(Nov. 18, 2010 9:40 PM)Wraith Wrote: Name: Kakashi Nero (roughly translated as 'Black Scarecrow')
Bey: Shadow Corvus SF(Spike Fan)120RS(Rubber Sharp)
Bey type: Defense
Bey description:
Face: The face has eight black feathers and a red eye. The face depicts Corvus, one of the 88 constellations in space.
Clear Wheel: Corvus is very similar to Aquilla, except for the eagle's heads shape, which on Corvus the beak is sharper and curved. It is brown.
Metal Wheel: Shadow is a strangely shaped wheel, it resembles Thermal, but has only one gap. In the gap there is small, jagged spikes.
Track: SF looks similar to C145, but when launched, the claws unfold and connect, forming a spiked fan that is black (similar to Night's creation FF, credit goes to him for the idea). It's brown as well.
Tip: RS: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=h...rg.mozilla
Special move: 'Spinning Exploding Shadow Bomb!' Corvus goes up the side of the stadium then lands in the centre. It dissolves, appears next to the opponent and blasts a wave of shadow outwards. As a note, when he launches against a strong opponent he throws of his pads, giving him much more speed.
Character description: Wears a black cape, a black face mask (cowboy style), black boots, a MF-X around his neck and heavy wrist pads. He holds his Bey similar to Ginga, with holders for Corvus, Launcher etc. Also, has spiky black hair.
Kakashi is actually quite friendly.
Name: Itachi Kururgi
Bey: Heat Hydraes 135RF, later Divine Hydraes EG(Engine Gear)135MB(Metal Ball).
Bey Type: Attack
Bey Description:
Face: The face says 'Hydraes' in the 'Leone' font. The face depicts Hydra, one of the 88 constellations in space.
Clear Wheel: Hydraes is green, and it is similar to Pegasus, Wolf etc. because it has nine dragon heads around the edges.
Metal Wheel: Divine: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http...9,r:22,s:0
Track: EG135 is a normal 135 Track but with a lever sticking out. When this lever is hit the EG winds up. When it reaches 18 degrees, it releases a boost of spin.
Tip: The Metal Ball tip.
Special Move: 'Double Quad Crusher' the eight heads of Hydraes grasp the MFB spirit of the other Bey, then the ninth head burns it.
Character Description: Wears a green coat, fingerless gloves and has a cybernetic left leg. Has green spiky hair.
Some more:
Name: Reji Gaiden
Bey: Mad Volpos CH90Q, later Whirlwind Volpos CH85(Change Height 85-110)WB/F(Wide Ball/Flat)
Bey Type: Balance
Bey Description:
Face: The face shows a fox leaping. The face depicts Vulpecula, one of the 88 constellations in space.
Clear Wheel: Kinda resembles Virgo. Nine elegant tails swirls across. It is crimson.
Metal Wheel: Whirlwind is a three-wing wheel, like Storm, Galaxy and Genocide. This part is capable of Force Smash, because there is a certain pattern in the shape that allows it to occasionally grasp the other Bey and throw it downwards.
Track: CH85 is a clear pink track the changes height. No shape difference between it and CH120.
Tip: WB/F starts as WB, but if the Ball is pulled back via small levers, it becomes F. F is more effective in this way, but WB is worse. It is pale red.
Special Move: Furious Missile Impacter. Volpos charges and it's head sets on fire, and then the rest of it does. It turns into a flaming missile, and rams the opponents Bey.
Character description: Orange matted hair, best friend of Itachi.
Name: Iruka Kodoji (Dolphin Master)
Bey: Sphere Dolphin EMC(Extended Metal Claw)175XS(eXtra Sharp)
Bey Type: Stamina
Bey Description:
Face: The face shows a dolphin with waves in the background. The face depicts Delphinus, one of the 88 constellations in space.
Clear wheel: Very smooth. Light blue. Has a flipper on both sides.
Metal Wheel: Sphere is perfectly round, with small wave-like shapes in certain places. This is the best Wheel available for Stamina, in their world. It is blue.
Track: EMC175 was made because of the 45 Track. Low attackers were dominating the game. EMC can reach far, and can easily cut the opponents Track.
XS: eXtra Sharp is the only S-series bottom not suffering from balance issues. It is very Stamina-giving.
Character description: Kodoji has pale blue hair and vibrant blue eyes. He wears a white jacket with the sleeves torn, similar to Kyoya-san. Everything else he wears is blue.
Special Move: Tsunami Crasher. Circles the stadium and shoots water at the enemy. Then blast water into the air.
These four are in a team called the Galaxy Warriors. They were the best in Japan before they left for training.
Beafowl FTW! Thanks Omega!
Check out my pro channel:
Check out my pro team:
Bey Brad Wrote:heh, idiots. fish are legumes
(Sep. 09, 2011 11:30 AM)Tyler Le Wrote: They are the most dumbest corporation ever exist. No offense.
(Aug. 29, 2011 8:18 AM)BeybladeKing1 Wrote: Typical response from someone who has not got a real bond with their bit beast, they are 100% real you just have to unlock their potential first. Create the bond. I might have write a guide for you noobs.
5 years old? I spent the last 6 training Dranzer.
(Jun. 12, 2011 1:21 PM)faissaloo Wrote: my school is full of stupid rules like:
no balls on friday
(Jun. 09, 2011 12:03 AM)Kai-V Wrote: "how old are you" :
- "good"
- "very good"
"galaxy unicorno"
What an awesome topic, made by a smart person.
rockleone23 Wrote::@Ok guys if we can save our stadiums we can also save our beyblades!!!!!!!!
(Nov. 27, 2010 6:30 AM)shadowspark720 Wrote: This might be a dumb question but, even if it doesn't have good smash, can dark be used in a smash attack combo?
(Aug. 19, 2009 10:08 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: i quit beyblade screw this carp
(Sep. 14, 2010 2:30 AM)XBlader Wrote: yeah, to survive the ''Administrators/Moderators'' dunt dun duuuu...
(Oct. 25, 2010 1:31 PM)PegasusBlast Wrote: But c'mon. Hasbro doesn't have as much funds as TT.
(Jul. 06, 2011 11:36 PM)captin-soviet Wrote: i cant belive im a beyblading couch
(Aug. 28, 2010 7:56 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: Make MF Pegasis 145RF.
Your very own customized attack type Dark Wolf.
greekboy148 Wrote:You must be psychotic because you read my mind.
(Oct. 24, 2010 10:41 PM)Elmo Wrote: AHHHHHH
(Sep. 15, 2010 5:43 AM)Sagittario96 Wrote: bassano sannoo wal mart they are
(Nov. 28, 2010 2:24 AM)TylerPT Wrote: i think they didn't do 90wf is because 90 is too short? kids won't want to buy it?
(Nov. 07, 2010 8:58 AM)Hacked Wrote: Do you guys know what combination is for the ULTIMATE BEYBLADE for MFB?
(Dec. 22, 2010 10:43 PM)ThermalOrso2385 Wrote: Do you want to be my friend vulcan blader? Because I have none.
(Dec. 12, 2009 6:11 PM)G-Dragon Wrote: what's anubis
is it the teddy bear with a scar on it's face?