No problems for getting struck from below, I will be using it with BD145RS.
I know Phantom isnt a defense wheel, but I was also never interested in using defense anyways (no offence to anyone who likes defense). I am always trying to keep a niche, if not competitive defense type with me
Right now, my best defense bey is Phantom Kerbecs BD145RS, which, in my informal tests, gets around 60% against VariAres (but yes, that might mean I need more practice with it ).
Hmmm... LDD BD145MF surely interests me, I remember I once tried out this combo (but with my friends' fake MF) and it worked like a tank. It had the speed and weight to plough through almost anything.
Maybe when I have some money left, I'll try for Spiral Capricorn...
Phantom Pegasus II UW145RDF