"Build me a combo!" #2
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Has there been any testing for Driger S?
Hi I'm relatively new to competitive play and havn't played since the plastic series. I've recently started my collection but I wanted some build advice. I use Hasbro burst series blades with the basic blue triangle stadium.
My collection;
Valtreyak/ Wing/ Accel
Valtreyak/ Spread/ Survive
Unicrest/ Ring/ Defense
Spryzen/ Spread/ Fusion
Roktavor/ Heavy/ Survive
Roktavor R2/ Gravity/ Revolve
Wyvron/ Armed/ Massive
Wyvron W2/ Vertical/ Massive
Kerbeus/ Wing/ Fusion
Nepstrius/ Armed/ Zypher
Doomscizor/ Oval/ Accel
Doomscizor D2/ Force/ Jaggy
I'd like a defence/ stamina build as a tribute to my old Wolborg but so far I've seen good results from my balance type doomscizor d2/ gravity/ defense, mobile defence kerbeus/heavy/accel and stationary defence wyvron/armed/survive. Any builds would be helpful. And I should also mention I only have the standard launchers from the beys that came with them. Again these are the HASBRO series not TT.
My collection;
Valtreyak/ Wing/ Accel
Valtreyak/ Spread/ Survive
Unicrest/ Ring/ Defense
Spryzen/ Spread/ Fusion
Roktavor/ Heavy/ Survive
Roktavor R2/ Gravity/ Revolve
Wyvron/ Armed/ Massive
Wyvron W2/ Vertical/ Massive
Kerbeus/ Wing/ Fusion
Nepstrius/ Armed/ Zypher
Doomscizor/ Oval/ Accel
Doomscizor D2/ Force/ Jaggy
I'd like a defence/ stamina build as a tribute to my old Wolborg but so far I've seen good results from my balance type doomscizor d2/ gravity/ defense, mobile defence kerbeus/heavy/accel and stationary defence wyvron/armed/survive. Any builds would be helpful. And I should also mention I only have the standard launchers from the beys that came with them. Again these are the HASBRO series not TT.
Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F
Burn Phoenix 135MS(Only Track and Tip)
Ray Unicorno D125CS(No Track)
Grand Ketos T125/WD145RS
(Mar. 09, 2017 5:46 PM)Falkoga Wrote: Hi I'm relatively new to competitive play and havn't played since the plastic series. I've recently started my collection but I wanted some build advice. I use Hasbro burst series blades with the basic blue triangle stadium.
My collection;
Valtreyak/ Wing/ Accel
Valtreyak/ Spread/ Survive
Unicrest/ Ring/ Defense
Spryzen/ Spread/ Fusion
Roktavor/ Heavy/ Survive
Roktavor R2/ Gravity/ Revolve
Wyvron/ Armed/ Massive
Wyvron W2/ Vertical/ Massive
Kerbeus/ Wing/ Fusion
Nepstrius/ Armed/ Zypher
Doomscizor/ Oval/ Accel
Doomscizor D2/ Force/ Jaggy
I'd like a defence/ stamina build as a tribute to my old Wolborg but so far I've seen good results from my balance type doomscizor d2/ gravity/ defense, mobile defence kerbeus/heavy/accel and stationary defence wyvron/armed/survive. Any builds would be helpful. And I should also mention I only have the standard launchers from the beys that came with them. Again these are the HASBRO series not TT.
Unicrest/Roktavor/Wyvron (W2)?/Dommscizer D2? (? = testing needed) Heavy/Gravity Revolve/Defense
Attack- Valtryek/Roktavor Heavy/Gravity/Force Accel/Zephyr (i recommend Valtryek V2)
1.How good can samurai pegusus be?
2.How cheap can metal face be?
ps.GIVE ME PRE-HIBRID PEGUSUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.How cheap can metal face be?
ps.GIVE ME PRE-HIBRID PEGUSUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It really depends on what you mean here, if you mean keeping Samurai and Pegasus and asking for a specific Track and Bottom combo, then I would recommend Samurai Pegasus CH120/R145 RF.
Here is a testing thread I found for a Pegasus Pegasus combo if you would want to try that out.
Here is a testing thread I found for a Pegasus Pegasus combo if you would want to try that out.
What are Competitive Top tier combos you can make with Kaiser Kerbeus, apart from K2GO?
I have
These are all hasbro beyblades)
LDrago Gurdian (Face Bolt: L-Drago III, Energy Ring: Guardian, Fusion Wheel: L-Drago IV, Spin Track: D125)
Hades Kerbecs (Fusion Wheel: Hades)
Phantom Orion (Face Bolt: Orion, Energy Ring: Orion, Fusion Wheel: Phantom)
Variaries (Fusion Wheel: Variares)
Earth Virgo (Spin Track: GB145)
Earth Eagle (Energy Ring: Eagle, Spin Track: 145)
Ray Striker (Fusion Wheel: Ray)
Rock Zurafa (Fusion Wheel: Rock, Spin Track: Rubber 145 (Without the rubber LOL)
Rock Leone (Face Bolt: Leone, Energy Ring: Leone)
Gravity Destroyer (Energy Ring: Destroyer, Fusion Wheel: Gravity, Spin Track: Armor Defense 145 (AD145)
Storm Pegasus (Face Bolt: Pegasus I)
Ronin Dragoon (Face Bolt (Beybattle Top): Dragoon, Spin Track: Left Wing 160)
Dark Bull (Fusion Wheel: Dark)
Storm Aquario (Energy Ring: Aquario, Spin Track: 100)
Grand Cetus (Energy Ring: Cetus, Fusion Wheel: Grand, Spin Track: WD145)
Hyper Orso (Face Bolt: Orso, Fusion Wheel: Hyper)
Inferno Byxis (Face Bolt: Byxis)
Flame Byxis (Fusion Wheel: Flame)
Cyclone Herculeo (Energy Ring: Herculeo)
Flame Libra (Spin Track: T125)
L Drago (Performance Tip: Flat)
Blitz Unicorno (Spin Track: 100)
Any good combos?
Ps: This took me all day

LDrago Gurdian (Face Bolt: L-Drago III, Energy Ring: Guardian, Fusion Wheel: L-Drago IV, Spin Track: D125)
Hades Kerbecs (Fusion Wheel: Hades)
Phantom Orion (Face Bolt: Orion, Energy Ring: Orion, Fusion Wheel: Phantom)
Variaries (Fusion Wheel: Variares)
Earth Virgo (Spin Track: GB145)
Earth Eagle (Energy Ring: Eagle, Spin Track: 145)
Ray Striker (Fusion Wheel: Ray)
Rock Zurafa (Fusion Wheel: Rock, Spin Track: Rubber 145 (Without the rubber LOL)
Rock Leone (Face Bolt: Leone, Energy Ring: Leone)
Gravity Destroyer (Energy Ring: Destroyer, Fusion Wheel: Gravity, Spin Track: Armor Defense 145 (AD145)
Storm Pegasus (Face Bolt: Pegasus I)
Ronin Dragoon (Face Bolt (Beybattle Top): Dragoon, Spin Track: Left Wing 160)
Dark Bull (Fusion Wheel: Dark)
Storm Aquario (Energy Ring: Aquario, Spin Track: 100)
Grand Cetus (Energy Ring: Cetus, Fusion Wheel: Grand, Spin Track: WD145)
Hyper Orso (Face Bolt: Orso, Fusion Wheel: Hyper)
Inferno Byxis (Face Bolt: Byxis)
Flame Byxis (Fusion Wheel: Flame)
Cyclone Herculeo (Energy Ring: Herculeo)
Flame Libra (Spin Track: T125)
L Drago (Performance Tip: Flat)
Blitz Unicorno (Spin Track: 100)
Any good combos?
Ps: This took me all day
So if I am reading this as the parts from the Beyblade you own are in parenthesis, then you own only one Performance tip? Am I looking at this correctly or no?
Same question as kai
Hey, Just looking for 1-2 decent burst combos. I have:
Roktavor R2/Gravity/Revolve
Kerbeus K2/Limited/Press
Valkyrtek V2/Boost/Variable
My best attempt at 2 combos was to leave V/S/S as it was and have K2/G/R. Any help help is greatly appreciated
Roktavor R2/Gravity/Revolve
Kerbeus K2/Limited/Press
Valkyrtek V2/Boost/Variable
My best attempt at 2 combos was to leave V/S/S as it was and have K2/G/R. Any help help is greatly appreciated
(Mar. 12, 2017 4:10 PM)Xpertranger Wrote: Hey, Just looking for 1-2 decent burst combos. I have:
Roktavor R2/Gravity/Revolve
Kerbeus K2/Limited/Press
Valkyrtek V2/Boost/Variable
My best attempt at 2 combos was to leave V/S/S as it was and have K2/G/R. Any help help is greatly appreciated
It seems like you are already on the right track!
I actually like Roktavor R2 stock, since it has good Defense and stamina for the Hasbro meta. I also like using Valtryek/Valtryek V2 Gravity Variable for attack.
I personally don't like Valtryek being stationary since I find it to self Burst much more.
(Mar. 12, 2017 4:32 PM)Hato Wrote: It seems like you are already on the right track!Are u sure R2 is better than K2 for the gravity/revolve? I just feel like K2 has better defense and isn't too far behind R2 in terms of stamina
I actually like Roktavor R2 stock, since it has good Defense and stamina for the Hasbro meta. I also like using Valtryek/Valtryek V2 Gravity Variable for attack.
I personally don't like Valtryek being stationary since I find it to self Burst much more.
(Mar. 12, 2017 5:36 PM)Xpertranger Wrote: Are u sure R2 is better than K2 for the gravity/revolve? I just feel like K2 has better defense and isn't too far behind R2 in terms of stamina
K2's Defense is alright in my opinion, but I find Roktavor R2 to be more versatile as it has more stamina with a bit less Defense.
Whoops thought my last one didn't send
Hey need stamina
ive got
Ray Unicorno D125CS(No Track)
Burn Phoenix 135MS(Only Track and Tip)
Thermal Lacerta WA130HF
Flame Byxis 230WD
ive got
Ray Unicorno D125CS(No Track)
Burn Phoenix 135MS(Only Track and Tip)
Thermal Lacerta WA130HF
Flame Byxis 230WD
Quote:no i also have ball
Phantom Hades 145/AD145 B
VariAries/Gravity Destroyer GB145/D125 F
Quote:Hey need stamina
ive got
Ray Unicorno D125CS(No Track)
Burn Phoenix 135MS(Only Track and Tip)
Thermal Lacerta WA130HF
Flame Byxis 230WD
Your best bet is probably going to be to just stick with Flame Byxis 230 WD.
Hey guys, I'm kinda new here so I'm not exactly sure how this works but here I go
(Hasbro Burst line)
Valtryek V2
Kerbeus K2
Roktavor R2
Spryzen S2
(Possibly Xcalius + whatever i should buy)
Current Combos:
Wyvron Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Spread Zephyr
Any help is appreciated!
(Hasbro Burst line)
Valtryek V2
Kerbeus K2
Roktavor R2
Spryzen S2
(Possibly Xcalius + whatever i should buy)
Current Combos:
Wyvron Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Spread Zephyr
Any help is appreciated!
(Mar. 13, 2017 9:42 PM)Keïvin Wrote: Hey guys, I'm kinda new here so I'm not exactly sure how this works but here I go
(Hasbro Burst line)
Valtryek V2
Kerbeus K2
Roktavor R2
Spryzen S2
(Possibly Xcalius + whatever i should buy)
Current Combos:
Wyvron Heavy Revolve
Deathscyther Spread Zephyr
Any help is appreciated!
Some decent combos would be:
Valtryek V2/Valtryek Heavy/Knuckle/Gravity/Spread Xtreme/Variable/Maybe Zephyr
Rocktavor/Maybe R2 Heavy/Gravity/Knuckle/Spread/Armed
Kerbeus K2/Wyvron Heavy/Gravity/Knuckle/Spread/Armed
Hey I'm just getting into bayblade once again and I was wondering about making an attack bey with defense like pattern at the moment I only have spryzen s2 and valtrek v2,
Disc: from valtrek Idk official name
So far I get what I want but I want others opinions since I'm just back into this
Disc: from valtrek Idk official name
So far I get what I want but I want others opinions since I'm just back into this
(Mar. 15, 2017 9:15 PM)Pm Wrote: Hey I'm just getting into bayblade once again and I was wondering about making an attack bey with defense like pattern at the moment I only have spryzen s2 and valtrek v2,
Disc: from valtrek Idk official name
So far I get what I want but I want others opinions since I'm just back into this
Well since you only have 2 beys there isn't much you can do :p
But the best you can do is probably
Valtryek V2 Knuckle (Metal part from Spryzen) Unite