Beyblade! Fire and Ice follows the adventures of 13 year old Rai Katsou and 11 year old Kenta Katsou. When Rai and Kenta both have strange dream, they set out on a quest to defeat the worlds best blader, Zyro, But there’s more to the story than they’re told...
The story takes place 5 years after the events of Zero G.
Rai owns - Fuze Cygnus BD145RDF
Kenta owns - Inferno Phoenix T145EWD
As of July 8th, I am not accepting characters
Requested characters for current arc:
Mii Mah and Tape Spider
Lily Valhalla and Astral Lunar
Rengoku Son and Purgatory Ameterios
Lirano and Crosshair Lethe
Nash and Rogue Nemesis
Kaito and Escolpio
Dan and Uranus
The story takes place 5 years after the events of Zero G.
Rai owns - Fuze Cygnus BD145RDF
Kenta owns - Inferno Phoenix T145EWD
Chapters (Click to View)
Requested characters for current arc:
Mii Mah and Tape Spider
Lily Valhalla and Astral Lunar
Rengoku Son and Purgatory Ameterios
Lirano and Crosshair Lethe
Nash and Rogue Nemesis
Kaito and Escolpio
Dan and Uranus