(Oct. 03, 2022 3:39 PM)magnetoisbroken Wrote: Rate my combos:If you plan to use these in a tournament, you won't be able to use Dyna and Guilty in the same match because of dupes. (both use Giga)
Dynamite + f gear perseus giga high xtend+’ 3
Guilty longinus giga xtreme’ 2
Vanish bahamut over bearing’ 10
Xiphoid xcalibur xanthus quick’ 1
Greatest Raphael tapered mobius
I would put 10 and Over on Dyna and put 3 on Vanish just because Dyna overall is better and can carry harder. If you have Nexus *and* D Gear or S Gear, I would use that instead of Giga on Guilty. If you don't, then I would use Fortress instead. Giga is still a solid disc for attack, though. I would also swap Bahamut and Longinus on Guilty and Vanish. If you have 0 (armor), I would put that on Vanish instead of 3 and leave 3 unused. If you have Blitz or Illegal or maybe Wheel, I would put that on Greatest instead of Tapered. The synergy of 2 and Guilty is questionable. I've been told that 7 works well with Guilty and 4 looks like it would work as well. 2 should be fine, though.
Dyna: 9/10
Guilty: 9/10
Vanish: 8.5/10
Xiphoid: 8/10
Greatest: 7/10
Do consider: I have few qualifications; I just try to keep up with the meta.