(Oct. 30, 2011 2:53 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: D is good only with 230.
FALSE!!! not sure where you get this, first they work out to be about equal, D takes hits better (and SD better still), and D stays balanced longer/better... Have you yourself done multiple comparative tests in various situations to prove this?? I have, it's FAR from true... the best answer is the choice between D/WD/SD comes down to personal preference as the Performance among pretty much all of the D-series is nearly identical overall, they all do the same job a little differently with much the same results.
(Oct. 30, 2011 4:42 PM)bjforlife Wrote: Tips: Rubber flat , Rubber 2 flat, hole flat, bottom sharp, wide defense and flat.
Spin track: ch120, df145,ad145,105,
energy ring: pegasus, aquario, persius,l drago, virgo
metal wheel: hyper, lighting , galaxy , gravity , night
ALL BEYS: gravity persisus , night virgo, galaxy pegasis , lighting l drago, hyper aquario
Please make my cousin and i a great attack, defense and stamina with these parts =]
Attck: Lightning L-Drago CH120RF, Gravity Perseus CH120RF these are great.
You do not have defense or stamina parts at all, you could try:
Night Aquario DF145/AD145WD for stamina, but its not too great, if you get an Earth wheel and/or Basalt then you can build proper defense and stamina combos
The First thing every blader should buy is MF and MF2... Metal Faces are necessary people!! Know them, Live them, LOVE them, find them on eBay if you have to, just get them!!!