(Jun. 15, 2021 9:50 AM)Lean Walhalla Wrote: For an absorb-beyblade is it better Universe driver or destroy dash ?
I suppose you could say it's similar to Universe, in that it tends to run around at speed earlier and is more stationary later in the match. Even then it's far harder to control over Destroy' or Universe unless your combo is Classic weight, so in Standard it's probably worse than both while being far better in Classic.
(Jun. 16, 2021 11:16 PM)Orbit Wrote: Quick question: what are midfakes?
Midfake are MFB era beys of questionable origin. It's currently unknown if they're authentic or not, and are known for having certain production codes on their boxes, grittier metal pieces, and higher chances of defects or unusual molding on their parts among other flaws.
Cincinnati-based Organizer, and owner of every single currently released TT Burst bey part in at least one color. Hard to think of anything I don't have from MFB either...