Galman started when my friend showed me his, I thought it was cool how there were two ARs (this was awhile ago, lol)
HMS: Phantom Fox MS and Wolborg MS (Ice Blue) They are purty, and I love how how Phantom Fox splits in two!
MFB: Gravity Perseus and Phantom Orion (I don't have it, and I probably won't have it, but I've always wanted an Orion bey... and now there is one!)
Currently, my favorite Metal Fight Bey is Blitz Unicorno. Currently for the plastic generation, I'm still deciding from Draciel, Dranzer, and Dragoon.
Hmmmmmm.. the only plastic I remember having as a kid was Dragoon GT (Galaxy Turbo) - I used to sleep with that thing (until my mom threw it in the trash with the raw meat... then I washed it and made sure it was cleansed then slept with it again.)
I know I had a (which got broken) goldish bronze-ish coloured Metal Driger. When I looked upon it, it made me have constipation.

for Hard Metal System, I'd have to say Dranzer MS (Metal Spiral) or MF (Metal Flame)

Fav characters always gunna be Kai.

From the new ones, I like Variares and L Drago Destroy a lot.

i love the red dranzer v2 and gigs. i also like wolborg 4 and driger v2. for mfb i like phantom orion, blitz unicorno, libra, and variares
Dranzer F/Black Dranzer have always been my favorites. The design is just the best in my opinion (cosmestically, of course it's not the best Beyblade ever).

Tier 1: Dranzer Flame/Black Dranzer
Tier 2: Dranzer Spiral, Dranzer Volcano, Dranzer Volcano 2
Tier 3: Dragoon Fighter, Dragoon Victory, Dragoon Victory 2, Dragon Galaxy, Driger Fang, Driger Vulcan
Tier 4: Anything else

I honestly don't really like anything outside of the plastic generation except for maybe a few HMS's.
Favorite Plastics would be
-Driger Slash - I wished I didn't lose this bey...it was so awsome Crying
-Driger Vulcan 2 - The 3rd Driger bey I ever got and the only one that is not dead or lost. I also does great in battle Stupid
-Driger Gatling - I want it so much because the AR looks so cool. Plus everything about it in general Eee

Favorite HMS:
-Driger Metal Slash - Again I want it so badly too, it just looks cool and I love Driger XD

I have an unhealthy obsession with the Driger Bey family...and Rei XD
I also like the Wolborg Bey family as 2nd Favorites because they're great stamina beys

Favorite HWS:
-Capricorne - Just wished it didn't suck Tired
-Lightning L-Drago - Apart from Tigers, Dragons are cool Cute

Favorite 4D:
-Beat Lynx - because I love cats XD
-L Drago Destroy - Same with Lightning L-Drago
-Phantom Orion - I've always had a preference for Stamina types Pinching_eyes_2