@yukoray do you mean lw160? I don't think lw165 is a part....
F230 Discussion
Yea I meant LW160.
(Jun. 13, 2013 4:46 PM)Ultra Wrote: You did something wrong then. I assure you this track is top tier for stamina.
I try it on SB, BWD, WD, BSF, I admit I didn't test with SD because I don't have one, but when it was hitted, it destabilized to much, and then, if there was any unbalance on the stadium (because of the movement of the beyblades, not necessarily sway attack) it scraped it's way to death or it was hit again, it couldn't stabilize itself again and scraped even worst, I have many problems with the "protuberances" at the sides of it many times
Revizer Genbull F230BWD? Anyone?
Izhkoort, normally on taller tracks people use d or sd, so that might be your problem...
(Jun. 13, 2013 9:24 PM)Time Wrote: Izhkoort, normally on taller tracks people use d or sd, so that might be your problem...
yeah, but that doesn't fix the problem of recoil (it can have more estability but it will lose velocity each hit, even more if its a bad mold)
maybe put it on something real heavy like wyvang dragooon perhaps?
Nope Diblee is correct. That combo will work. I know it will just because of the way BWD looks.
Doesn't BWD have any LAD?
Yea it does, but EWD, W2D and WD have more.
I'll post this here, in case some of you haven't seen it in the Winning Combinations thread yet:
Is this issue as widespread as it seems to be? I've personally seen two poor F230's at Toronto tournaments now (1234beyblade, and now JesseObre's. Although, 1234beyblade's was not nearly as bad as JesseObre's ended up being). However, I don't recall anybody having problems with theirs at BEYBLADE REVOLUTION: The Insurgents and BEYBLADE REVOLUTION.
(Jun. 10, 2013 1:15 AM)Kei Wrote: Also, though I did well with F230, JesseObre had a terrible time with his today. I traded him one that was brand new and in perfect working order before the tournament, but then by the time the tournament started, it had begun to have trouble spinning freely.Due to this, he lost his first three battles, which essentially put him out of contention for placing within the top three (although, he did rebound to finish with a 4-4 record using other parts). He gave it back to me so that I could take it apart to have a look at the inside, but I wasn't able to find anything wrong with it. And as soon as I put it back together, it stopped scraping as much as it was earlier in the day. Has anybody had this problem with their F230 before? I've been using mine for a while now and haven't encountered anything like this.
Is this issue as widespread as it seems to be? I've personally seen two poor F230's at Toronto tournaments now (1234beyblade, and now JesseObre's. Although, 1234beyblade's was not nearly as bad as JesseObre's ended up being). However, I don't recall anybody having problems with theirs at BEYBLADE REVOLUTION: The Insurgents and BEYBLADE REVOLUTION.
Yes but BWD has better sway defense, the other tips you mentioned can be swayed easily. Some one should test it out
BWD actually gets swayed just about as much as WD
(Jun. 15, 2013 8:57 PM)Yuko Ray14 Wrote: BWD actually gets swayed just about as much as WD
I don't think that's a fair statement. BWD is noticeably better at resisting sway. It's not immovable, but the difference between it and WD is relatively large.
But regarding F230BWD: I don't think it would work. It's sharper, which means it has worse balance than WD, EWD, etc., and that is never a good thing on tall Tracks. CF/GCF is the only Bottom that really makes sense on F230; I don't know why anybody would want to sacrifice the insane life after death that F230 + CF/GCF provides.
Yes, butt hats not a stamina custom is it. Genbull Genbull F230BWD may be a good stamina custom.
I'm pretty sure you are right, unfortunately I don't have 2 Genbulls, not even 1 at that matter. Lol
F230BWD combo should be tested for stamina, not just the genbull genbull combo, I decided genbull because its stamina is better than any other chrome wheel and synchromes weigh alot.
I suppose I could test it, it will have to wait though I'm at soccer try outs and I'm on break. Lol
Heres my testing for f230 bwd
Gryph genbull f230 bwd vs. duo gasher b:d
worn zero g stadium
4-5 minute b:d mold(hasbro)
green string launcher
black grip thing
Duo: 9 wins 3 Ko 6 Os
Genbull: 12 wins 5 KO 7 Os
Its horribly unbalanced, maybe adding more weight, would do better, ex: whvang dragooon f230 bwd, for spin steal, weight, KO.
Gryph genbull f230 bwd vs. duo gasher b:d
worn zero g stadium
4-5 minute b:d mold(hasbro)
green string launcher
black grip thing
Duo: 9 wins 3 Ko 6 Os
Genbull: 12 wins 5 KO 7 Os
Its horribly unbalanced, maybe adding more weight, would do better, ex: whvang dragooon f230 bwd, for spin steal, weight, KO.
(Jun. 15, 2013 8:23 PM)Kei Wrote: I'll post this here, in case some of you haven't seen it in the Winning Combinations thread yet:
(Jun. 10, 2013 1:15 AM)Kei Wrote: Also, though I did well with F230, JesseObre had a terrible time with his today. I traded him one that was brand new and in perfect working order before the tournament, but then by the time the tournament started, it had begun to have trouble spinning freely.Due to this, he lost his first three battles, which essentially put him out of contention for placing within the top three (although, he did rebound to finish with a 4-4 record using other parts). He gave it back to me so that I could take it apart to have a look at the inside, but I wasn't able to find anything wrong with it. And as soon as I put it back together, it stopped scraping as much as it was earlier in the day. Has anybody had this problem with their F230 before? I've been using mine for a while now and haven't encountered anything like this.
Is this issue as widespread as it seems to be? I've personally seen two poor F230's at Toronto tournaments now (1234beyblade, and now JesseObre's. Although, 1234beyblade's was not nearly as bad as JesseObre's ended up being). However, I don't recall anybody having problems with theirs at BEYBLADE REVOLUTION: The Insurgents and BEYBLADE REVOLUTION.
Yes, totally, completely yes. This part seems to be as consistent as Game & Watch's hammer; some days it will be phenomenal and other days it squeaks and hardly spins. I have yet to take mine apart, but I think I will because I just tried it and it was pitiful.
Spoiler (Click to View)
(Jun. 15, 2013 9:11 PM)Kei Wrote:(Jun. 15, 2013 8:57 PM)Yuko Ray14 Wrote: BWD actually gets swayed just about as much as WD
I don't think that's a fair statement. BWD is noticeably better at resisting sway. It's not immovable, but the difference between it and WD is relatively large.
But regarding F230BWD: I don't think it would work. It's sharper, which means it has worse balance than WD, EWD, etc., and that is never a good thing on tall Tracks. CF/GCF is the only Bottom that really makes sense on F230; I don't know why anybody would want to sacrifice the insane life after death that F230 + CF/GCF provides.
This is all very true, and I fully agree that F230 and the CFs are matches made in heaven. With those track/tip combos you trade the consistent bearing performance of B: D for better defense and a height that's considerably more competitive.
That said, I'm in no way convinced that F230 is list worthy, but its continued presence on the Winning Customs thread is making me question that belief.
(Jun. 16, 2013 12:55 AM)diblee123 Wrote: Yes, butt hats not a stamina custom is it. Genbull Genbull F230BWD may be a good stamina custom.
I don't own F230 or (G)CF, but just because something moves doesn't mean it isn't stamina, and just because something is balance doesn't mean it doesn't have comparable attack/defense/stamina to combinations top-tier for one of those types alone.
A lot of F230's ability apparently comes from the LAD it gets from CF, and what Kei is saying is that by using BWD you lose that, which is its main advantage over other tracks.
Still, I'm hardly going to discourage people from trying it out.
Yes, but even though cf has more lad, its stamina is less than bwd.
(Jun. 16, 2013 7:06 AM)diblee123 Wrote: Yes, but even though cf has more lad, its stamina is less than bwd.
Using BWD may sacrifice the main thing that makes F230 worth using over a regular 230 or any other track/conventional ZG stamina setups, which is that LAD. That is basically what Kei was saying (as well as that BWD is likely not a good choice for such a tall track).
I'd say Genbull Dragooon SA165BWD, but this is the F230 thread. The F230BWD combo was the only thing I could think of for F230.
If you need advice on how to make F230 spin smoothly again unscrew the screw on the bottom and ad a drop or to of oil on the free spinning part and it will act new again so thier isn't a lot of wobble when you use it alot