Destabiliser Thread

So I was trying to see how low stamina types have to be before destabilizer's are rendered helpless. Then I stumbled upon this:

Thermal cancer 100SF vs. Burn Leone 130WD
Thermal win rate: 60%

Flame Cancer 100SF vs. Burn Leone 130WD
Flame win rate: 20%

Also Ultrablader, you said that thermal didn't work as a destabilizer for you when you tested it? Did you use SF or WB?
Where are you getting that from? I don't even own thermal... Nice results anyway.
Thanks! I must have confused you with someone else.... So sorry! Also, While I do hate to admit it, all destabilizers I've tested against Basalt have been ineffective. The highest win rate I ever achieved was with MF Flame/Thermal Cancer 100WB, and even then it was a mere 50%. Do you know of any combos that get anything higher?
Testing Flame Cancer 90 HF for the comparison, will edit with Wolf when done:
Flame Cancer 90HF vs. Burn Aquario 145WD
SVS used
Burn mold 4 used
BA always launched first
Out of 20 rounds
Equipment: Beylauncher, Launcher Grip
Test outcomes (Click to View)
FC win rate: 25%
BA win rate: 75%

Comments: A lot of the time, Flame Cancer would only be able to destabilize at low spin, causing Aquario to force smash it down instead due to the lower spin rate. Plus, often times, Cancer would destabilize Aquario, but couldn't finish it because it didn't have enough stamina, causing it to sit in the center while Aquario spun around it, and Cancer would be outspun.

EDIT: Wolf testing complete!

Flame Wolf 90HF vs. Burn Aquario 145WD
SVS used
Burn mold 4 used
BA always launched first
Out of 20 rounds
Equipment: Beylauncher, Launcher Grip
Test outcomes (Click to View)
FW win rate: 35%
BA win rate: 65%

Comments: Pretty much the same with Cancer. But rounds 4 and 10 should have been an FW by SO, it knocked Burn Aquario up by lifting it and then attacking the bottom, causing it to straddle the edge of the stadium from the inside and spin on top of the wall, but then Aquario would fall back down on top of Wolf. It was like gattyaki. And I saw that it wasn't just winning by attacks or only by Flame because at the end of Round 19, it flipped Burn Aquario over. That shows that Wolf was destabilizing. Just by looking at the slopes on this thing, I thought that Wolf complemented Flame quite nicely.
Great so now we now that HF isn't the best choice for destabilisers. Destabilisers need to sit in the middle which HF doesn't.
So what do you guys think? Wolf seems to be a great choice for destabiling CW's don't you think? Other tests would be appreciated though.
I here have a destabilizer combo utilizing Burn.( and bull )
The combo is: MF/Normal Face Burn Bull 100/90/85 WF/XF
Due to the lack of a good stadium and parts, can someone please test this combo out for me?
I'd appreciate it if you do so. Thanks~
that wont do, Destabilizers need a Bottom such as SF or FS, a low movement bottom, also, that doesnt have enough stamina
What? Who said destabilizers need a low movement bottom like sf and fs?

That's not true.
(Apr. 10, 2011  4:43 PM)Dracovianauis Wrote: that wont do, Destabilizers need a Bottom such as SF or FS, a low movement bottom, also, that doesnt have enough stamina
If thats so, why is MF L Drago 100WF listed as a destabilizer?
Read the beywiki article for WF please.
The following creation of mine was based on L Drago 100WF.
My stance is that although proper attack bottoms like F,HF,WF and XF can be used it is better if destabilisers are in the middle shaving away the other blade's stamina so SF and FS are better to use but not the only option.
thx ultra for explaining, also, will a slight agressive WD work??
Probably. I wouldn't know since I don't own an aggressive WD.
Wait, I thought Killer wheel can be a good Destabiliser wheel?
arent Destabiliser beys that can steal spin how do these beyblades steal spin???
(Apr. 11, 2011  9:00 PM)pegasismaster10 Wrote: Wait, I thought Killer wheel can be a good Destabiliser wheel?

it is, the list in this thread is for potential parts, not parts that are proven to be good

(Apr. 11, 2011  9:21 PM)BrawlLawl Wrote: arent Destabiliser beys that can steal spin how do these beyblades steal spin???

no, where did you get that idea? destabilizers, destabilize the opponant (in other words destabilizers knock the opponent off balance)
Thermal is great for Destablising
ok i noticed with your testings that no one has tried gravity perseus or screw im just curious as both 'seem' to have metal sticking out that can make contact with the lower area of a metal wheel.

i am willing to test the gravity perseus in the form of MF/normal FB gravity perseus 100WB (left/right spin, normal/counter mode) though this will be in a couple days as my perseus has not arrived yet.

though i have not bought screw capricorn yet and in the process of doing so within a couple weeks and if someone else wants to test these for me it would be appreciated. Smile

this is all speculation btw as i have no evidence that either of these wheels work but i do know that gravity perseus has shown great potential as attack and stamina and have witness myself that it hurts when it is an attacker. it smashed my defensive combo of earth aquario 100CS.

btw i also have a TT Attack stadium and i will probably get my little brother to help me Smile

thank you for your time and hopefully we may get good results from these combos Smile

*as a side note do not rely on my results as currently i am in a sling with my left arm and i have to change my style of launching a bit Uncertain*
I need someone to test out my combo please.... MF Burn Bull 100/90/85 WF/XF.
The concept behind this combo is using a low track in conjunction with Bull's slopes to effectively destabilize the opponent. As with WF/XF instead of HF, I need speed with stamina, as we can see in the last few posts HF is a terrible choice for destabilizing.
Yes that's a good destabiliser. Would work better with FS or SF though.
No, sf and fs would be a lot different.

I still believe that WB is the best destabilizer bottom for flame.
I haven't tried wf or xf yet.
I think Wb just has more versatility than wf and xf.
I'm requesting that someone else provide testing for wolf. I have only HF and a Super Vortex, so for a few weeks I can't test. Can someone else test Wolf's great potential as a Destabilizer?
WF and XF are too erratic to provide proper circumstances for a destabilizer to thrive. (They move too much.)
I don't really think FS as a destabiliser bottom because it dosen't actually move much... So someone prove me wrong be telling me why it is a destabiliser bottom.