Errors on the wiki ???

(Apr. 20, 2012  7:24 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: @th!nk: What we define as an "other version" is a bey that shares a CW (mfb only),

And a Face.
All beyblades have the same face until you apply the sticker unless they're pre-printed Wink

Okay, okay, what I'm proposing:

I really like LT13's suggestion of a related beys section (in the context it would not contain a billion beys, but those based on the same lineage, such as bbp and storm pegasus, as legend cyber pegasus and pegasus 105f), but otherwise, we leave alternate version solely for recolours of the beyblade as a whole. If, for example, something shares all but the track with a beyblade, though (eg stardust pegasis 100RF), we'd have to discuss whether to include it as an alternate version or not.

For beys that have a certain clear wheel, track, etc etc etc, we use the parts lists (the ones managed by KajiMotomiya that need to be given more visibility), these ones here:

All parts should link to their entry on those lists, too.

The legend series do present a unique problem, I would still suggest listing them as alternate versions of their metal-system counterparts, but perhaps a Legend Series article could suffice and explain it all by itself, perhaps linked to in a general metal system article, to say that "hasbro released the legend series, based on the metal system" or whatever.

I hope that makes sense?

Anyway, this is rather a different topic than where we started, that is, that legend series beys are much more closely related to their Metal System counterparts rather than the MFB descendants of those Metal System beys.

Perhaps we should have a "Suggestions for the BeyWiki Project" thread to discuss this kind of thing in, by the way?
(Apr. 19, 2012  3:25 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Have there been other instances ?

No, there hasn't - guess I got carried away and said too soon. I'll try to find someone else with a mold three R2F from a starter and come back. Smile
Well, assuming we go foward with my idea, all Legends beys should be in the related beys sections, for both the Metal System and MFB Metal System relatives

A Legends Bey article, as I also previously suggested, would work great too, but Cyber and Counter are technicaly not Legend wheels, which presents a small problem, but I am sure there are solutions
They are included in legend beys. Think whole beyblades, not parts Wink
IF the whole idea of updating the versions is approved. It's best if we do it the right way. Same face, MW, CW would be considered alternates. If they're different, then we need articles for them, and update the Beyblade Product List. It's simple as that. There's no need for 'Related to' articles.

As for the Legend beys, they would need individual articles. Perhaps, and an overall short article that explains what they are and list them.

Anyway, instead of going back and forth spewing ideas. You guys who proposed this, should do a quick check on the product list. BB-1 to BB-50 to start, and see how much more work are needed, and whether updating it is a viable option.
My only concern is directed towards potential articles for Cyber Pegasus 100HF and Counter Leone D125B, they were released long before Legends Cyber Pegasus and Counter Leone.

Hmm...I am thinking that those 2 beys should still get their own articles, and the Legends wheels should be linked to the Legends Beys article. Otherwise, i dont think other Legends beys deserve their own articles, for the reasons th!nk stated
Even Hasbro produced the red Cyber Pegasis 100HF. Cyber Pegasis 105F is clearly just another vesrion of it ...

And Fury Capricorn and the others will definitely get an article each, since they have a part that was only released with them.
Cyber Pegasus 105F was released as Legend Cyber Pegasus 105F, indicating it was based on it's HWS counterpart, and not the red one, so I think it would deserve a separate article, even if that article might be thrown together from pre-written stuff. I honestly think it's worth putting articles for all beyblades up, as once we have the parts written, we only have to put together an overall section so it's not much work.

I imagine kids would want to find out about "their" beyblade, and it would also increase our incoming traffic from people googling their beyblades. The only issue is updating things as time goes on, automating that kind of thing would be ideal, but I'm sure a couple of volunteers could be found to go through and add updated part descriptions or whatever.

Of course, this is perhaps a rather extreme and labour-intensive view, but consider it an idealist view.

Uwik: What do you mean about going through the product list and working out how much there is to be done?
(Apr. 21, 2012  4:24 AM)th!nk Wrote: Uwik: What do you mean about going through the product list and working out how much there is to be done?

For example:

BB-01 : Done
BB-02: Done
BB-28 : Take out Wind Pegasis, Heat Pegasis x 2, Clay Pegasis, Rock Pegasis, Poison Pegasis. (Make articles for them, and list them on the MFB Product List)
Oh that? If necessary I could do it myself pretty easily over two days maximum, it's pretty robotic work, haha.

As for new articles, for most of them, all that needs to be written for them are the colours of parts and the overall sections (though if we want to update all the old parts definitions while we do it it would take a lot longer and be a big overhaul task, though it does need to be done eventually). The beybox images could be a pain but I'm pretty sure people can work out what a beyblade looks like if they know what the parts look like, so it wouldn't need to be done straight away, and other than that it's pretty easy.

There are also the beys which have parts that lack descriptions, those would have to wait until an article(s) with their parts descriptions are published, making a list to keep track of them wouldn't be hard, though.

If we did decide to go ahead with that, we could have a thread to co-ordinate it, though we just need to work out the colors, product codes, and discuss the overalls. I could probably do a most of it myself again, and am happy to contribute whatever I can if needed.

As for the MFB Product List, that just lists numbered releases, doesn't it? RB beys are listed by their respective RB articles.
I believe we have a draft hasbro product list, and we should probably discuss how to list limited, non-coded releases too.

This is skipping a long way ahead, and far away from the original basis, but yeah, these are my thoughts.

I really think at this point we need a suggestions thread to be discussing this sort of thing in...

Drop Kei and Kai-V a link to my post and your response post. If they say it's green, then go ahead, get the job done. As usual, notify them exactly on what is being changed to what, and what's added/removed beforehand.
(Apr. 21, 2012  4:24 AM)th!nk Wrote: The only issue is updating things as time goes on, automating that kind of thing would be ideal, but I'm sure a couple of volunteers could be found to go through and add updated part descriptions or whatever.

Of course, this is perhaps a rather extreme and labour-intensive view, but consider it an idealist view.

There's a couple of ways we could do this. We could use the same process by which we update the Index page, or we could create a page for each part. Either way, updating this single instance would update every other instance with the use of a single line of code.

A better way, though, would be through a function which doesn't seem to work on this version of MediaWiki. With it, we could simply use and update specific sections of our various parts lists to update any article.
Am I the only one who think what Uwik's saying is completely unecessary? I mean we don't have articles on any of the plastic random boosters yet we put them in the other versions section. Seems to me like your making it a lot harder than it needs to be with no more pay off. Also we already have articles on all the plastic random boosters so we could just put links to those.
I think I covered the payoff.
The difference with plastic random boosters is that the parts didn't really change, so in almost all cases, they were the same beyblade, just a direct recolour. There's no point making new articles on them unless they came with wildly different parts other than the weight disk, and most of the parts that *may* have varied (did we work that out?) are generic parts (sg flat, semi-flat and sharp), and if we're sure there was variation we can write that in.

Please man, try to see the positive side of things Smile
I know it seems like i'm being really negative lately but I really don't see the point in all this work when you could just edit each individual article and be done.
We aim to be an all-encompassing encyclopedia on beyblades, don't we?

If you don't like the work, that's fine, you don't have to do any. Smile As I said, I can probably do most of it by myself anyway, so it's really no big deal.
I would do some of it but i've got an assignment to work on so it doesn't affect me anyway.
i added another version of Flash Leopard (Blue-Green)....

however..from which random booster are the other 3 Flash Leopard?
i cant find the thread by Diamond i think..
(Apr. 23, 2012  3:12 PM)Blank Ji Hyo ♥ Wrote: i added anoother version of Flash Leopard (Blue-Green)....

however..from which random booster are the other 3 Flash Leopard?
i cant find the thread by Diamond i think..

Too tired to do it myself, so there you go. Bookmark it! :3
haha..just happent to found it too by now..a thread by aqua..mistaken it was from diamond...thanks th!nk..
will update the rest with its respective random booster too.. Eee
(Apr. 28, 2012  3:23 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: So, as I have Dragoon V2 now, I was just reading through its BeyWiki article for about the 137th time.
But this time, I looked at the pictures more closely, and noticed-
Something seems to be wrong with the SP, isn't it?
All four protrusions should be pointing in the same direction at a time, no?
I want someone to confirm this real quick, as now I am a bit worried. Confused

I have just 1 SP as of now, so if the 2nd SP turns out to be the same as in this picture, then..... yeah! Smile

Quote from Plastics Q&A.
Its actually a very minor error, but if BeyWiki aims to provide precise info/details/pictures, then....

You see, it might be important for people to know how the SP looks when set up on that BB, and how it can be placed to face either direction. Smile

It might lead to certain misunderstandings too, considering that we are renowned to be the best source of Beyblade info. Either people will think that our information is wrong, or if they trust our info WAY too much, then they might also believe that there's something wrong with their Reverse Attack SPs. Smile
LOL..the pic looks like a turtle for me..hahaha..

i think..the picture might meant to show that the SP part is invertible to be able to be use in Right some SP are meant to be like that as Fin Tector

however..i do agree that the correct set up for the SP part should really taken into Jan might lead to misunderstandings...

perhaps..a separate picture of the SP part in future articles...
It might be a nice way to avoid clicking another picture to demonstrate Reverse Attacker's ability to switch directions.

Another error-
The Basalt Horogium article --> Basalt --> Use in Stamina customizations
The sentence in the aforementioned section glorifies Recoil as a good thing...
We may simply say that it grinds off the opponent's spin, instead...
On the Dark Series article it says on the Support part section, a zombie customisation: customize grip (dragoon V2) when it should say customize grip base