[Beywheelz story] Reach for the Stars

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This seems to be degrading in popularity and detail. It seems kind of dead now. KIU, though. You're doing great.
Well we just had like a test party week at school so ive been trying to squeeze the story in with everything else. It should start getting better soon.
Did you name Lucas and George from Chapter 30 after George Lucas? Gasp
Yah XD I was running out of names. Chapter 31 is up.
That was a pretty good chapter! Can't wait for the next installment. =D
Yay!!! 30 and 31!
I learned some things from those chapters, Roxanne is a terrible strategist, and Seamus and Ryan surprisingly work well together.
Good things to know haha. Chapter 32 might be up tomorrow. Well it will probably be up tomorrow. You know what I'm 99% sure it will be up tomorrow.
(Nov. 06, 2012  12:33 AM)Déjà vu Wrote: You know what I'm 99% sure it will be up tomorrow.

... So you don't know?

Anyways, lol, great story! I haven't been reading for awhile, so I had to catch up! XD
Well, this story is turning out to be quite popular. Congrats on such a hit story.
Thanks! Chapter 32 is up!
Hmm... How did Roxanne and Ryan tie and Seamus and Eli lose? Anyway, good chapter! =)
Ryan has one of dem special wheelz and Roxanne is captain. Plus Kevin has a power type and Carter has speed and both battles were crash. But anyway, thanks! Chapter 33 might be up tomorrow.
True. Very true. Also, can't wait for the next chapter! Smile
Chapter 33 is up! Also, I'm off of school on Friday so if I come to my dads house, I will probably post two chapters, maybe more.
Wow, Kerbecs changed?! Neat! I can't wait for the next chapter(s).

Eli What do you think brought on the change in Kerbecs?

Ryan Why did you allow Team Toxic Tossers to defeat you before Eli?
I should've voted the second one instead of the third one on a poll. This is pretty god, and it looks like it's wrapping up in the next couple of chapters. I hope for a sequel.
I will tell you one thing, its no where close to being done XD theres still nationals and worlds...if they make it wait, i got a second thing, there will be a sequel. I might leak some character info soon.
@Deja vu please look at the last post of page 7
Oops sorry i missed that.
(Question 1)
Eli: It was my supreme awesomeness and coolnessness...ness. yah!
Author: It was just his determination.
(Question 2)
Ryan: I didn't let them beat me, I lost.
Chapter 34 is up! Here is some info on the sequel!

Pretty good chapter, if a bit short. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 35 is up. The State Championships are wrapping up!
Sorry for the double post but I was bored so I wrote chapter 36! Enjoy!
That was a cool chapter! It looked like ares and kronos would win, but Striker and Gil pulled it off!
Thanks! Also, new info on the sequel!