Do you mind me commenting? Because I have Simorgh from the Structure deck, and
BOTH players take 1000 points of damage each turn. However, Both players can decrease the damage by 500 or 1000 points, simply by setting having Spells and/or Traps on the field.
Also, why are The Creator and The Creator Incarnate in the deck?? That doesn't really make sense to me.
Why? Magic and Trap Jammers are really a waste of space in most decks. Magic Jammer makes you sacrifice a card from your hand, which most players don't want. Trap Jammer can only be activated during the Battle Phase, and so can take up a slot on the field you could use for something else. Both are worse than things like Solemn Judgement and Seven Tools of the Bandit.
Spellbinding Circle also takes up field space, and if the monster is returned to the hand, flipped face-down, or removed from play temporarily, it is no longer affected by Spellbinding Circle, but Spellbinding Circle remains on the field, now useless.
Defense Draw could be argued as a good card, but I don't think so, personally.
Adding the others is pretty simple, as they're really good cards, and can get you out of a pinch. Total Traps, should these changes be implemented: 11
Why? Foolish Burial and Card Destruction don't really seem to work well with the deck from my limited understanding of your play style.
Monster Reincarnation isn't very good, because you have to get rid of a card in your hand to bring another Monster to your hand. I honestly don't like that, because I think it shows that you've been pressed really hard.
Mage Power also doesn't seem to work in this deck, either. However, I do understand why you would put it in a somewhat Spell/Trap heavy deck. But you do have many more Monsters than Spells/Traps, so that doesn't seem like a good tech.
The reason I suggest the others is they are fairly common, and fairly good. Total Spells, should you implement these changes: 11
And now for the Monsters, but since I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding what all the cards are there for, this may be totally wrong: -1 Spear Dragon, -1 The Creator, -2 The Creator Incarnate, -1 Mist Valley Falcon. Sorry I couldn't be much help there, but I have next to no idea what your deck is about. Might I suggest making it mainly about Dragunitys, but with Simorgh support?
(Jan. 19, 2012 4:28 PM)Kai-V Wrote: I am a genius with powers from out of this world.